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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emframes (emframes-5.8.1) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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Input Files

  1. EPIC MOS auxiliary file or frames file (from an earlier run of emframes). Uses all columns and keywords TELESCOP, INSTRUME, OBS_ID, EXP_ID, DATE-OBS, DATE-END.
  2. EPIC MOS event list file for one CCD/node (from ODF/SDF) if odfeventset is set. Uses columns FRAME and PATTERN, and keywords TELESCOP, INSTRUME, OBS_ID, EXP_ID, CCDID, CCDNODE, WINDOWDX, WINDOWDY, FRMTIME, DATATYPE, plus those required by OAL_setState and CAL_setState.
  3. EPIC MOS counting mode file if countingset is set. Uses columns HBRID, FRAMCNTR, ETCOARSE, and ETFINE.
  4. good time intervals from housekeeping (from tabgtigen) if ingtiset is set.
The structure of files in the ODF is described in [1].

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01