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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emsaplib (emsaplib-2.30) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

mergeBad badpixutils_mod module cumulativeBinomial Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Description / badpixutils_mod module


Aim: Read bad offset values in SAS coordinates 1-600. Beware: contains under/overscans < 1 and > 600.

The routine declaration is:

  subroutine readBadOffsets(ev_set, offX, offY, ccdnr)

! ev_set    : Handle to the data set where the OFFSETS extension is
! offX, offY: additional offset values
! ccdnr     : CCD number as CCDNR column (if merged table)

    type(DataSetT),                        intent(in)  :: ev_set
    integer, dimension(-10:EMOS_MAX_X+20), intent(out) :: offX
    integer, dimension(-10:EMOS_MAX_Y+20), intent(out) :: offY
    integer, optional,                     intent(in)  :: ccdnr

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01