Modeling and Inferring Gene Networks

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Documentation for package ‘GeneNet’ version 1.2.13

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GeneNet-package The GeneNet package
arth800 Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
arth800.descr Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
arth800.expr Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
arth800.mexpr Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
arth800.probe Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
arth800.symbol Time Series Expression Data for 800 Arabidopsis Thaliana Genes
cor0.test Test of Vanishing (Partial) Correlation
ecoli Microarray Time Series Data for 102 E. Coli Genes Genes Graphical Gaussian Models: Plotting the Network Graphical Gaussian Models: Assess Significance of Edges (and Directions)
ggm.estimate.pcor Graphical Gaussian Models: Small Sample Estimation of Partial Correlation Graphical Gaussian Models: Simulation of Data
ggm.simulate.pcor Graphical Gaussian Models: Simulation of Networks
hotelling.transform Variance-Stabilizing Transformations of the Correlation Coefficient
kappa2n Relationship Between Sample Size and the Degree of Freedom of Correlation Distribution
n2kappa Relationship Between Sample Size and the Degree of Freedom of Correlation Distribution Graphical Gaussian Models: Plotting the Network
network.make.graph Graphical Gaussian Models: Plotting the Network
network.test.edges Graphical Gaussian Models: Assess Significance of Edges (and Directions) Graphical Gaussian Models: Plotting the Network
num.nodes Graphical Gaussian Models: Plotting the Network
z.transform Variance-Stabilizing Transformations of the Correlation Coefficient