XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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calibration packages

 calCalibration Access Layer librarypdf ChangeLog
 calviewAn interactive viewer of the XMM calibration databasepdf ChangeLog
 camtochipCAMCOORD->CHIPCOORD conversion toolpdf ChangeLog
 cifbuildCreates a Calibration Index File for a given observation datepdf ChangeLog
 cifdiffLists the differences between two Calibration Index Filespdf ChangeLog
 cifinsertInsert CCF constituents in an existing Calibration Index Filepdf ChangeLog
 cifremoveRemove entries from an existing Calibration Index Filepdf ChangeLog
 dstoplotFront-end to dsplotpdf ChangeLog
 emdiagAnalyses EPIC-MOS diagnostic imagespdf ChangeLog
 epicbscalgenCompute boresight misalignment Euler angles for EPICpdf ChangeLog
 psfgenGenerate PSF from ccfpdf ChangeLog
 rgsanglesCorrect RGS event positions for spacecraft pointingpdf ChangeLog
 rgsframesPrepares RGS data for rgseventspdf ChangeLog
 siamgenGenerate ASCII SIAM file from CCF::Boresightpdf ChangeLog

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