#ifndef OPENMM_NONBONDEDFORCE_H_ #define OPENMM_NONBONDEDFORCE_H_ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * OpenMM * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This is part of the OpenMM molecular simulation toolkit originating from * * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of * * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for * * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org. * * * * Portions copyright (c) 2008-2020 Stanford University and the Authors. * * Authors: Peter Eastman * * Contributors: * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * * THE AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "Context.h" #include "Force.h" #include #include #include #include #include "internal/windowsExport.h" namespace OpenMM { /** * This class implements nonbonded interactions between particles, including a Coulomb force to represent * electrostatics and a Lennard-Jones force to represent van der Waals interactions. It optionally supports * periodic boundary conditions and cutoffs for long range interactions. Lennard-Jones interactions are * calculated with the Lorentz-Berthelot combining rule: it uses the arithmetic mean of the sigmas and the * geometric mean of the epsilons for the two interacting particles. * * To use this class, create a NonbondedForce object, then call addParticle() once for each particle in the * System to define its parameters. The number of particles for which you define nonbonded parameters must * be exactly equal to the number of particles in the System, or else an exception will be thrown when you * try to create a Context. After a particle has been added, you can modify its force field parameters * by calling setParticleParameters(). This will have no effect on Contexts that already exist unless you * call updateParametersInContext(). * * NonbondedForce also lets you specify "exceptions", particular pairs of particles whose interactions should be * computed based on different parameters than those defined for the individual particles. This can be used to * completely exclude certain interactions from the force calculation, or to alter how they interact with each other. * * Many molecular force fields omit Coulomb and Lennard-Jones interactions between particles separated by one * or two bonds, while using modified parameters for those separated by three bonds (known as "1-4 interactions"). * This class provides a convenience method for this case called createExceptionsFromBonds(). You pass to it * a list of bonds and the scale factors to use for 1-4 interactions. It identifies all pairs of particles which * are separated by 1, 2, or 3 bonds, then automatically creates exceptions for them. * * When using a cutoff, by default Lennard-Jones interactions are sharply truncated at the cutoff distance. * Optionally you can instead use a switching function to make the interaction smoothly go to zero over a finite * distance range. To enable this, call setUseSwitchingFunction(). You must also call setSwitchingDistance() * to specify the distance at which the interaction should begin to decrease. The switching distance must be * less than the cutoff distance. * * Another optional feature of this class (enabled by default) is to add a contribution to the energy which approximates * the effect of all Lennard-Jones interactions beyond the cutoff in a periodic system. When running a simulation * at constant pressure, this can improve the quality of the result. Call setUseDispersionCorrection() to set whether * this should be used. * * In some applications, it is useful to be able to inexpensively change the parameters of small groups of particles. * Usually this is done to interpolate between two sets of parameters. For example, a titratable group might have * two states it can exist in, each described by a different set of parameters for the atoms that make up the * group. You might then want to smoothly interpolate between the two states. This is done by first calling * addGlobalParameter() to define a Context parameter, then addParticleParameterOffset() to create a "parameter offset" * that depends on the Context parameter. Each offset defines the following: * *
  • A Context parameter used to interpolate between the states.
  • *
  • A single particle whose parameters are influenced by the Context parameter.
  • *
  • Three scale factors (chargeScale, sigmaScale, and epsilonScale) that specify how the Context parameter * affects the particle.
  • *
* * The "effective" parameters for a particle (those used to compute forces) are given by * *
 * charge = baseCharge + param*chargeScale
 * sigma = baseSigma + param*sigmaScale
 * epsilon = baseEpsilon + param*epsilonScale
* * where the "base" values are the ones specified by addParticle() and "oaram" is the current value * of the Context parameter. A single Context parameter can apply offsets to multiple particles, * and multiple parameters can be used to apply offsets to the same particle. Parameters can also be used * to modify exceptions in exactly the same way by calling addExceptionParameterOffset(). */ class OPENMM_EXPORT NonbondedForce : public Force { public: /** * This is an enumeration of the different methods that may be used for handling long range nonbonded forces. */ enum NonbondedMethod { /** * No cutoff is applied to nonbonded interactions. The full set of N^2 interactions is computed exactly. * This necessarily means that periodic boundary conditions cannot be used. This is the default. */ NoCutoff = 0, /** * Interactions beyond the cutoff distance are ignored. Coulomb interactions closer than the cutoff distance * are modified using the reaction field method. */ CutoffNonPeriodic = 1, /** * Periodic boundary conditions are used, so that each particle interacts only with the nearest periodic copy of * each other particle. Interactions beyond the cutoff distance are ignored. Coulomb interactions closer than the * cutoff distance are modified using the reaction field method. */ CutoffPeriodic = 2, /** * Periodic boundary conditions are used, and Ewald summation is used to compute the Coulomb interaction of each particle * with all periodic copies of every other particle. */ Ewald = 3, /** * Periodic boundary conditions are used, and Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME) summation is used to compute the Coulomb interaction of each particle * with all periodic copies of every other particle. */ PME = 4, /** * Periodic boundary conditions are used, and Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME) summation is used to compute the interaction of each particle * with all periodic copies of every other particle for both Coulomb and Lennard-Jones. No switching is used for either interaction. */ LJPME = 5 }; /** * Create a NonbondedForce. */ NonbondedForce(); /** * Get the number of particles for which force field parameters have been defined. */ int getNumParticles() const { return particles.size(); } /** * Get the number of special interactions that should be calculated differently from other interactions. */ int getNumExceptions() const { return exceptions.size(); } /** * Get the number of global parameters that have been added. */ int getNumGlobalParameters() const { return globalParameters.size(); } /** * Get the number of particles parameter offsets that have been added. */ int getNumParticleParameterOffsets() const { return particleOffsets.size(); } /** * Get the number of exception parameter offsets that have been added. */ int getNumExceptionParameterOffsets() const { return exceptionOffsets.size(); } /** * Get the method used for handling long range nonbonded interactions. */ NonbondedMethod getNonbondedMethod() const; /** * Set the method used for handling long range nonbonded interactions. */ void setNonbondedMethod(NonbondedMethod method); /** * Get the cutoff distance (in nm) being used for nonbonded interactions. If the NonbondedMethod in use * is NoCutoff, this value will have no effect. * * @return the cutoff distance, measured in nm */ double getCutoffDistance() const; /** * Set the cutoff distance (in nm) being used for nonbonded interactions. If the NonbondedMethod in use * is NoCutoff, this value will have no effect. * * @param distance the cutoff distance, measured in nm */ void setCutoffDistance(double distance); /** * Get whether a switching function is applied to the Lennard-Jones interaction. If the nonbonded method is set * to NoCutoff, this option is ignored. */ bool getUseSwitchingFunction() const; /** * Set whether a switching function is applied to the Lennard-Jones interaction. If the nonbonded method is set * to NoCutoff, this option is ignored. */ void setUseSwitchingFunction(bool use); /** * Get the distance at which the switching function begins to reduce the Lennard-Jones interaction. This must be * less than the cutoff distance. */ double getSwitchingDistance() const; /** * Set the distance at which the switching function begins to reduce the Lennard-Jones interaction. This must be * less than the cutoff distance. */ void setSwitchingDistance(double distance); /** * Get the dielectric constant to use for the solvent in the reaction field approximation. */ double getReactionFieldDielectric() const; /** * Set the dielectric constant to use for the solvent in the reaction field approximation. */ void setReactionFieldDielectric(double dielectric); /** * Get the error tolerance for Ewald summation. This corresponds to the fractional error in the forces * which is acceptable. This value is used to select the reciprocal space cutoff and separation * parameter so that the average error level will be less than the tolerance. There is not a * rigorous guarantee that all forces on all atoms will be less than the tolerance, however. * * For PME calculations, if setPMEParameters() is used to set alpha to something other than 0, * this value is ignored. */ double getEwaldErrorTolerance() const; /** * Set the error tolerance for Ewald summation. This corresponds to the fractional error in the forces * which is acceptable. This value is used to select the reciprocal space cutoff and separation * parameter so that the average error level will be less than the tolerance. There is not a * rigorous guarantee that all forces on all atoms will be less than the tolerance, however. * * For PME calculations, if setPMEParameters() is used to set alpha to something other than 0, * this value is ignored. */ void setEwaldErrorTolerance(double tol); /** * Get the parameters to use for PME calculations. If alpha is 0 (the default), these parameters are * ignored and instead their values are chosen based on the Ewald error tolerance. * * @param[out] alpha the separation parameter * @param[out] nx the number of grid points along the X axis * @param[out] ny the number of grid points along the Y axis * @param[out] nz the number of grid points along the Z axis */ void getPMEParameters(double& alpha, int& nx, int& ny, int& nz) const; /** * Get the parameters to use for dispersion term in LJ-PME calculations. If alpha is 0 (the default), * these parameters are ignored and instead their values are chosen based on the Ewald error tolerance. * * @param[out] alpha the separation parameter * @param[out] nx the number of dispersion grid points along the X axis * @param[out] ny the number of dispersion grid points along the Y axis * @param[out] nz the number of dispersion grid points along the Z axis */ void getLJPMEParameters(double& alpha, int& nx, int& ny, int& nz) const; /** * Set the parameters to use for PME calculations. If alpha is 0 (the default), these parameters are * ignored and instead their values are chosen based on the Ewald error tolerance. * * @param alpha the separation parameter * @param nx the number of grid points along the X axis * @param ny the number of grid points along the Y axis * @param nz the number of grid points along the Z axis */ void setPMEParameters(double alpha, int nx, int ny, int nz); /** * Set the parameters to use for the dispersion term in LJPME calculations. If alpha is 0 (the default), * these parameters are ignored and instead their values are chosen based on the Ewald error tolerance. * * @param alpha the separation parameter * @param nx the number of grid points along the X axis * @param ny the number of grid points along the Y axis * @param nz the number of grid points along the Z axis */ void setLJPMEParameters(double alpha, int nx, int ny, int nz); /** * Get the parameters being used for PME in a particular Context. Because some platforms have restrictions * on the allowed grid sizes, the values that are actually used may be slightly different from those * specified with setPMEParameters(), or the standard values calculated based on the Ewald error tolerance. * See the manual for details. * * @param context the Context for which to get the parameters * @param[out] alpha the separation parameter * @param[out] nx the number of grid points along the X axis * @param[out] ny the number of grid points along the Y axis * @param[out] nz the number of grid points along the Z axis */ void getPMEParametersInContext(const Context& context, double& alpha, int& nx, int& ny, int& nz) const; /** * Get the PME parameters being used for the dispersion term for LJPME in a particular Context. Because some * platforms have restrictions on the allowed grid sizes, the values that are actually used may be slightly different * from those specified with setPMEParameters(), or the standard values calculated based on the Ewald error tolerance. * See the manual for details. * * @param context the Context for which to get the parameters * @param[out] alpha the separation parameter * @param[out] nx the number of grid points along the X axis * @param[out] ny the number of grid points along the Y axis * @param[out] nz the number of grid points along the Z axis */ void getLJPMEParametersInContext(const Context& context, double& alpha, int& nx, int& ny, int& nz) const; /** * Add the nonbonded force parameters for a particle. This should be called once for each particle * in the System. When it is called for the i'th time, it specifies the parameters for the i'th particle. * For calculating the Lennard-Jones interaction between two particles, the arithmetic mean of the sigmas * and the geometric mean of the epsilons for the two interacting particles is used (the Lorentz-Berthelot * combining rule). * * @param charge the charge of the particle, measured in units of the proton charge * @param sigma the sigma parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the van der Waals radius of the particle), measured in nm * @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the well depth of the van der Waals interaction), measured in kJ/mol * @return the index of the particle that was added */ int addParticle(double charge, double sigma, double epsilon); /** * Get the nonbonded force parameters for a particle. * * @param index the index of the particle for which to get parameters * @param[out] charge the charge of the particle, measured in units of the proton charge * @param[out] sigma the sigma parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the van der Waals radius of the particle), measured in nm * @param[out] epsilon the epsilon parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the well depth of the van der Waals interaction), measured in kJ/mol */ void getParticleParameters(int index, double& charge, double& sigma, double& epsilon) const; /** * Set the nonbonded force parameters for a particle. When calculating the Lennard-Jones interaction between two particles, * it uses the arithmetic mean of the sigmas and the geometric mean of the epsilons for the two interacting particles * (the Lorentz-Berthelot combining rule). * * @param index the index of the particle for which to set parameters * @param charge the charge of the particle, measured in units of the proton charge * @param sigma the sigma parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the van der Waals radius of the particle), measured in nm * @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the well depth of the van der Waals interaction), measured in kJ/mol */ void setParticleParameters(int index, double charge, double sigma, double epsilon); /** * Add an interaction to the list of exceptions that should be calculated differently from other interactions. * If chargeProd and epsilon are both equal to 0, this will cause the interaction to be completely omitted from * force and energy calculations. * * In many cases, you can use createExceptionsFromBonds() rather than adding each exception explicitly. * * @param particle1 the index of the first particle involved in the interaction * @param particle2 the index of the second particle involved in the interaction * @param chargeProd the scaled product of the atomic charges (i.e. the strength of the Coulomb interaction), measured in units of the proton charge squared * @param sigma the sigma parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the van der Waals radius of the particle), measured in nm * @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the well depth of the van der Waals interaction), measured in kJ/mol * @param replace determines the behavior if there is already an exception for the same two particles. If true, the existing one is replaced. If false, * an exception is thrown. * @return the index of the exception that was added */ int addException(int particle1, int particle2, double chargeProd, double sigma, double epsilon, bool replace = false); /** * Get the force field parameters for an interaction that should be calculated differently from others. * * @param index the index of the interaction for which to get parameters * @param[out] particle1 the index of the first particle involved in the interaction * @param[out] particle2 the index of the second particle involved in the interaction * @param[out] chargeProd the scaled product of the atomic charges (i.e. the strength of the Coulomb interaction), measured in units of the proton charge squared * @param[out] sigma the sigma parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the van der Waals radius of the particle), measured in nm * @param[out] epsilon the epsilon parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the well depth of the van der Waals interaction), measured in kJ/mol */ void getExceptionParameters(int index, int& particle1, int& particle2, double& chargeProd, double& sigma, double& epsilon) const; /** * Set the force field parameters for an interaction that should be calculated differently from others. * If chargeProd and epsilon are both equal to 0, this will cause the interaction to be completely omitted from * force and energy calculations. * * @param index the index of the interaction for which to get parameters * @param particle1 the index of the first particle involved in the interaction * @param particle2 the index of the second particle involved in the interaction * @param chargeProd the scaled product of the atomic charges (i.e. the strength of the Coulomb interaction), measured in units of the proton charge squared * @param sigma the sigma parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the van der Waals radius of the particle), measured in nm * @param epsilon the epsilon parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential (corresponding to the well depth of the van der Waals interaction), measured in kJ/mol */ void setExceptionParameters(int index, int particle1, int particle2, double chargeProd, double sigma, double epsilon); /** * Identify exceptions based on the molecular topology. Particles which are separated by one or two bonds are set * to not interact at all, while pairs of particles separated by three bonds (known as "1-4 interactions") have * their Coulomb and Lennard-Jones interactions reduced by a fixed factor. * * @param bonds the set of bonds based on which to construct exceptions. Each element specifies the indices of * two particles that are bonded to each other. * @param coulomb14Scale pairs of particles separated by three bonds will have the strength of their Coulomb interaction * multiplied by this factor * @param lj14Scale pairs of particles separated by three bonds will have the strength of their Lennard-Jones interaction * multiplied by this factor */ void createExceptionsFromBonds(const std::vector >& bonds, double coulomb14Scale, double lj14Scale); /** * Add a new global parameter that parameter offsets may depend on. The default value provided to * this method is the initial value of the parameter in newly created Contexts. You can change * the value at any time by calling setParameter() on the Context. * * @param name the name of the parameter * @param defaultValue the default value of the parameter * @return the index of the parameter that was added */ int addGlobalParameter(const std::string& name, double defaultValue); /** * Get the name of a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the parameter for which to get the name * @return the parameter name */ const std::string& getGlobalParameterName(int index) const; /** * Set the name of a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the parameter for which to set the name * @param name the name of the parameter */ void setGlobalParameterName(int index, const std::string& name); /** * Get the default value of a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the parameter for which to get the default value * @return the parameter default value */ double getGlobalParameterDefaultValue(int index) const; /** * Set the default value of a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the parameter for which to set the default value * @param defaultValue the default value of the parameter */ void setGlobalParameterDefaultValue(int index, double defaultValue); /** * Add an offset to the per-particle parameters of a particular particle, based on a global parameter. * * @param parameter the name of the global parameter. It must have already been added with addGlobalParameter(). * Its value can be modified at any time by calling Context::setParameter(). * @param particleIndex the index of the particle whose parameters are affected * @param chargeScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's charge * @param sigmaScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's sigma * @param epsilonScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's epsilon * @return the index of the offset that was added */ int addParticleParameterOffset(const std::string& parameter, int particleIndex, double chargeScale, double sigmaScale, double epsilonScale); /** * Get the offset added to the per-particle parameters of a particular particle, based on a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the offset to query, as returned by addParticleParameterOffset() * @param parameter the name of the global parameter * @param particleIndex the index of the particle whose parameters are affected * @param chargeScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's charge * @param sigmaScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's sigma * @param epsilonScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's epsilon */ void getParticleParameterOffset(int index, std::string& parameter, int& particleIndex, double& chargeScale, double& sigmaScale, double& epsilonScale) const; /** * Set the offset added to the per-particle parameters of a particular particle, based on a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the offset to modify, as returned by addParticleParameterOffset() * @param parameter the name of the global parameter. It must have already been added with addGlobalParameter(). * Its value can be modified at any time by calling Context::setParameter(). * @param particleIndex the index of the particle whose parameters are affected * @param chargeScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's charge * @param sigmaScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's sigma * @param epsilonScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the particle's epsilon */ void setParticleParameterOffset(int index, const std::string& parameter, int particleIndex, double chargeScale, double sigmaScale, double epsilonScale); /** * Add an offset to the parameters of a particular exception, based on a global parameter. * * @param parameter the name of the global parameter. It must have already been added with addGlobalParameter(). * Its value can be modified at any time by calling Context::setParameter(). * @param exceptionIndex the index of the exception whose parameters are affected * @param chargeProdScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's charge product * @param sigmaScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's sigma * @param epsilonScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's epsilon * @return the index of the offset that was added */ int addExceptionParameterOffset(const std::string& parameter, int exceptionIndex, double chargeProdScale, double sigmaScale, double epsilonScale); /** * Get the offset added to the parameters of a particular exception, based on a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the offset to query, as returned by addExceptionParameterOffset() * @param parameter the name of the global parameter * @param exceptionIndex the index of the exception whose parameters are affected * @param chargeProdScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's charge product * @param sigmaScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's sigma * @param epsilonScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's epsilon */ void getExceptionParameterOffset(int index, std::string& parameter, int& exceptionIndex, double& chargeProdScale, double& sigmaScale, double& epsilonScale) const; /** * Set the offset added to the parameters of a particular exception, based on a global parameter. * * @param index the index of the offset to modify, as returned by addExceptionParameterOffset() * @param parameter the name of the global parameter. It must have already been added with addGlobalParameter(). * Its value can be modified at any time by calling Context::setParameter(). * @param exceptionIndex the index of the exception whose parameters are affected * @param chargeProdScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's charge product * @param sigmaScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's sigma * @param epsilonScale this value multiplied by the parameter value is added to the exception's epsilon */ void setExceptionParameterOffset(int index, const std::string& parameter, int exceptionIndex, double chargeProdScale, double sigmaScale, double epsilonScale); /** * Get whether to add a contribution to the energy that approximately represents the effect of Lennard-Jones * interactions beyond the cutoff distance. The energy depends on the volume of the periodic box, and is only * applicable when periodic boundary conditions are used. When running simulations at constant pressure, adding * this contribution can improve the quality of results. */ bool getUseDispersionCorrection() const { return useDispersionCorrection; } /** * Set whether to add a contribution to the energy that approximately represents the effect of Lennard-Jones * interactions beyond the cutoff distance. The energy depends on the volume of the periodic box, and is only * applicable when periodic boundary conditions are used. When running simulations at constant pressure, adding * this contribution can improve the quality of results. */ void setUseDispersionCorrection(bool useCorrection) { useDispersionCorrection = useCorrection; } /** * Get the force group that reciprocal space interactions for Ewald or PME are included in. This allows multiple * time step integrators to evaluate direct and reciprocal space interactions at different intervals: getForceGroup() * specifies the group for direct space, and getReciprocalSpaceForceGroup() specifies the group for reciprocal space. * If this is -1 (the default value), the same force group is used for reciprocal space as for direct space. */ int getReciprocalSpaceForceGroup() const; /** * Set the force group that reciprocal space interactions for Ewald or PME are included in. This allows multiple * time step integrators to evaluate direct and reciprocal space interactions at different intervals: setForceGroup() * specifies the group for direct space, and setReciprocalSpaceForceGroup() specifies the group for reciprocal space. * If this is -1 (the default value), the same force group is used for reciprocal space as for direct space. * * @param group the group index. Legal values are between 0 and 31 (inclusive), or -1 to use the same force group * that is specified for direct space. */ void setReciprocalSpaceForceGroup(int group); /** * Update the particle and exception parameters in a Context to match those stored in this Force object. This method * provides an efficient method to update certain parameters in an existing Context without needing to reinitialize it. * Simply call setParticleParameters() and setExceptionParameters() to modify this object's parameters, then call * updateParametersInContext() to copy them over to the Context. * * This method has several limitations. The only information it updates is the parameters of particles and exceptions. * All other aspects of the Force (the nonbonded method, the cutoff distance, etc.) are unaffected and can only be * changed by reinitializing the Context. Furthermore, only the chargeProd, sigma, and epsilon values of an exception * can be changed; the pair of particles involved in the exception cannot change. Finally, this method cannot be used * to add new particles or exceptions, only to change the parameters of existing ones. */ void updateParametersInContext(Context& context); /** * Returns whether or not this force makes use of periodic boundary * conditions. * * @returns true if force uses PBC and false otherwise */ bool usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions() const { return nonbondedMethod == NonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic || nonbondedMethod == NonbondedForce::Ewald || nonbondedMethod == NonbondedForce::PME || nonbondedMethod == NonbondedForce::LJPME; } /** * Get whether periodic boundary conditions should be applied to exceptions. Usually this is not * appropriate, because exceptions are normally used to represent bonded interactions (1-2, 1-3, and * 1-4 pairs), but there are situations when it does make sense. For example, you may want to simulate * an infinite chain where one end of a molecule is bonded to the opposite end of the next periodic * copy. * * Regardless of this value, periodic boundary conditions are only applied to exceptions if they also * are applied to other interactions. If the nonbonded method is NoCutoff or CutoffNonPeriodic, this * value is ignored. Also note that cutoffs are never applied to exceptions, again because they are * normally used to represent bonded interactions. */ bool getExceptionsUsePeriodicBoundaryConditions() const; /** * Set whether periodic boundary conditions should be applied to exceptions. Usually this is not * appropriate, because exceptions are normally used to represent bonded interactions (1-2, 1-3, and * 1-4 pairs), but there are situations when it does make sense. For example, you may want to simulate * an infinite chain where one end of a molecule is bonded to the opposite end of the next periodic * copy. * * Regardless of this value, periodic boundary conditions are only applied to exceptions if they also * get applied to other interactions. If the nonbonded method is NoCutoff or CutoffNonPeriodic, this * value is ignored. Also note that cutoffs are never applied to exceptions, again because they are * normally used to represent bonded interactions. */ void setExceptionsUsePeriodicBoundaryConditions(bool periodic); protected: ForceImpl* createImpl() const; private: class ParticleInfo; class ExceptionInfo; class GlobalParameterInfo; class ParticleOffsetInfo; class ExceptionOffsetInfo; NonbondedMethod nonbondedMethod; double cutoffDistance, switchingDistance, rfDielectric, ewaldErrorTol, alpha, dalpha; bool useSwitchingFunction, useDispersionCorrection, exceptionsUsePeriodic; int recipForceGroup, nx, ny, nz, dnx, dny, dnz; void addExclusionsToSet(const std::vector >& bonded12, std::set& exclusions, int baseParticle, int fromParticle, int currentLevel) const; int getGlobalParameterIndex(const std::string& parameter) const; std::vector particles; std::vector exceptions; std::vector globalParameters; std::vector particleOffsets; std::vector exceptionOffsets; std::map, int> exceptionMap; }; /** * This is an internal class used to record information about a particle. * @private */ class NonbondedForce::ParticleInfo { public: double charge, sigma, epsilon; ParticleInfo() { charge = sigma = epsilon = 0.0; } ParticleInfo(double charge, double sigma, double epsilon) : charge(charge), sigma(sigma), epsilon(epsilon) { } }; /** * This is an internal class used to record information about an exception. * @private */ class NonbondedForce::ExceptionInfo { public: int particle1, particle2; double chargeProd, sigma, epsilon; ExceptionInfo() { particle1 = particle2 = -1; chargeProd = sigma = epsilon = 0.0; } ExceptionInfo(int particle1, int particle2, double chargeProd, double sigma, double epsilon) : particle1(particle1), particle2(particle2), chargeProd(chargeProd), sigma(sigma), epsilon(epsilon) { } }; /** * This is an internal class used to record information about a global parameter. * @private */ class NonbondedForce::GlobalParameterInfo { public: std::string name; double defaultValue; GlobalParameterInfo() { } GlobalParameterInfo(const std::string& name, double defaultValue) : name(name), defaultValue(defaultValue) { } }; /** * This is an internal class used to record information about a particle parameter offset. * @private */ class NonbondedForce::ParticleOffsetInfo { public: int particle, parameter; double chargeScale, sigmaScale, epsilonScale; ParticleOffsetInfo() { particle = parameter = -1; chargeScale = sigmaScale = epsilonScale = 0.0; } ParticleOffsetInfo(int parameter, int particle, double chargeScale, double sigmaScale, double epsilonScale) : parameter(parameter), particle(particle), chargeScale(chargeScale), sigmaScale(sigmaScale), epsilonScale(epsilonScale) { } }; /** * This is an internal class used to record information about an exception parameter offset. * @private */ class NonbondedForce::ExceptionOffsetInfo { public: int exception, parameter; double chargeProdScale, sigmaScale, epsilonScale; ExceptionOffsetInfo() { exception = parameter = -1; chargeProdScale = sigmaScale = epsilonScale = 0.0; } ExceptionOffsetInfo(int parameter, int exception, double chargeProdScale, double sigmaScale, double epsilonScale) : parameter(parameter), exception(exception), chargeProdScale(chargeProdScale), sigmaScale(sigmaScale), epsilonScale(epsilonScale) { } }; } // namespace OpenMM #endif /*OPENMM_NONBONDEDFORCE_H_*/