XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
esensmap (esensmap-3.12.1) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
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This task creates a sensitivity map giving point source detection upper
limits (vignetting corrected source count rate corresponding to the
likelihood of detection as specified in the parameter file) for each image
pixel. The task may either be called for individual energy bands or
combinations of energy bands and instruments. The upper limits are derived
by assuming Poissonian count statistics in each 3 3 pixel detection
cell, using the exposure and background values read from the input
images. It is assumed that 30% of the PSF fall into the detection
cell. Likelihoods are calculated as function of raw source and background
counts via the incomplete gamma function as described
for eboxdetect. This simple upper limit calculation is meant as a
reference point for a more detailed assessment of the sensitivity of the
detection process to be determined through Monte Carlo simulations.
In the case of multiple input energy bands the upper limits are
expressed in units of counts per seconds for the combined band
(i.e. they refer to the detection sensitivity which would be
achieved by adding up the photons observed in the individual bands).
Pixels outside of the detection mask used by the eboxdetect
detection task as well as pixels with zero exposure time are
assigned a sensitivity value of -1.0. This also holds for pixels
where - due to a failure of the esplinemap backgound task - zero
or negative values occure in the input background maps.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01