# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause """ Helpers for the tests """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from contextlib import contextmanager import json import os from os.path import dirname, join, abspath import re from conda.auxlib.compat import shlex_split_unicode import sys from tempfile import gettempdir, mkdtemp from uuid import uuid4 from pathlib import Path # Some modules import from this one so they don't # have to try/except all the time. try: from unittest import mock # noqa: F401 from unittest.mock import patch # noqa: F401 except ImportError: import mock # noqa: F401 from mock import patch # noqa: F401 from .. import cli from ..auxlib.decorators import memoize from ..base.context import context, reset_context, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol from ..common.compat import encode_arguments from ..common.io import argv, captured as common_io_captured, env_var from ..core.prefix_data import PrefixData from ..core.solve import _get_solver_class from ..core.subdir_data import SubdirData, make_feature_record from ..gateways.disk.delete import rm_rf from ..gateways.disk.read import lexists from ..gateways.logging import initialize_logging from ..history import History from ..models.channel import Channel from ..models.records import PackageRecord from ..models.records import PrefixRecord from ..resolve import Resolve import pytest # The default value will only work if we have installed conda in development mode! TEST_DATA_DIR = os.environ.get( "CONDA_TEST_DATA_DIR", abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "tests", "data")) ) CHANNEL_DIR = abspath(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "conda_format_repo")) EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR = mkdtemp(suffix="-test-conda-channels") expected_error_prefix = "Using Anaconda Cloud api site https://api.anaconda.org" def strip_expected(stderr): if expected_error_prefix and stderr.startswith(expected_error_prefix): stderr = stderr[len(expected_error_prefix) :].lstrip() # noqa return stderr def raises(exception, func, string=None): try: a = func() except exception as e: if string: assert string in e.args[0] print(e) return True raise Exception("did not raise, gave %s" % a) @contextmanager def captured(disallow_stderr=True): # same as common.io.captured but raises Exception if unexpected output was written to stderr try: with common_io_captured() as c: yield c finally: c.stderr = strip_expected(c.stderr) if disallow_stderr and c.stderr: raise Exception("Got stderr output: %s" % c.stderr) def capture_json_with_argv(command, disallow_stderr=True, ignore_stderr=False, **kwargs): stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_inprocess_conda_command(command, disallow_stderr) if kwargs.get("relaxed"): match = re.match(r"\A.*?({.*})", stdout, re.DOTALL) if match: stdout = match.groups()[0] elif stderr and not ignore_stderr: # TODO should be exception return stderr try: return json.loads(stdout.strip()) except ValueError: raise def assert_equals(a, b, output=""): output = "%r != %r" % (a.lower(), b.lower()) + "\n\n" + output assert a.lower() == b.lower(), output def assert_not_in(a, b, output=""): assert a.lower() not in b.lower(), "%s %r should not be found in %r" % ( output, a.lower(), b.lower(), ) def assert_in(a, b, output=""): assert a.lower() in b.lower(), "%s %r cannot be found in %r" % (output, a.lower(), b.lower()) def run_inprocess_conda_command(command, disallow_stderr=True): # anything that uses this function is an integration test reset_context(()) # May want to do this to command: with argv(encode_arguments(shlex_split_unicode(command))), captured(disallow_stderr) as c: initialize_logging() try: exit_code = cli.main() except SystemExit: pass print(c.stderr, file=sys.stderr) print(c.stdout) return c.stdout, c.stderr, exit_code def add_subdir(dist_string): channel_str, package_str = dist_string.split("::") channel_str = channel_str + "/" + context.subdir return "::".join([channel_str, package_str]) def add_subdir_to_iter(iterable): if isinstance(iterable, dict): return {add_subdir(k): v for k, v in iterable.items()} elif isinstance(iterable, list): return list(map(add_subdir, iterable)) elif isinstance(iterable, set): return set(map(add_subdir, iterable)) elif isinstance(iterable, tuple): return tuple(map(add_subdir, iterable)) else: raise Exception("Unable to add subdir to object of unknown type.") @contextmanager def tempdir(): tempdirdir = gettempdir() dirname = str(uuid4())[:8] prefix = join(tempdirdir, dirname) try: os.makedirs(prefix) yield prefix finally: if lexists(prefix): rm_rf(prefix) def supplement_index_with_repodata(index, repodata, channel, priority): repodata_info = repodata["info"] arch = repodata_info.get("arch") platform = repodata_info.get("platform") subdir = repodata_info.get("subdir") if not subdir: subdir = "%s-%s" % (repodata_info["platform"], repodata_info["arch"]) auth = channel.auth for fn, info in repodata["packages"].items(): rec = PackageRecord.from_objects( info, fn=fn, arch=arch, platform=platform, channel=channel, subdir=subdir, # schannel=schannel, priority=priority, # url=join_url(channel_url, fn), auth=auth, ) index[rec] = rec def add_feature_records_legacy(index): all_features = set() for rec in index.values(): if rec.track_features: all_features.update(rec.track_features) for feature_name in all_features: rec = make_feature_record(feature_name) index[rec] = rec def _export_subdir_data_to_repodata(subdir_data, index): """ This function is only temporary and meant to patch wrong / undesirable testing behaviour. It should end up being replaced with the new class-based, backend-agnostic solver tests. """ state = subdir_data._internal_state packages = {} for pkg in index: data = pkg.dump() if pkg.timestamp: data["timestamp"] = pkg.timestamp if "features" in data: # Features are deprecated, so they are not implemented # in modern solvers like mamba. Mamba does implement # track_features minimization, so we are exposing the # features as track_features, which seems to make the # tests pass data["track_features"] = data["features"] del data["features"] packages[pkg.fn] = data return { "_cache_control": state["_cache_control"], "_etag": state["_etag"], "_mod": state["_mod"], "_url": state["_url"], "_add_pip": state["_add_pip"], "info": { "subdir": context.subdir, }, "packages": packages, } def _sync_channel_to_disk(channel, subdir_data, index): """ This function is only temporary and meant to patch wrong / undesirable testing behaviour. It should end up being replaced with the new class-based, backend-agnostic solver tests. """ base = Path(EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR) / channel.name subdir = base / channel.platform subdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(subdir / "repodata.json", "w") as f: json.dump(_export_subdir_data_to_repodata(subdir_data, index), f, indent=2) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) noarch = base / "noarch" noarch.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(noarch / "repodata.json", "w") as f: json.dump({}, f) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) def _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed(name, subdir_data=None): """ This function is only temporary and meant to patch wrong / undesirable testing behaviour. It should end up being replaced with the new class-based, backend-agnostic solver tests. """ # export repodata state to disk for other solvers to test if subdir_data is None: cache_key = Channel(name).url(with_credentials=True), "repodata.json" subdir_data = SubdirData._cache_.get(cache_key) if subdir_data: local_proxy_channel = Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/{name}") SubdirData._cache_[ (local_proxy_channel.url(with_credentials=True), "repodata.json") ] = subdir_data def _patch_for_local_exports(name, subdir_data, channel, index): """ This function is only temporary and meant to patch wrong / undesirable testing behaviour. It should end up being replaced with the new class-based, backend-agnostic solver tests. """ _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed(name, subdir_data) # we need to override the modification time here so the # cache hits this subdir_data object from the local copy too # - without this, the legacy solver will use the local dump too # and there's no need for that extra work # (check conda.core.subdir_data.SubdirDataType.__call__ for # details) _sync_channel_to_disk(channel, subdir_data, index) subdir_data._mtime = float("inf") @memoize def get_index_r_1(subdir=context.subdir): with open(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "index.json")) as fi: packages = json.load(fi) repodata = { "info": { "subdir": subdir, "arch": context.arch_name, "platform": context.platform, }, "packages": packages, } channel = Channel("https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-1/%s" % subdir) sd = SubdirData(channel) with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol ): sd._process_raw_repodata_str(json.dumps(repodata)) sd._loaded = True SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records} add_feature_records_legacy(index) r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel,)) _patch_for_local_exports("channel-1", sd, channel, index) return index, r @memoize def get_index_r_2(subdir=context.subdir): with open(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "index2.json")) as fi: packages = json.load(fi) repodata = { "info": { "subdir": subdir, "arch": context.arch_name, "platform": context.platform, }, "packages": packages, } channel = Channel("https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-2/%s" % subdir) sd = SubdirData(channel) with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol ): sd._process_raw_repodata_str(json.dumps(repodata)) sd._loaded = True SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records} r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel,)) _patch_for_local_exports("channel-2", sd, channel, index) return index, r @memoize def get_index_r_4(subdir=context.subdir): with open(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "index4.json")) as fi: packages = json.load(fi) repodata = { "info": { "subdir": subdir, "arch": context.arch_name, "platform": context.platform, }, "packages": packages, } channel = Channel("https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-4/%s" % subdir) sd = SubdirData(channel) with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol ): sd._process_raw_repodata_str(json.dumps(repodata)) sd._loaded = True SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records} r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel,)) _patch_for_local_exports("channel-4", sd, channel, index) return index, r @memoize def get_index_r_5(subdir=context.subdir): with open(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "index5.json")) as fi: packages = json.load(fi) repodata = { "info": { "subdir": subdir, "arch": context.arch_name, "platform": context.platform, }, "packages": packages, } channel = Channel("https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-5/%s" % subdir) sd = SubdirData(channel) with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "true", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol ): sd._process_raw_repodata_str(json.dumps(repodata)) sd._loaded = True SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records} r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel,)) _patch_for_local_exports("channel-5", sd, channel, index) return index, r @memoize def get_index_must_unfreeze(subdir=context.subdir): repodata = { "info": { "subdir": subdir, "arch": context.arch_name, "platform": context.platform, }, "packages": { "foobar-1.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": ["libbar 2.0.*", "libfoo 1.0.*"], "md5": "11ec1194bcc56b9a53c127142a272772", "name": "foobar", "timestamp": 1562861325613, "version": "1.0", }, "foobar-2.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": ["libbar 2.0.*", "libfoo 2.0.*"], "md5": "f8eb5a7fa1ff6dead4e360631a6cd048", "name": "foobar", "version": "2.0", }, "libbar-1.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": [], "md5": "f51f4d48a541b7105b5e343704114f0f", "name": "libbar", "timestamp": 1562858881022, "version": "1.0", }, "libbar-2.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": [], "md5": "27f4e717ed263f909074f64d9cbf935d", "name": "libbar", "timestamp": 1562858881748, "version": "2.0", }, "libfoo-1.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": [], "md5": "ad7c088566ffe2389958daedf8ff312c", "name": "libfoo", "timestamp": 1562858763881, "version": "1.0", }, "libfoo-2.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": [], "md5": "daf7af7086d8f22be49ae11bdc41f332", "name": "libfoo", "timestamp": 1562858836924, "version": "2.0", }, "qux-1.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": ["libbar 2.0.*", "libfoo 1.0.*"], "md5": "18604cbe4f789fe853232eef4babd4f9", "name": "qux", "timestamp": 1562861393808, "version": "1.0", }, "qux-2.0-0.tar.bz2": { "build": "0", "build_number": 0, "depends": ["libbar 1.0.*", "libfoo 2.0.*"], "md5": "892aa4b9ec64b67045a46866ef1ea488", "name": "qux", "timestamp": 1562861394828, "version": "2.0", }, }, } channel = Channel("https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-freeze/%s" % subdir) sd = SubdirData(channel) with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol ): sd._process_raw_repodata_str(json.dumps(repodata)) sd._loaded = True SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records} r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel,)) _patch_for_local_exports("channel-freeze", sd, channel, index) return index, r # Do not memoize this get_index to allow different CUDA versions to be detected def get_index_cuda(subdir=context.subdir): with open(join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "index.json")) as fi: packages = json.load(fi) repodata = { "info": { "subdir": subdir, "arch": context.arch_name, "platform": context.platform, }, "packages": packages, } channel = Channel("https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-1/%s" % subdir) sd = SubdirData(channel) with env_var("CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", reset_context): sd._process_raw_repodata_str(json.dumps(repodata)) sd._loaded = True SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records} add_feature_records_legacy(index) r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel,)) _patch_for_local_exports("channel-1", sd, channel, index) return index, r def record( name="a", version="1.0", depends=None, build="0", build_number=0, timestamp=0, channel=None, **kwargs, ): return PackageRecord( name=name, version=version, depends=depends or [], build=build, build_number=build_number, timestamp=timestamp, channel=channel, **kwargs, ) @contextmanager def get_solver(tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=()): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_r_1(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-1") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, (Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-1"),), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_2(tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=()): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_r_2(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-2") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, (Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-2"),), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_4(tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=()): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_r_4(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-4") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, (Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-4"),), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_5(tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=()): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_r_5(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-5") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, (Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-5"),), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_aggregate_1( tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=() ): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_r_2(context.subdir) get_index_r_4(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-2") _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-4") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, ( Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-2"), Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-4"), ), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_aggregate_2( tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=() ): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_r_2(context.subdir) get_index_r_4(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-4") _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-2") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, ( Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-4"), Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-2"), ), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_must_unfreeze( tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=() ): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_must_unfreeze(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-freeze") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, (Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-freeze"),), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver @contextmanager def get_solver_cuda( tmpdir, specs_to_add=(), specs_to_remove=(), prefix_records=(), history_specs=() ): tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath pd = PrefixData(tmpdir) pd._PrefixData__prefix_records = { rec.name: PrefixRecord.from_objects(rec) for rec in prefix_records } spec_map = {spec.name: spec for spec in history_specs} get_index_cuda(context.subdir) _alias_canonical_channel_name_cache_to_file_prefixed("channel-1") with patch.object(History, "get_requested_specs_map", return_value=spec_map): with env_var( "CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol, ): # We need CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY=false here again (it's also in # get_index_r_*) to cover solver logics that need to load from disk instead of # hitting the SubdirData cache solver = _get_solver_class()( tmpdir, (Channel(f"{EXPORTED_CHANNELS_DIR}/channel-1"),), (context.subdir,), specs_to_add=specs_to_add, specs_to_remove=specs_to_remove, ) yield solver def convert_to_dist_str(solution): dist_str = [] for prec in solution: # This is needed to remove the local path prefix in the # dist_str() calls, otherwise we cannot compare them canonical_name = prec.channel._Channel__canonical_name prec.channel._Channel__canonical_name = prec.channel.name dist_str.append(prec.dist_str()) prec.channel._Channel__canonical_name = canonical_name return tuple(dist_str) @pytest.fixture() def solver_class(): return _get_solver_class()