getParamValues01 | error | |
checkframes=yes and no input events file | ||
readEvents01 | error | |
invalid input events file | ||
frames01 | error | |
checkframes=yes and non-ODF style input frames file | ||
frames02 | error | |
invalid input auxiliary file | ||
frames03 | error | |
no data for CCDID/CCDNODE of events file in auxiliary file | ||
frames04 | error | |
input events file incompatible with auxiliary file | ||
frames05 | error | |
non increasing frame numbers over entire auxiliary file | ||
frames06 | error | |
invalid input counting mode file | ||
frames08 | error | |
a timein value larger than the cycling time has been found | ||
readFrames03 | error | |
invalid input frames file | ||
readFrames04 | error | |
input events file incompatible with frames file | ||
getParamValues10 | warning | |
checkframes=yes and newoutput=no (overwrite).
corrective action: restart from auxiliary file if you wish to reapply FRAMES | ||
getParamValues15 | warning | |
odfeventset not set and checknvalid=Y
or setdeadtime=Y. Skip VALID and CR_DEAD
corrective action: run emframes with odfeventset set if you wish to aply VALID or CR_DEAD | ||
readEvents10 | warning | |
invalid input events file. Skip VALID and CR_DEAD
corrective action: check input events file | ||
flagHk10 | warning | |
invalid input HK GTI file. Skip FLAG_HK
corrective action: check the HK GTI file | ||
frames10 | warning | |
time interval not constant in data, or input file has fewer than
4 frames. Do not check FRMTIME
corrective action: check FRMTIME manually | ||
frames11 | warning | |
the value of CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND in the summary file is invalid.
Use 32767. This is normally all right
corrective action: check FRMTIME manually | ||
frames12 | warning | |
some frames were dropped from the end of the file in analysing
the data due to non-increasing frame numbers
corrective action: check FRMTIME manually | ||
frames13 | warning | |
duplicate frame numbers found in the input file, all but one
were dropped.
corrective action: check in the input auxiliary file that the proper frames were selected for analysis | ||
frames14 | warning | |
some frame numbers were found out of sequence, so the input data
were sorted.
corrective action: none | ||
frames15 | warning | |
frame integration time significantly different
from FRMTIME keyword. Update FRMTIME
corrective action: none | ||
frames16 | warning | |
aberrant time in the auxiliary file. Continue,
flag such frames and ignore or set their time approximately
corrective action: none | ||
frames17 | warning | |
non-increasing time in the auxiliary file. Continue,
flag such frames and ignore or set their time approximately
corrective action: none | ||
valid10 | warning | |
checknvalid=yes and VALID already applied.
Option ignored
corrective action: restart from auxiliary file if you wish to reapply VALID | ||
valid11 | warning | |
checknvalid=yes and events have frame number outside
frame interval in frames file. Continue
corrective action: none | ||
crDead10 | warning | |
setdeadtime=yes and NPIXEL ![]() ![]() ![]() corrective action: none | ||
makeGti13 | warning | |
all frames flagged as bad. Empty output GTI file. Continue
corrective action: check the log (with verbosity set to 4 at least) to know why those frames were rejected | ||
testDrop12 | warning | |
more than 50% time lost. Continue
corrective action: check in the log that nothing went wrong | ||
putGatti10 | warning | |
setgatti=yes, but less than 255 frames. set GATTI=ROW
corrective action: if this results in systematic spGatti11 warnings in emevents, you may add the offset manually | ||
putGatti11 | warning | |
setgatti=yes, GATTI on but no GATTIFLG=1.
Skip PUT_GATTI. The truncated events cannot be identified
corrective action: none. This is hopeless | ||
putGatti12 | warning | |
setgatti=yes, GATTI on and GATTIFLG not found
at expected periodicity. Continue, it may have occurred
within a missing frame
corrective action: if this results in systematic spGatti11 warnings in emevents, do not trust the flare screening light curve | ||
putGatti14 | warning | |
setgatti=yes and interval between two successive GATTI
flags not equal to 510. Skip PUT_GATTI.
The truncated events cannot be identified
corrective action: check the log for frame renumbering messages. If you see where emframes erred, try renumbering the frames manually and run emframes again | ||
createOutput10 | warning | |
incoherence between FRMTIME and GATTIFLG.
Continue anyway (FRMTIME is probably wrong, this does
not affect the processing)
corrective action: inform SOC (this should not occur in any mode) | ||
adjustTimetag10 | warning | |
reconstructed source position is outside CCD. Flag frame and
continue (most likely an attitude error)
corrective action: if this is systematic, the target position RA_OBJ / DEC_OBJ may be wrong. Try providing the source position manually setting srcra/dec |