#ifndef OPENMM_OPENCLNONBONDEDUTILITIES_H_ #define OPENMM_OPENCLNONBONDEDUTILITIES_H_ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * OpenMM * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This is part of the OpenMM molecular simulation toolkit originating from * * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of * * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for * * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org. * * * * Portions copyright (c) 2009-2019 Stanford University and the Authors. * * Authors: Peter Eastman * * Contributors: * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "openmm/System.h" #include "OpenCLArray.h" #include "OpenCLExpressionUtilities.h" #include "openmm/common/NonbondedUtilities.h" #include #include #include #include namespace OpenMM { class OpenCLContext; class OpenCLSort; /** * This class provides a generic interface for calculating nonbonded interactions. It does this in two * ways. First, it can be used to create Kernels that evaluate nonbonded interactions. Clients * only need to provide the code for evaluating a single interaction and the list of parameters it depends on. * A complete kernel is then synthesized using an appropriate algorithm to evaluate all interactions on all * atoms. * * Second, this class itself creates and invokes a single "default" interaction kernel, allowing several * different forces to be evaluated at once for greater efficiency. Call addInteraction() and addParameter() * to add interactions to this default kernel. * * During each force or energy evaluation, the following sequence of steps takes place: * * 1. Data structures (e.g. neighbor lists) are calculated to allow nonbonded interactions to be evaluated * quickly. * * 2. calcForcesAndEnergy() is called on each ForceImpl in the System. * * 3. Finally, the default interaction kernel is invoked to calculate all interactions that were added * to it. * * This sequence means that the default interaction kernel may depend on quantities that were calculated * by ForceImpls during calcForcesAndEnergy(). */ class OPENMM_EXPORT_COMMON OpenCLNonbondedUtilities : public NonbondedUtilities { public: class ParameterInfo; OpenCLNonbondedUtilities(OpenCLContext& context); ~OpenCLNonbondedUtilities(); /** * Add a nonbonded interaction to be evaluated by the default interaction kernel. * * @param usesCutoff specifies whether a cutoff should be applied to this interaction * @param usesPeriodic specifies whether periodic boundary conditions should be applied to this interaction * @param usesExclusions specifies whether this interaction uses exclusions. If this is true, it must have identical exclusions to every other interaction. * @param cutoffDistance the cutoff distance for this interaction (ignored if usesCutoff is false) * @param exclusionList for each atom, specifies the list of other atoms whose interactions should be excluded * @param kernel the code to evaluate the interaction * @param forceGroup the force group in which the interaction should be calculated */ void addInteraction(bool usesCutoff, bool usesPeriodic, bool usesExclusions, double cutoffDistance, const std::vector >& exclusionList, const std::string& kernel, int forceGroup); /** * Add a per-atom parameter that the default interaction kernel may depend on. */ void addParameter(ComputeParameterInfo parameter); /** * Add a per-atom parameter that the default interaction kernel may depend on. * * @deprecated Use the version that takes a ComputeParameterInfo instead. */ void addParameter(const ParameterInfo& parameter); /** * Add an array (other than a per-atom parameter) that should be passed as an argument to the default interaction kernel. */ void addArgument(ComputeParameterInfo parameter); /** * Add an array (other than a per-atom parameter) that should be passed as an argument to the default interaction kernel. * * @deprecated Use the version that takes a ComputeParameterInfo instead. */ void addArgument(const ParameterInfo& parameter); /** * Register that the interaction kernel will be computing the derivative of the potential energy * with respect to a parameter. * * @param param the name of the parameter * @return the variable that will be used to accumulate the derivative. Any code you pass to addInteraction() should * add its contributions to this variable. */ std::string addEnergyParameterDerivative(const std::string& param); /** * Specify the list of exclusions that an interaction outside the default kernel will depend on. * * @param exclusionList for each atom, specifies the list of other atoms whose interactions should be excluded */ void requestExclusions(const std::vector >& exclusionList); /** * Initialize this object in preparation for a simulation. */ void initialize(const System& system); /** * Get the number of force buffers required for nonbonded forces. */ int getNumForceBuffers() const { return numForceBuffers; } /** * Get the number of energy buffers required for nonbonded forces. */ int getNumEnergyBuffers() { return numForceThreadBlocks*forceThreadBlockSize; } /** * Get whether a cutoff is being used. */ bool getUseCutoff() { return useCutoff; } /** * Get whether periodic boundary conditions are being used. */ bool getUsePeriodic() { return usePeriodic; } /** * Get the number of work groups used for computing nonbonded forces. */ int getNumForceThreadBlocks() { return numForceThreadBlocks; } /** * Get the size of each work group used for computing nonbonded forces. */ int getForceThreadBlockSize() { return forceThreadBlockSize; } /** * Get the maximum cutoff distance used by any force group. */ double getMaxCutoffDistance(); /** * Get whether any interactions have been added. */ bool getHasInteractions() { return (groupCutoff.size() > 0); } /** * Given a nonbonded cutoff, get the padded cutoff distance used in computing * the neighbor list. */ double padCutoff(double cutoff); /** * Prepare to compute interactions. This updates the neighbor list. */ void prepareInteractions(int forceGroups); /** * Compute the nonbonded interactions. * * @param forceGroups the flags specifying which force groups to include * @param includeForces whether to compute forces * @param includeEnergy whether to compute the potential energy */ void computeInteractions(int forceGroups, bool includeForces, bool includeEnergy); /** * Check to see if the neighbor list arrays are large enough, and make them bigger if necessary. * * @return true if the neighbor list needed to be enlarged. */ bool updateNeighborListSize(); /** * Get the array containing the center of each atom block. */ OpenCLArray& getBlockCenters() { return blockCenter; } /** * Get the array containing the dimensions of each atom block. */ OpenCLArray& getBlockBoundingBoxes() { return blockBoundingBox; } /** * Get the array whose first element contains the number of tiles with interactions. */ OpenCLArray& getInteractionCount() { return interactionCount; } /** * Get the array containing tiles with interactions. */ OpenCLArray& getInteractingTiles() { return interactingTiles; } /** * Get the array containing the atoms in each tile with interactions. */ OpenCLArray& getInteractingAtoms() { return interactingAtoms; } /** * Get the array containing exclusion flags. */ OpenCLArray& getExclusions() { return exclusions; } /** * Get the array containing tiles with exclusions. */ OpenCLArray& getExclusionTiles() { return exclusionTiles; } /** * Get the array containing the index into the exclusion array for each tile. */ OpenCLArray& getExclusionIndices() { return exclusionIndices; } /** * Get the array listing where the exclusion data starts for each row. */ OpenCLArray& getExclusionRowIndices() { return exclusionRowIndices; } /** * Get the array containing a flag for whether the neighbor list was rebuilt * on the most recent call to prepareInteractions(). */ OpenCLArray& getRebuildNeighborList() { return rebuildNeighborList; } /** * Get the index of the first tile this context is responsible for processing. */ int getStartTileIndex() const { return startTileIndex; } /** * Get the total number of tiles this context is responsible for processing. */ int getNumTiles() const { return numTiles; } /** * Set whether to add padding to the cutoff distance when building the neighbor list. * This increases the size of the neighbor list (and thus the cost of computing interactions), * but also means we don't need to rebuild it every time step. The default value is true, * since usually this improves performance. For very expensive interactions, however, * it may be better to set this to false. */ void setUsePadding(bool padding); /** * Set the range of atom blocks and tiles that should be processed by this context. */ void setAtomBlockRange(double startFraction, double endFraction); /** * Create a Kernel for evaluating a nonbonded interaction. Cutoffs and periodic boundary conditions * are assumed to be the same as those for the default interaction Kernel, since this kernel will use * the same neighbor list. * * @param source the source code for evaluating the force and energy * @param params the per-atom parameters this kernel may depend on * @param arguments arrays (other than per-atom parameters) that should be passed as arguments to the kernel * @param useExclusions specifies whether exclusions are applied to this interaction * @param isSymmetric specifies whether the interaction is symmetric * @param groups the set of force groups this kernel is for * @param includeForces whether this kernel should compute forces * @param includeEnergy whether this kernel should compute potential energy */ cl::Kernel createInteractionKernel(const std::string& source, const std::vector& params, const std::vector& arguments, bool useExclusions, bool isSymmetric, int groups, bool includeForces, bool includeEnergy); /** * Create the set of kernels that will be needed for a particular combination of force groups. * * @param groups the set of force groups */ void createKernelsForGroups(int groups); private: class KernelSet; class BlockSortTrait; OpenCLContext& context; std::map groupKernels; OpenCLArray exclusionTiles; OpenCLArray exclusions; OpenCLArray exclusionIndices; OpenCLArray exclusionRowIndices; OpenCLArray interactingTiles; OpenCLArray interactingAtoms; OpenCLArray interactionCount; OpenCLArray blockCenter; OpenCLArray blockBoundingBox; OpenCLArray sortedBlocks; OpenCLArray sortedBlockCenter; OpenCLArray sortedBlockBoundingBox; OpenCLArray oldPositions; OpenCLArray rebuildNeighborList; OpenCLSort* blockSorter; cl::Event downloadCountEvent; cl::Buffer* pinnedCountBuffer; int* pinnedCountMemory; std::vector > atomExclusions; std::vector parameters; std::vector arguments; std::vector energyParameterDerivatives; std::map groupCutoff; std::map groupKernelSource; double lastCutoff; bool useCutoff, usePeriodic, deviceIsCpu, anyExclusions, usePadding, forceRebuildNeighborList; int numForceBuffers, startTileIndex, startBlockIndex, numBlocks, maxExclusions, numForceThreadBlocks; int forceThreadBlockSize, interactingBlocksThreadBlockSize, groupFlags; long long numTiles; }; /** * This class stores the kernels to execute for a set of force groups. */ class OpenCLNonbondedUtilities::KernelSet { public: bool hasForces; double cutoffDistance; std::string source; cl::Kernel forceKernel, energyKernel, forceEnergyKernel; cl::Kernel findBlockBoundsKernel; cl::Kernel sortBoxDataKernel; cl::Kernel findInteractingBlocksKernel; cl::Kernel findInteractionsWithinBlocksKernel; }; /** * This class stores information about a per-atom parameter that may be used in a nonbonded kernel. */ class OpenCLNonbondedUtilities::ParameterInfo { public: /** * Create a ParameterInfo object. * * @param name the name of the parameter * @param type the data type of the parameter's components * @param numComponents the number of components in the parameter * @param size the size of the parameter in bytes * @param memory the memory containing the parameter values */ ParameterInfo(const std::string& name, const std::string& componentType, int numComponents, int size, cl::Memory& memory) : name(name), componentType(componentType), numComponents(numComponents), size(size), memory(&memory) { if (numComponents == 1) type = componentType; else { std::stringstream s; s << componentType << numComponents; type = s.str(); } } const std::string& getName() const { return name; } const std::string& getComponentType() const { return componentType; } const std::string& getType() const { return type; } int getNumComponents() const { return numComponents; } int getSize() const { return size; } cl::Memory& getMemory() const { return *memory; } private: std::string name; std::string componentType; std::string type; int size, numComponents; cl::Memory* memory; }; } // namespace OpenMM #endif /*OPENMM_OPENCLNONBONDEDUTILITIES_H_*/