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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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experimental packages

 adaptExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 adapt_mergeExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 attbinBins up attitude into periods of small variation.pdf ChangeLog
 attfilterExposure-specific attitude data filtering and GTI creationpdf ChangeLog
 bin_imageExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 bin_image_mergeExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 catcorrPerform the correction of the positions based on external cataloguespdf ChangeLog
 catprepPrepare the files for catcorr.pdf ChangeLog
 cheeseExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 cheese-bandsExtended Source Analysis Software pdf ChangeLog
 colimchainA script to make a colour-coded hardness image from PPS products.pdf ChangeLog
 colsmoothThis task smoothes a column of a fits file.pdf ChangeLog
 combExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 conv_regExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 eimagecombineScript for EPIC multi-image creationpdf ChangeLog
 eimagegetScript for EPIC multi-image creationpdf ChangeLog
 eimsimA script to make simulated epic images, and perform source detection on them.pdf ChangeLog
 eimsimbatchA script to make simulated epic images, and perform source detection on them.pdf ChangeLog
 eimsimprepPerforms once-only, non-detect-specific setups.pdf ChangeLog
 eimsimreducePerl task which reduces eimsim data.pdf ChangeLog
 ekstestCarries out a Kolmogorov Smirnov test of variability on EPIC data.pdf ChangeLog
 elcplotProduces plots of the net source, background time series and GTIs.pdf ChangeLog
 emosaic_prepEPIC mosaic directory tree builderpdf ChangeLog
 emosaicprocEPIC mosaic processingpdf ChangeLog
 epicspeccombineCombines a list of spectrum files to create one combined spectrum file and the corresponding rmf, arf and bkg filespdf ChangeLog
 epnoiseAlgorithm to reject soft X-ray noise in the EPIC-pn camerapdf ChangeLog
 epspatialctiCorrects an EPIC-pn event file for spatially-dependent CTI effectspdf ChangeLog
 epsplitprocSplit and analyse large epic event filespdf ChangeLog
 esky2detConverts sky coordinates to xmm detector coordinates.pdf ChangeLog
 esourcesSelects EPIC sources for creation of spectra and time series.pdf ChangeLog
 esprep_mosaicExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 evalcorrEvaluate the output of eposcorrpdf ChangeLog
 evarimgenThis task makes an image in which the time-variability of each pixel is colour encoded.pdf ChangeLog
 evprojectCalculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basispdf ChangeLog
 fitsstatPrint the statistical information of the given FITS filepdf ChangeLog
 gtibuildConstructs a GTI table from an ascii description filepdf ChangeLog
 htrframesinitialize the intermediate event lists in HTR modepdf ChangeLog
 imcropThe task crops an image to the specified boundaries.pdf ChangeLog
 imgradThe task calculates gradients of an image.pdf ChangeLog
 immaskThe task makes a mask from an image.pdf ChangeLog
 impoissonizeThe task changes a real-valued image into a Poissonian image.pdf ChangeLog
 imrebinThe task rebins an image.pdf ChangeLog
 imsampleThe task samples an image.pdf ChangeLog
 imweightaddThis task performs a (optionally weighted) sum of input images.pdf ChangeLog
 ingestsrcnamesThis task adds a column IAUNAME, DETID, INCATFLG to the summary source list.pdf ChangeLog
 make_maskExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 make_mask_mergeExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 makethumbsThis task creates thumbnail GIFs around source locations.pdf ChangeLog
 mergeMerges two event (attitude, orbit) files together, reprojecting sky coordinates pdf ChangeLog
 merge_comp_xmmExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 merge_source_listExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 mos_backExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 multiespecgetCreation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMF for multiple event listspdf ChangeLog
 multixmmselectxmmselect for several input filespdf ChangeLog
 odfParamCreatorExtract ODF informationpdf ChangeLog
 playbackPlay back commands applied to a data setpdf ChangeLog
 pn_backExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 point_sourceExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 preferencesPreferences infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 protonExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 proton_scaleExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 psfgenGenerate PSF from ccfpdf ChangeLog
 rgscombineCombines multiple paired Spectrum and Response Matrix files and produce one final result file for eachpdf ChangeLog
 rgsfluxmodelTurn an RGS fluxed spectrum into an XSPEC table modelpdf ChangeLog
 rgslineposCalculate the position of a center of an emission line on the RGS camerapdf ChangeLog
 rgssuperrmfCalls rgmsfgen using information from multiple observations to create one responsepdf ChangeLog
 rot_det_skyExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 slconvConverts XMM ML or summary source lists to gaia or ds9 format.pdf ChangeLog
 sp_partialExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 swcxExtended Source Analysis Softwarepdf ChangeLog
 xmmextractorXMM-Newton data reduction and product generator procpdf ChangeLog

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