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emsaplib (emsaplib-2.30) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

writeBadpix badpixutils_mod module readBadOffsets Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Description / badpixutils_mod module


Aim: Compute Y extent of bad pixels, remove redundancies. Column segments are built only for identical type and status. In case of redundancy, the lower status is kept (uplinked > CCF > new) and for the types the precedence is set as follows: HOT(1) > FLICKERING(2) > PIN_HOLE(4) > DEAD(3) > UNSPECIFIED(5) > INTACT(0)

The routine declaration is:

    subroutine mergeBad(xbad, ybad, yext, tbad, fbad, nbad)

! xbad     : array of RAWX coordinates
! ybad     : array of RAWY coordinates
! yext     : array of RAWY extensions
! tbad     : array of bad pixel types
! fbad     : array of bad pixel status (uplinked, CCF or new)
! nbad     : number of bad pixels

    integer(kind=int16), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: xbad, ybad, yext,  &
                                                        tbad, fbad
    integer,                           intent(inout) :: nbad

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01