Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
obsidroots | no | string | . | |
A list of directory names. For each member of the list, the task constructs subdirectory names by appending `/' followed respectively by the strings in prdssubdir and simopsubdir. Please see the respective parameter descriptions for further information.
entrystage | no | string | makesimlist | makesimlist-imsample-makerateimg-makectsimg-poissonize-detect-fluxtorand-addbits-compare-cleanup |
This allows the user to enter the eimsim
script at one of several places in its processing sequence.
finalstage | no | string | compare | makesimlist-imsample-makerateimg-makectsimg-poissonize-detect-fluxtorand-addbits-compare-cleanup |
This allows the user to exit the eimsim
script at one of several places in its processing sequence.
refband | no | string | 1 | |
Where only one file is required out of a set spanning several energy bands, for example an exposure map to be used to create a detection mask, the band used is specified by this parameter.
prdssubdir | no | string | product | |
For each member of the list obsidroots, the task constructs subdirectory names by appending `/' followed by the string in prdssubdir. The task expects to find input files in the prdssubdir subdirectory, namely a set of template files in the form of XMM products (see section 7 for a detailed description). Product templates from only 1 observation may be present in any one prdssubdir subdirectory.
simopsubdir | no | string | sim_output | |
For each member of the list obsidroots, the task constructs subdirectory names by appending `/' followed by the string in simopsubdir. The task writes observation-specific outputs to this directory.
simgensubdir | no | string | sim_generic | |
The task writes non-observation-specific output to this directory.
streamnumber | no | int | 1 | |
See the eimsimbatch
documentation for a description of this.
idnumber | no | int | 1 | |
See the eimsimbatch
documentation for a description of this.
srcspecset | no | dataset | srcspec.fits | |
This is the name of a FITS dataset which contains specification of the source probability distributions and also band-related specifications. See section 7 for a detailed description. Example files can be found in $SAS_DIR/lib/data/eimsimdata/ .
withsimsources | no | bool | yes | |
If the user sets this to `no', images with no sources will be created. This provides a way to assess the number of false detections.
energyfraction | no | real | 0.95 | |
This parameter is read only if withsimsources is set to `yes'. The value is piped through to the parameter of the same name of task esrcmap.
fluxcutoff | no | real | 2.0e-15 | |
This parameter is read only if withsimsources is set to `yes'. For simulated sources which have fluxes above this value, esrcmap
is called to add an XMM point spread function (PSF) to the simulated image; for sources fainter than this cutoff, srcmap
(no `e') is called, which employs a rotationally-symmetric King function as PSF.
withfluxoffset | no | bool | no | |
This parameter is read only if withsimsources is set to `yes'. If withfluxoffset=`yes', fluxoffset is subtracted from each pixel of the output image of srcmap. The reason for this is to allow the user to compensate for the increase in vignetted background caused by the accumulation of numerous too-faint-to-be-detectable point sources.
fluxoffset | no | real | | |
This parameter is read only if both withsimsources and withfluxoffset are set to `yes'.
dettaskstyle | no | string | auto | user|auto |
The user is able to specify which source detection program or script should be used by the simulations. The user may either choose between alternatives provided in the package, or write their own source-detection script. Matters are somewhat complicated by the need to also provide a `detection preparation' script to eimsimprep. The preparation and detection scripts must match. Some guidance for coordinating these choices at package level is given in section 4.2.5. If dettaskstyle is left at its default of `auto', eimsim
attempts to read the detection style code from a file in the PWD called `eimsim_config'. This config file is written by eimsimprep. Failure to find the file, or non-recognition of the style code, will both generate an error. Otherwise the style code is translated into the name of the detection task to be used. If dettaskstyle is set to `user', the task reads the name of the detection task directly from the parameter dettask.
dettask | no | string | eimsimdetect1xmm | |
This parameter is read if dettaskstyle is set to `user'. It gives the name of the task or script which is to perform the source detection. The user may either choose between alternatives provided in the package, or write their own source-detection script. For users wishing to `roll their own', a description of the `handshaking' required of such a task is given in section 4.3.6.
withdetentrystage | no | bool | no | |
If `yes', the task looks for parameter detentrystage.
detentrystage | yes | string | | |
A parameter to allow the user to enter the detection script (if that's what it is) at one of several points in its processing sequence.
withdetfinalstage | no | bool | no | |
If `yes', the task looks for parameter withdetfinalstage.
detfinalstage | yes | string | | |
A parameter to allow the user to exit the detection script (if that's what it is) at one of several points in its processing sequence.
astest | no | bool | no | |
If `yes', no tasks are called except the source-detection script, which is also passed this parameter value to allow it to do the same.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |