#include "openmm/common/windowsExportCommon.h"
#include "CudaArray.h"
#include "CudaBondedUtilities.h"
#include "CudaExpressionUtilities.h"
#include "CudaIntegrationUtilities.h"
#include "CudaNonbondedUtilities.h"
#include "CudaPlatform.h"
#include "openmm/OpenMMException.h"
#include "openmm/common/ComputeContext.h"
#include "openmm/Kernel.h"
typedef unsigned int tileflags;
namespace OpenMM {
* This class contains the information associated with a Context by the CUDA Platform. Each CudaContext is
* specific to a particular device, and manages data structures and kernels for that device. When running a simulation
* in parallel on multiple devices, there is a separate CudaContext for each one. The list of all contexts is
* stored in the CudaPlatform::PlatformData.
* In addition, a worker thread is created for each CudaContext. This is used for parallel computations, so that
* blocking calls to one device will not block other devices. When only a single device is being used, the worker
* thread is not used and calculations are performed on the main application thread.
class OPENMM_EXPORT_COMMON CudaContext : public ComputeContext {
class WorkTask;
class WorkThread;
class ReorderListener;
class ForcePreComputation;
class ForcePostComputation;
static const int ThreadBlockSize;
static const int TileSize;
CudaContext(const System& system, int deviceIndex, bool useBlockingSync, const std::string& precision,
const std::string& compiler, const std::string& tempDir, const std::string& hostCompiler, CudaPlatform::PlatformData& platformData,
CudaContext* originalContext);
* This is called to initialize internal data structures after all Forces in the system
* have been initialized.
void initialize();
* Get the CUcontext associated with this object.
CUcontext getContext() {
return context;
* Get whether the CUcontext associated with this object is currently a valid contex.
bool getContextIsValid() const {
return contextIsValid;
* Set the CUcontext associated with this object to be the current context. If the context is not
* valid, this returns without doing anything.
void setAsCurrent();
* Get the CUdevice associated with this object.
CUdevice getDevice() {
return device;
* Get the compute capability of the device associated with this object.
double getComputeCapability() const {
return computeCapability;
* Get the index of the CUdevice associated with this object.
int getDeviceIndex() const {
return deviceIndex;
* Get the PlatformData object this context is part of.
CudaPlatform::PlatformData& getPlatformData() {
return platformData;
* Get the number of contexts being used for the current simulation.
* This is relevant when a simulation is parallelized across multiple devices. In that case,
* one CudaContext is created for each device.
int getNumContexts() const {
return platformData.contexts.size();
* Get the index of this context in the list stored in the PlatformData.
int getContextIndex() const {
return contextIndex;
* Get the stream currently being used for execution.
CUstream getCurrentStream();
* Set the stream to use for execution.
void setCurrentStream(CUstream stream);
* Reset the context to using the default stream for execution.
void restoreDefaultStream();
* Construct an uninitialized array of the appropriate class for this platform. The returned
* value should be created on the heap with the "new" operator.
CudaArray* createArray();
* Construct a ComputeEvent object of the appropriate class for this platform.
ComputeEvent createEvent();
* Compile source code to create a ComputeProgram.
* @param source the source code of the program
* @param defines a set of preprocessor definitions (name, value) to define when compiling the program
ComputeProgram compileProgram(const std::string source, const std::map& defines=std::map());
* Convert an array to an CudaArray. If the argument is already an CudaArray, this simply casts it.
* If the argument is a ComputeArray that wraps a CudaArray, this returns the wrapped array. For any
* other argument, this throws an exception.
CudaArray& unwrap(ArrayInterface& array) const;
* Get the array which contains the position (the xyz components) and charge (the w component) of each atom.
CudaArray& getPosq() {
return posq;
* Get the array which contains a correction to the position of each atom. This only exists if getUseMixedPrecision() returns true.
CudaArray& getPosqCorrection() {
return posqCorrection;
* Get the array which contains the velocity (the xyz components) and inverse mass (the w component) of each atom.
CudaArray& getVelm() {
return velm;
* Get the array which contains the force on each atom (represented as three long longs in 64 bit fixed point).
CudaArray& getForce() {
return force;
* Get the array which contains a contribution to each force represented as 64 bit fixed point.
* This is a synonym for getForce(). It exists to satisfy the ComputeContext interface.
CudaArray& getLongForceBuffer() {
return force;
* All CUDA devices support 64 bit atomics, so this throws an exception.
* @return
ArrayInterface& getForceBuffers() {
throw OpenMMException("CUDA platform does not use floating point force buffers");
* Get the array which contains the buffer in which energy is computed.
CudaArray& getEnergyBuffer() {
return energyBuffer;
* Get the array which contains the buffer in which derivatives of the energy with respect to parameters are computed.
CudaArray& getEnergyParamDerivBuffer() {
return energyParamDerivBuffer;
* Get a pointer to a block of pinned memory that can be used for efficient transfers between host and device.
* This is guaranteed to be at least as large as any of the arrays returned by methods of this class.
void* getPinnedBuffer() {
return pinnedBuffer;
* Get a shared ThreadPool that code can use to parallelize operations.
* Because this object is freely available to all code, care is needed to avoid conflicts. Only use it
* from the main thread, and make sure all operations are complete before you invoke any other code that
* might make use of it
ThreadPool& getThreadPool() {
return getPlatformData().threads;
* Get the array which contains the index of each atom.
CudaArray& getAtomIndexArray() {
return atomIndexDevice;
* Create a CUDA module from source code.
* @param source the source code of the module
* @param optimizationFlags the optimization flags to pass to the CUDA compiler. If this is
* omitted, a default set of options will be used
CUmodule createModule(const std::string source, const char* optimizationFlags = NULL);
* Create a CUDA module from source code.
* @param source the source code of the module
* @param defines a set of preprocessor definitions (name, value) to define when compiling the program
* @param optimizationFlags the optimization flags to pass to the CUDA compiler. If this is
* omitted, a default set of options will be used
CUmodule createModule(const std::string source, const std::map& defines, const char* optimizationFlags = NULL);
* Get a kernel from a CUDA module.
* @param module the module to get the kernel from
* @param name the name of the kernel to get
CUfunction getKernel(CUmodule& module, const std::string& name);
* Execute a kernel.
* @param kernel the kernel to execute
* @param arguments an array of pointers to the kernel arguments
* @param threads the maximum number of threads that should be used
* @param blockSize the size of each thread block to use
* @param sharedSize the amount of dynamic shared memory to allocated for the kernel, in bytes
void executeKernel(CUfunction kernel, void** arguments, int workUnits, int blockSize = -1, unsigned int sharedSize = 0);
* Compute the largest thread block size that can be used for a kernel that requires a particular amount of
* shared memory per thread.
* @param memory the number of bytes of shared memory per thread
* @param preferShared whether the kernel is set to prefer shared memory over cache
int computeThreadBlockSize(double memory, bool preferShared=true) const;
* Set all elements of an array to 0.
void clearBuffer(ArrayInterface& array);
* Set all elements of an array to 0.
* @param memory the memory to clear
* @param size the size of the buffer in bytes
void clearBuffer(CUdeviceptr memory, int size);
* Register a buffer that should be automatically cleared (all elements set to 0) at the start of each force or energy computation.
void addAutoclearBuffer(ArrayInterface& array);
* Register a buffer that should be automatically cleared (all elements set to 0) at the start of each force or energy computation.
* @param memory the memory to clear
* @param size the size of the buffer in bytes
void addAutoclearBuffer(CUdeviceptr memory, int size);
* Clear all buffers that have been registered with addAutoclearBuffer().
void clearAutoclearBuffers();
* Sum the buffer containing energy.
double reduceEnergy();
* Get the number of blocks of TileSize atoms.
int getNumAtomBlocks() const {
return numAtomBlocks;
* Get the standard number of thread blocks to use when executing kernels.
int getNumThreadBlocks() const {
return numThreadBlocks;
* Get the maximum number of threads in a thread block supported by this device.
int getMaxThreadBlockSize() const {
return 1024;
* Get whether the device being used is a CPU. In some cases, different algorithms
* may be more efficient on CPUs and GPUs.
bool getIsCPU() const {
return false;
* Get the SIMD width of the device being used.
int getSIMDWidth() const {
return 32;
* Get whether the device being used supports 64 bit atomic operations on global memory.
bool getSupports64BitGlobalAtomics() const {
return true;
* Get whether the device being used supports double precision math.
bool getSupportsDoublePrecision() const {
return true;
* Get whether double precision is being used.
bool getUseDoublePrecision() const {
return useDoublePrecision;
* Get whether mixed precision is being used.
bool getUseMixedPrecision() const {
return useMixedPrecision;
* Get whether the periodic box is triclinic.
bool getBoxIsTriclinic() const {
return boxIsTriclinic;
* Convert a CUDA result code to the corresponding string description.
static std::string getErrorString(CUresult result);
* Get the vectors defining the periodic box.
void getPeriodicBoxVectors(Vec3& a, Vec3& b, Vec3& c) const {
a = Vec3(periodicBoxVecX.x, periodicBoxVecX.y, periodicBoxVecX.z);
b = Vec3(periodicBoxVecY.x, periodicBoxVecY.y, periodicBoxVecY.z);
c = Vec3(periodicBoxVecZ.x, periodicBoxVecZ.y, periodicBoxVecZ.z);
* Set the vectors defining the periodic box.
void setPeriodicBoxVectors(const Vec3& a, const Vec3& b, const Vec3& c) {
periodicBoxVecX = make_double4(a[0], a[1], a[2], 0.0);
periodicBoxVecY = make_double4(b[0], b[1], b[2], 0.0);
periodicBoxVecZ = make_double4(c[0], c[1], c[2], 0.0);
periodicBoxVecXFloat = make_float4((float) a[0], (float) a[1], (float) a[2], 0.0f);
periodicBoxVecYFloat = make_float4((float) b[0], (float) b[1], (float) b[2], 0.0f);
periodicBoxVecZFloat = make_float4((float) c[0], (float) c[1], (float) c[2], 0.0f);
periodicBoxSize = make_double4(a[0], b[1], c[2], 0.0);
invPeriodicBoxSize = make_double4(1.0/a[0], 1.0/b[1], 1.0/c[2], 0.0);
periodicBoxSizeFloat = make_float4((float) a[0], (float) b[1], (float) c[2], 0.0f);
invPeriodicBoxSizeFloat = make_float4(1.0f/(float) a[0], 1.0f/(float) b[1], 1.0f/(float) c[2], 0.0f);
* Get the size of the periodic box.
double4 getPeriodicBoxSize() const {
return periodicBoxSize;
* Get the inverse of the size of the periodic box.
double4 getInvPeriodicBoxSize() const {
return invPeriodicBoxSize;
* Get a pointer to the size of the periodic box, represented as either a float4 or double4 depending on
* this context's precision. This value is suitable for passing to kernels as an argument.
void* getPeriodicBoxSizePointer() {
return (useDoublePrecision ? reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxSize) : reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxSizeFloat));
* Get a pointer to the inverse of the size of the periodic box, represented as either a float4 or double4 depending on
* this context's precision. This value is suitable for passing to kernels as an argument.
void* getInvPeriodicBoxSizePointer() {
return (useDoublePrecision ? reinterpret_cast(&invPeriodicBoxSize) : reinterpret_cast(&invPeriodicBoxSizeFloat));
* Get a pointer to the first periodic box vector, represented as either a float4 or double4 depending on
* this context's precision. This value is suitable for passing to kernels as an argument.
void* getPeriodicBoxVecXPointer() {
return (useDoublePrecision ? reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxVecX) : reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxVecXFloat));
* Get a pointer to the second periodic box vector, represented as either a float4 or double4 depending on
* this context's precision. This value is suitable for passing to kernels as an argument.
void* getPeriodicBoxVecYPointer() {
return (useDoublePrecision ? reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxVecY) : reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxVecYFloat));
* Get a pointer to the third periodic box vector, represented as either a float4 or double4 depending on
* this context's precision. This value is suitable for passing to kernels as an argument.
void* getPeriodicBoxVecZPointer() {
return (useDoublePrecision ? reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxVecZ) : reinterpret_cast(&periodicBoxVecZFloat));
* Get the CudaIntegrationUtilities for this context.
CudaIntegrationUtilities& getIntegrationUtilities() {
return *integration;
* Get the CudaExpressionUtilities for this context.
CudaExpressionUtilities& getExpressionUtilities() {
return *expression;
* Get the CudaBondedUtilities for this context.
CudaBondedUtilities& getBondedUtilities() {
return *bonded;
* Get the CudaNonbondedUtilities for this context.
CudaNonbondedUtilities& getNonbondedUtilities() {
return *nonbonded;
* This should be called by the Integrator from its own initialize() method.
* It ensures all contexts are fully initialized.
void initializeContexts();
* Set the particle charges. These are packed into the fourth element of the posq array.
void setCharges(const std::vector& charges);
* Request to use the fourth element of the posq array for storing charges. Since only one force can
* do that, this returns true the first time it is called, and false on all subsequent calls.
bool requestPosqCharges();
* Get the names of all parameters with respect to which energy derivatives are computed.
const std::vector& getEnergyParamDerivNames() const {
return energyParamDerivNames;
* Get a workspace data structure used for accumulating the values of derivatives of the energy
* with respect to parameters.
std::map& getEnergyParamDerivWorkspace() {
return energyParamDerivWorkspace;
* Register that the derivative of potential energy with respect to a context parameter
* will need to be calculated. If this is called multiple times for a single parameter,
* it is only added to the list once.
* @param param the name of the parameter to add
void addEnergyParameterDerivative(const std::string& param);
* Wait until all work that has been queued (kernel executions, asynchronous data transfers, etc.)
* has been submitted to the device. This does not mean it has necessarily been completed.
* Calling this periodically may improve the responsiveness of the computer's GUI, but at the
* expense of reduced simulation performance.
void flushQueue();
* Compute a sorted list of device indices in decreasing order of desirability
std::vector getDevicePrecedence();
static bool hasInitializedCuda;
double computeCapability;
CudaPlatform::PlatformData& platformData;
int deviceIndex;
int contextIndex;
int numAtomBlocks;
int numThreadBlocks;
bool useBlockingSync, useDoublePrecision, useMixedPrecision, contextIsValid, boxIsTriclinic, hasCompilerKernel, isNvccAvailable, hasAssignedPosqCharges;
bool isLinkedContext;
std::string compiler, tempDir, cacheDir, gpuArchitecture;
float4 periodicBoxVecXFloat, periodicBoxVecYFloat, periodicBoxVecZFloat, periodicBoxSizeFloat, invPeriodicBoxSizeFloat;
double4 periodicBoxVecX, periodicBoxVecY, periodicBoxVecZ, periodicBoxSize, invPeriodicBoxSize;
std::string defaultOptimizationOptions;
std::map compilationDefines;
CUcontext context;
CUdevice device;
CUstream currentStream;
CUfunction clearBufferKernel;
CUfunction clearTwoBuffersKernel;
CUfunction clearThreeBuffersKernel;
CUfunction clearFourBuffersKernel;
CUfunction clearFiveBuffersKernel;
CUfunction clearSixBuffersKernel;
CUfunction reduceEnergyKernel;
CUfunction setChargesKernel;
void* pinnedBuffer;
CudaArray posq;
CudaArray posqCorrection;
CudaArray velm;
CudaArray force;
CudaArray energyBuffer;
CudaArray energySum;
CudaArray energyParamDerivBuffer;
CudaArray atomIndexDevice;
CudaArray chargeBuffer;
std::vector energyParamDerivNames;
std::map energyParamDerivWorkspace;
std::vector autoclearBuffers;
std::vector autoclearBufferSizes;
CudaIntegrationUtilities* integration;
CudaExpressionUtilities* expression;
CudaBondedUtilities* bonded;
CudaNonbondedUtilities* nonbonded;
Kernel compilerKernel;
* This class exists only for backward compatibility. Use ComputeContext::WorkTask instead.
class OPENMM_EXPORT_COMMON CudaContext::WorkTask : public ComputeContext::WorkTask {
* This class exists only for backward compatibility. Use ComputeContext::ReorderListener instead.
class OPENMM_EXPORT_COMMON CudaContext::ReorderListener : public ComputeContext::ReorderListener {
* This class exists only for backward compatibility. Use ComputeContext::ForcePreComputation instead.
class OPENMM_EXPORT_COMMON CudaContext::ForcePreComputation : public ComputeContext::ForcePreComputation {
* This class exists only for backward compatibility. Use ComputeContext::ForcePostComputation instead.
class OPENMM_EXPORT_COMMON CudaContext::ForcePostComputation : public ComputeContext::ForcePostComputation {
} // namespace OpenMM