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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

eimsimprep (eimsim-2.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
A list of directory names. For each member of the list, the task constructs subdirectory names by appending `/' followed respectively by the strings in prdssubdir and simopsubdir. Please see the respective parameter descriptions for further information.
This allows the user to enter the eimsimprep script at one of several places in its processing sequence.
This allows the user to exit the eimsimprep script at one of several places in its processing sequence.
Where only one file is required out of a set spanning several energy bands, for example an exposure map to be used to create a detection mask, the band used is specified by this parameter.
Permits several ways to generate background maps.
This parameter is read if bkgstyle=`user'. This is a list parameter, which must either have a single entry, or 1 entry for each energy band in the FLUX_SCALES table of the source template set srcspecset. The units are counts per image pixel per second.
This parameter is read if bkgstyle=`user'. It is a list parameter, which must have the same number of elements as bkgrates. The elements, which must be fractions between 0 and 1, represent the fraction of the background amplitude which is to be multiplied by the vignetting function for that band. This vignetted component represents that part of the instrumental background which comprises real x-rays. The non-vignetted remainder represents that part of the instrumental background which is caused by unvignetted cosmic rays and weakly vignetted soft protons.
For each member of the list obsidroots, the task constructs subdirectory names by appending `/' followed by the string in prdssubdir. The task expects to find input files in the prdssubdir subdirectory, namely a set of template files in the form of XMM products (see section [*] for a detailed description). Product templates from only 1 observation may be present in any one prdssubdir subdirectory.
For each member of the list obsidroots, the task constructs subdirectory names by appending `/' followed by the string in simopsubdir. The task writes observation-specific outputs to this directory.
The task writes non-observation-specific output to this directory.
This parameter has a similar function to simopsubdir, but is intended solely to contain the non-vignetted exposure maps which are created by the present task.
See section 2.2 for a description of this parameter.
This is the name of a FITS dataset which contains specification of the source probability distributions and also band-related specifications. See section 5 for a detailed description. Example files can be found in $SAS_DIR/lib/data/eimsimdata/ .
The user is able to specify which source detection program or script should be used by the simulations. The user may either choose between alternatives provided in the package, or write their own source-detection script. Matters are somewhat complicated by the need also to provide a `detection preparation' script to eimsimprep. The preparation and detection scripts must match. Some guidance for coordinating these choices at package level is given in the eimsim package documentation. If dettaskstyle is left at its default of `auto', eimsimprep reads the detection style code from the parameter dettype. This code, which dictates which preparation script to run, is written to a file in the PWD called `eimsim_config', for later reading by eimsim. If on the other hand dettaskstyle is set to `user', eimsimprep reads the name of the preparation task directly from the parameter detpreptask.
A code which indicates which source-detection scheme the simulation is to use.
This parameter is read if dettaskstyle is set to `user'. It gives the name of the task or script which is to perform any necessary once-only preparation for the source detection task. The user may either choose between alternatives provided in the package, or write their own task. For users wishing to `roll their own', a description of the `handshaking' required of such a task is given in section 2.1.
If `yes', no tasks are called except the detpreptask script, which is also passed this parameter value to allow it to do the same.
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01