A Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R

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Documentation for package ‘jsonlite’ version 1.1

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base64 Encode/decode base64
base64_dec Encode/decode base64
base64_enc Encode/decode base64
flatten Flatten nested data frames
fromJSON Convert R objects to/from JSON
jsonlite Convert R objects to/from JSON
minify Prettify or minify a JSON string
prettify Prettify or minify a JSON string
prettify, minify Prettify or minify a JSON string
rbind.pages Combine pages into a single data frame
serializeJSON serialize R objects to JSON
stream_in Streaming JSON input/output
stream_in, stream_out Streaming JSON input/output
stream_out Streaming JSON input/output
toJSON Convert R objects to/from JSON
toJSON, fromJSON Convert R objects to/from JSON
unbox Unbox a vector or data frame
unserializeJSON serialize R objects to JSON
validate Validate JSON