These are the commands that can be invoked by a client of the database server in order to communicate with it. The commands map onto the commands provided in the database server.
The commands are provided with a Tcl namespace called "dbClientAPI" in order to avoid potential name clashes with procedures that might be defined within the client application using the API. In order to use the client API functions, either:
1) specify the fully-qualified names e.g. ::dbClientAPI::DbStartHandler, or
2) use the "namespace import" command in order to make the API functions available without the leading ::dbClientAPI:: qualification - e.g. namespace import ::dbClientAPI::DbStartHandler will enable the client application to invoke "DbStartHandler" directly.
It is possible to use namespace import ::dbClientAPI::* in order to import all the procedures in the client API. However it is possible in this case that you may encounter a clash of names.
These commands are for initiating, interrogating and stopping the database handler process, and for setting up a connection from the application to the process in order to add, fetch and manipulate the stored data.
Argument list: <directories> <> This command opens a server socket and starts a new handler process in background. The handler process sends back a port number for the client application to use when connecting to the handler.
As this command is now called from within DbHandlerConnection it is not necessary to call it explicitly.
Argument list: <userAgent> <args> This command should only be invoked by the client application after DbStartHandler, which establishes the correct port number to use to communicate with the database server process.
It sets up a client socket with a callback procedure (db_handler_processResponse) which is invoked whenever the socket becomes readable (corresponding to data being sent from the handler). This command then connects to the handler, allowing the other database requests to be made via the appropriate API commands.
Optionally the calling process can specify its own callback procedure which will be invoked each time a broadcast message is received from the handler. The callback function must be defined in the application.
By default the connection is made to a handler process on the local machine, and a new handler will automatically be started if necessary. However a connection can also be made to an existing handler process on a remote machine, provided that the name of the machine and the port number are explicitly specified.
Return 1 on success and 0 on failure
useragent The application name which connects to the handler
Name of a callback function that will be invoked whenever a broadcast message is received from the handler.
The name of the host that the handler process is running on. If the host is not specified then localhost is assumed.
The port number to connect to the handler on. If the host is not set, or is set to localhost, then the command will try to acquire the port number automatically. For remote machines the port number must be specified explicitly.
Name of a file containing the directories data which will be used instead of the default directories.def file.
Argument list: None Argument list: <args> This returns the port number, or -1 if a port number cannot be acquired.
It is a wrapper for db_get_handler_port and takes the same arguments as that command.
Argument list: None Return 1 if the connection exists and is working, return 0 otherwise.
Wrapper for DbRequestStatus command in the handler.
Argument list: None This should return a list of key-value pairs as a simple list of strings.
e.g. "Version 1.3-dev" indicates the handler version number.
Argument list: <DB> For a particular database backend type, this function returns 1 if that backend is supported in the handler, and 0 if not.
The backends can be "def" and "SQLite".
DB The database backend type being checked for
Argument list: None These commands are used for cache a project, update the cache and get data from cache.
Argument list: <project> Argument list: <id> Argument list: <id> Argument list: <id> <item> These are commands for requesting information about the available projects and default directories.
Argument list: None Argument list: None This returns the number of projects currently defined in the user's database.
Argument list: None Returns a list of aliases for the user's data directories.
Argument list: <project> This removes the project reference from the user's database, but the project directory, files and job database are not removed. The project can be restored using the ImportProject command.
project Alias for the project being deleted
Argument list: <alias> <path> This adds a reference to the specified project to the user's database. The project directory and job database must already exist.
Alias the project being added
path the project directory
Argument list: <def_dir> <path> def_dir the default directory name
path the full path of the default directory
Argument list: <def_dir> def_dir the default directory name
Argument list: <project> project Alias for the project which the directory contains
Argument list: <project> project Alias for the project which the directory contains
Argument list: <dirn> Return the name of the project for which the supplied directory path corresponds to the project directory, or an empty string if no match is found.
dirn Path to the directory that is being looked up
Argument list: <dirn> Return the name of the data dir for which the supplied directory path corresponds to the data directory, or an empty string if no match is found.
dirn Path to the directory that is being looked up
Argument list: <def_dir> def_dir the default directory name
Argument list: <args> This command allows the client to retrieve many data items related to several different projects and data dirs in one call.
The syntax is GetDirectoriesData keyword alias [keyword alias ...]
Each pair of arguments consists of a project or data dir alias name following a keyword indicating the data that is to be fetched:
ProjectDir: the path to the directory corresponding to the alias, if it's a project
ProjectDBDir: the path to the database directory for the project
DataDir: the path to the directory corresponding to the alias if it's a data dir
Returns a list with one item resulting from each alias-keyword pair that was supplied.
The name of a project or defdir
A keyword to indicate the data to retrieve (see above)
These functions allow project databases to be created, opened for reading and writing, and closed again.
Argument list: <project> <args> If the first argument doesn't start with a hyphen then it's assumed to be the name of a variable in the calling procedure in which to report any message returned from the handler. All other options must come after this and must start with a hyphen.
Return 1 on success and 0 on failure.
project Alias for the project being opened
Argument list: <project> <db> <messageVar> <args> project Alias for the project being created
db The full directory path of the project database
messageVar Name of a variable to return any messages in
Argument list: <project> The client must previously have opened the project using the OpenProject command, otherwise an error will be returned.
project Alias for the project being closed
Argument list: <project> Return 1 if the connection has write access to the job database for the project, zero otherwise.
-1 is returned in the event of an error.
project Name of the project
Argument list: <project> Return 1 if the connection has read access to the job database for the project, zero otherwise.
-1 is returned in the event of an error.
project Name of the project
Argument list: <project> This command forces the handler to reacquire the lock on the job database for the specified project. This is useful in the case that the handler has lost write access to the project.
Return 1 if the reacquisition was successful, 0 in the case of failure, and -1 if there was an error.
project Name of the project
These are commands for requesting information about the links between the jobs in a project.
Argument list: <project> Argument list: <project> <jobs> Argument list: <project> <jobid> Argument list: <project> <jobid> Argument list: <project> <jobid> Argument list: <project> <jobid> Argument list: <project> <jobid> Argument list: <project> <jobid> These commands provide functions for creating and deleting job records, and for setting and fetching data associated with the jobs.
Argument list: <project> Argument list: <project> <jobid> <> ListJobs invoked with just a project name returns a list of all "top-level" job ids in that project. If a job id is also specified then a list of the subjob ids associated with that job is returned instead.
project Name of the project
jobid (Optional) Job id for which subjobs should be returned
Argument list: <project> Argument list: <project> Creates a new job in the specified job database and returns the job id.
project Alias for the project in which the job is being created
Argument list: <project> <job_id> Removes the specified job id and associated data from the specified project database.
project Alias for the project from which the job is being removed
job_id Number of the job being removed
Argument list: <project> <job_id> project project name
Argument list: <project> <job_id> <item> Returns 1 if the specified data item exists for the named job and project database, and 0 if not.
project Alias of the project
job_id Number of the job being interrogated
item Name of the data item being queried
Argument list: <project> <job_id> <args> This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the server.
project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being set
item1 Item name to set the value of
value1 Corresponding value to set item1 to be
Argument list: <project> <job_id> <args> This returns the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of keys. A list of the corresponding values will be returned.
Retrieving multiple data items in a single GetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to fetch the data from the server.
project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being fetched
item1 Item name to get the value of
Argument list: <project> <item> <pattern> This command returns a list of job numbers where the values of the specified item matches the supplied regular expression pattern.
project Alias of the project database
item Item name being searched on
pattern Regular expression pattern to search on
Argument list: <project> <job_list> <db_display> <db_display_format> This command takes a list of job numbers, a list of item names and a format description, and returns a report as a Tcl list with one job description (generated according to the lists of items and formats) per item.
This can be used to append all database information into one string for display.
project The alias for the project to access
job_list List of job ids
db_display A list of the database parameters to be displayed
db_display_format A list of the field widths (as integers) to use for displaying the items in the db_display list.
Argument list: <project> <jobid> Commands for adding, listing and removing references to the input and output files for jobs.
Argument list: <project> <job_id> <filen> <alias> <> This command wraps the AddFile command.
project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being updated
filen Name of the file to add
alias (optional) Name of a project alias to associate with the file
Argument list: <project> <job_id> <filen> <alias> <> This command wraps the AddFile command.
project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being updated
filen Name of the file to add
alias (optional) Name of a project alias to associate with the file
Argument list: <project> <joblist> <itemlist> This returns the values of multiple data items for a list of given jobs in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of keys. A list of the corresponding values will be returned.
Retrieving multiple data items of multiple jobs in a single GetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to fetch the data from the server.
project Alias of the project database
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being fetched
item1 Item name to get the value of
Argument list: <project> <jobid> <type> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
type 'INPUT' or 'OUTPUT'
Argument list: <project> <jobid> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
Argument list: <project> <jobid> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
These commands dealing with subjobs
Argument list: <project> <jobid> <taskname> <title> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the parent job
taskname Name of the task or application associated with the job
title User-readable title
Argument list: <project> <jobid> <item> <pattern> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
item Item name being searched on
pattern Regular expression pattern to search on
Argument list: <project> <jobid> This command returns 1 if the specified job has an associated subjob database, and 0 if there are no subjobs or if an error occurred.
project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
Argument list: <project> project Alias of the project database
These commands allow interactions with the SQLite database backend which stores knowledge base data.
Argument list: <project> <table> <args> project Alias of the project database
table table name
args attribute-value pairs of the table
Argument list: <project> <table> <recordid> project Alias of the project database
table table name
args attribute-value pairs of the table
Argument list: <project> <table> <condition> project Alias of the project database
table table name
args attribute-value pairs of the table
Argument list: <project> <table> <tableid> <attribute> <value> project Alias of the project database
table table name
tableid the id of the record in the table
attribute the attribute of the value
Argument list: <project> <table> <tableid> <attribute> project Alias of the project database
table table name
tableid the id of the record in the table
attribute the attribute of the value
Argument list: <project> <table> <attributes> project Alias of the project database
table table name
attributes list of attributes
Argument list: <project> <table> <attributes> <condition> project Alias of the project database
table table name
attributes list of attributes
Argument list: <project> <table> <condition> table table name
condition the where clause of SQL
These commands allow interactions with Knowledge base table backend which stores knowledge base data.
Argument list: <project> <DatasetName> <MTZfile> <Fmean> <SigFmean> <args> project project alias
DatasetName An identifier for the dataset
MTZfile The name of the source MTZ file that holds the reflection data for the dataset
Fmean MTZ column label indicates the column that holds the mean structure factors
SigFmean MTZ column label indicates the column with sigmas corresponding to the Fmean values
Argument list: <project> project alias of the project
Argument list: <project> <DatasetName> project alias of project
Argument list: <project> <DatasetName> project alias of the project
Argument list: <project> <DatasetName> <itemName> project alias of the project
itemName attribute of Dataset table
Argument list: <project> <HAid> <itemName> project alias of project
HAid record id in HA table
itemName attribute of HA table
Argument list: <project> <HAfile> <DatasetName> <args> HAfile name of the file containing the data for the current heavy atom substructure in CCP4i's .ha format.
Argument list: <project> <DatasetName> project alias of the project
Argument list: <project> <DatasetName> <HAid> project alias of the project
These commands allow interactions with the SQLite database backend which store addional job data.
Argument list: <project> <jobid> <quality> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
quality the value could be 1, 0 or -1 which indicates good, marginal and bad.
Argument list: <project> <jobid> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
Argument list: <project> Query whether there is an SQLite database associated with the named project. Returns 1 if there is an associated SQLite db, and zero otherwise. Zero is also returned in the event that the request failed for some other reason (e.g. the project hasn't been opened yet).
project Alias of the project database
Argument list: <project> <itemlist> project Alias of the project database
itemlist the attributes of tables
Argument list: <project> <jobid> <items> project Alias of the project database
jobid Number of the job
items item for the job
These commands allow interactions with the SQLite database backend.
Argument list: <dbname> <dir> This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the serve
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being s
Argument list: <job_id> <args> This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the serve
job_id Number of the job for which the data is being s
Argument list: <projectname> This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the server.
dbname Alias of the project database
dir Number of the job for which the data is being set
Argument list: <projectname> This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the server.
dbname Alias of the project database
dir Number of the job for which the data is being set
Argument list: <jobid> <args> This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the server.
dbname Alias of the project database
dir Number of the job for which the data is being set
Argument list: None This sets the values of multiple data items for a particular job in the specified project database. The argument list should consist of key-value pairs.
Setting multiple data items in a single SetData command is recommended as this minimises the number of socket transactions required to send the data to the server.
dbname Alias of the project database
dir Number of the job for which the data is being set
These are commands for configuring attributes of the client API.
Argument list: None The timeout is the length of time that the client API will wait after sending a request to the handler, before giving up and returning control to the client application.
The timeout is a number of milliseconds, with a minimum value of zero.
Argument list: <timeout> timeout Length of the timeout in milliseconds
Functions used internally to the client API.
Argument list: None Remove socket connection and reset internal parameters
Argument list: <messageVar> <command> <args> The request consists of the all arguments in args, excluding the After the request is sent to the handler this procedure waits until a response is recieved i.e. it operates in a pseudo-synchronous manner.
Responses from the handler consist of Tcl lists - the first element in the list is the return value of this procedure, the remainder is returned in the variable named by the last argument in args.
In case of failure, ERROR will be returned.
messageVar Name of variable used to return output to the calling procedure
command Command to be sent to the handler
Argument list: <client> This processes messages recieved from the handler process via the socket connection. Messages should fall into two catergories, either: 1. responses to requests sent via db_handler_request, or 2. unsolicited "broadcast" messages from the handler.
client Socket id
Argument list: None This procedure allows the wait status of the API to be determined by the calling application.
It returns the number of requests queued up and waiting for responses from the database server.
Argument list: None This returns the error message (blank if no error occurred since last time the error was read) and resets the message.
Argument list: None This returns a list with two elements.
The first element is the status returned from the handler in response to the last request sent via the client API.
The second element is the result for that request.
Argument list: <args> This is a fast and dirty way to acquire the port number for the database handler process - it looks at the handler lock file and tries to read the port number from it.
The lockfile is called dbccp4i.LOCK and has the following content:
port number is:4090
The procedure will try multiple attempts to get the port number unless the -nowait option is specified (in which case it will try just once). Multiple tries are used when the handler is starting up and the lock file is not immediately available.
The procedure returns the port number, or -1 if a port number cannot be acquired.
Only try once to get the port number
Name of the (non-default) directories data file
Argument list: <code> <message> The reporting function resets the log file for each new invocation of the client API.
code A code number, not currently used
message The message to echo to the logfile
These are
Argument list: <flag> <> The value of the debug flag determines whether diagnostic output is produced by the DbXML functions - if the flag is zero then no output is produced, otherwise diagnostics are printed to screen.
The function always returns the current status of the debugging flag.
flag (Optional) new value for the debug flag (0 or 1)
Argument list: None Extract and return the version number from the RCS revision string (updated automatically by CVS) for this file.
Argument list: <id> <command> <args> This command wraps the components of a request to the handler in the appropriate XML tags.
Each argument in "args" is wrapped in
command Handler command
args List of arguments for the command
id Request id string
Argument list: <line> <commandVar> <arglistVar> <idVar> Argument list: <args> Argument list: <line> <statusVar> <resultVar> <idVar> Return 1 on success, 0 if there is an error
Argument list: <message> Argument list: <line> <broadcastVar> Return 1 on success, 0 if there is an error
Argument list: <cdata> This function returns the cdata string with any XML special characters (<,> and &) converted to their escaped form ("<", ">" and "&" respectively).
cdata The character data to be converted
Argument list: <cdata> This function returns the cdata string with any escaped XML special characters ("<", ">" and "&") converted to their original (unescaped) form ("<", ">" and "&" respectively).
It turns out that the xml.tcl parser functions perform the unescaping functions automatically, so for now this function is not required. It is retained because it may be useful in future.
cdata The character data to be converted
Functions that replicate those found in the main CCP4i source code. There are made available here so that the full set of CCP4i source files do not need to be loaded, hopefully enabling the creation of lighter weight standalone Tcl applications.
Argument list: None Argument list: None The .CCP4 directory is used to store user-specific CCP4 data.
This code was originally copied from ccp4i/src/system.tcl
Argument list: None Returns the upper-cased platform type e.g. UNIX or WINDOWS.::dbClientAPI::DbStartHandler Start a database handler, or connect to one already running
::dbClientAPI::DbHandlerConnect Open socket and connect to (register with) database handler
::dbClientAPI::DbHandlerDisconnect Disconnect socket from the database handler
::dbClientAPI::DbHandlerPort Return the port number that the handler is using
::dbClientAPI::DbVerifyConnection Check whether the connection to the handler is active
::dbClientAPI::DbInfo Get version and other info about the handler
::dbClientAPI::DbSupported Check whether a particular database backend is supported
::dbClientAPI::DbShutdown Issue shutdown request to the handler
Cache project and update cache
Cache project and update cache
::dbClientAPI::cacheProject store project data in a database array
::dbClientAPI::updateCachedJob update the database array
::dbClientAPI::deleteCachedJob delete a job in the database array
::dbClientAPI::getCachedData get the data from cached project
Projects and Directories
Projects and Directories
::dbClientAPI::ListProjects Fetch a list of project names from the database handler
::dbClientAPI::GetNProjects Request the number of projects
::dbClientAPI::ListDataDirs Ask the database handler to list user's default directories
::dbClientAPI::DeleteProject Ask the database handler to delete a project reference
::dbClientAPI::ImportProject Ask the database handler to add a reference to an existing project
::dbClientAPI::AddDataDirRef Ask the database handler to add default directory reference
::dbClientAPI::DeleteDataDirRef Ask the database handler to delete default directory reference
::dbClientAPI::GetProjectDir Ask the database handler to get a project's directory name
::dbClientAPI::GetProjectDBDir Fetch the database directory for the specified project
::dbClientAPI::IsProjectDir Fetch the project name that matches the supplied directory
::dbClientAPI::IsDataDir Fetch the data dir name that matches the supplied directory
::dbClientAPI::GetDataDir Ask the database handler to get the directory corresponding to a default directory name
::dbClientAPI::GetDirectoriesData Fetch multiple directories data items in one request
Creating, Opening and Closing Projects
Creating, Opening and Closing Projects
::dbClientAPI::OpenProject Ask the database handler to open a project database
::dbClientAPI::CreateProject Ask the database handler to create a project database
::dbClientAPI::CloseProject Close a currently open project database
::dbClientAPI::ProjectWriteable Check if is possible to write to the database
::dbClientAPI::ProjectReadable Check if it is possible to read from the database
::dbClientAPI::ReacquireProject Reload the job database to regain read and write access
Job History
Job History
::dbClientAPI::GetAllFileLinks Ask the database handler to get a project's history link between jobs
::dbClientAPI::GetFileLinks Ask the database handler to get a project's history link between jobs
::dbClientAPI::GetNextJobList Ask the database handler to a job's next job list of a given project
::dbClientAPI::GetAllChildren Return all the jobs which are decendent of this job.
::dbClientAPI::GetChildren Return a job's next job list
::dbClientAPI::GetAllParents Return all the anscendent of a job.
::dbClientAPI::GetParents Return a job's previous job list
::dbClientAPI::GetAllParentsChildren Return all the jobs that related to the given job.
Requesting and Manipulating Job Data
Requesting and Manipulating Job Data
::dbClientAPI::GetNJOB Ask the database handler to get the NJOB of the database
::dbClientAPI::ListJobs Request a list of job ids in a project, or subjobs in a job
::dbClientAPI::GetDbItems Ask the database handler to list items store in database
::dbClientAPI::NewJob Create a new record in a CCP4i project database
::dbClientAPI::DeleteJob Delete a record (job) from a CCP4i project database
::dbClientAPI::Updatetime update a record(job) time.
::dbClientAPI::ItemExists Test for the existence of a data item
::dbClientAPI::SetData Set the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::GetData Return the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::SelectJobs Return a list of jobs matching a regular expression
::dbClientAPI::GetDescription Return a formatted list of jobs in report format
::dbClientAPI::GetNotebook Return notebook path
Input and Output Files For Jobs
Input and Output Files For Jobs
::dbClientAPI::AddInputFile Add a file to the list of input files for a job
::dbClientAPI::AddOutputFile Add a file to the list of output files for a job
::dbClientAPI::GetListofRecords Return a list of records
::dbClientAPI::GetFileList Return a list of files associated with a job. type can be 'INPUT' or 'OUTPUT'
::dbClientAPI::ListInputFiles Return a list of input files for a given job.
::dbClientAPI::ListOutputFiles Return a list of output files for a given job.
Storing and retrieving subjobs
Storing and retrieving subjobs
::dbClientAPI::AddSubJob Add a subjob to an existing job in the project
::dbClientAPI::SelectSubJobs Return a list of jobs matching a regular expression.
::dbClientAPI::HasSubJobs Check if a job has sub jobs.
::dbClientAPI::ListJobswithsubjobs Return a list of jobs which have subjobs
Generic commands for interacting with a SQL Database for a particular project
Generic commands for interacting with a SQL Database for a particular project
::dbClientAPI::NewTableRecord Insert a new record in a table
::dbClientAPI::DeleteTableRecord Insert a new record in a table
::dbClientAPI::DeleteTableRecords Insert a new record in a table
::dbClientAPI::SetTableData Update a record in a table
::dbClientAPI::GetTableData Get value of an attribute in a table
::dbClientAPI::GetAllTableRecords Get value of an attribute in a table
::dbClientAPI::GetTableRecords Get value of an attribute in a table
::dbClientAPI::GetTablePrimaryKey Get the primary key of a record in a table
commands for Knowledge base
commands for Knowledge base
::dbClientAPI::DefineDataset Make a new dataset record with values set for each data item.
::dbClientAPI::ListDatasets Return a list of the DatasetNames in the knowledge base
::dbClientAPI::GetDatasetId get the dataset id
::dbClientAPI::DeleteDataset Remove a dataset
::dbClientAPI::GetDatasetAttribute Return the value of a specified data item in the Dataset table for a particular dataset, or of the current HA substructure associated with the dataset.
::dbClientAPI::GetHAAttribute Return the value of a specified data item in the HA table
::dbClientAPI::NewHASubstructure Defines a new HA substructure, with values set for each data item
::dbClientAPI::ListDatasetHASubstructures Return a list of the HA substructure ids associated with a particular dataset.
::dbClientAPI::UpdateHAForDataset Update current HA for a specified dataset
Interacting with an SQL Database for a particular project
Interacting with an SQL Database for a particular project
::dbClientAPI::SetJobQuality Set Job quality data
::dbClientAPI::GetJobQuality Get Job quality data
::dbClientAPI::HasSQLdb Check if a project has an associated SQL database
::dbClientAPI::GetAllSQLdbData Get all data from sql db
::dbClientAPI::GetSQLdbData Get all data from sql db
Interacting with a central SQL Database
Interacting with a central SQL Database
::dbClientAPI::OpenDBsql Set the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::SetJobDatasql Set the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::NewProjectsql Set the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::NewJobsql Set the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::GetJobDatasql Set the values of one or more data items
::dbClientAPI::CloseDBsql Set the values of one or more data items
Client API Configuration
Client API Configuration
::dbClientAPI::DbGetTimeout Returns the timeout used in db_handler_request
::dbClientAPI::DbSetTimeout Set the timeout used in db_handler_request
Internal Procedures
Internal Procedures
::dbClientAPI::close_db_connection Internal procedure
::dbClientAPI::db_handler_request Send a request to the database handler and return the response.
::dbClientAPI::db_handler_processResponse Handler for messages recieved from the database server.
::dbClientAPI::db_client_requestsPending Returns the number of pending requests within the client API
::dbClientAPI::db_client_error Return the last error message from inside the client API
::dbClientAPI::db_client_response_data Return the results from the last handler response.
::dbClientAPI::db_get_handler_port Return the port number for the active database handler process
::dbClientAPI::db_client_report Report an error or message from the API layer
Handling dbCCP4i pseudo-XML (ClientAPI/dbxml.tcl)
Internal Commands for Wrapping & Unwrapping pseudo-XML
DbXMLSetDebug Query and optionally set the debug flag for DbXML
DbXMLVersion Returns the version of the XML functions
WrapDbRequest Wrap a db_request in pseudo-XML to send to the handler
UnwrapDbRequest Break a db_request pseudo-XML command into components
WrapDbResponse Wrap a db_response in pseudo-XML to send to the handler
UnwrapDbResponse Break a db_response pseudo-XML command into components
WrapDbBroadcast Wrap a broadcast message in pseudo-XML
UnwrapDbBroadcast Break a db_broadcast pseudo-XML message into components
EscapeXmlChars Convert special XML characters to their escaped form
UnescapeXmlChars Convert escaped special XML characters to their original form
CCP4i Functions (ClientAPI/ccp4ilite.tcl)
Duplicates of CCP4i functions that can be used without CCP4i
GetUserId Return the user's id.
GetDotCCP4 Return the location of the .CCP4 directory
GetOPSYS Return the operating system type