A slice can be translated over the other by keeping the left mouse button pressed and dragging the slice. Also, the slice can be moved using the cursor keys (see Key Bindings section). The rotation can be obtained by dragging the slice while keeping the middle mouse button pressed. All rotations are made around the middle of the slice.
If the Transform all option is ON (Options menu), the actual alignment will be preserved for all pairs of two consecutive slices (except the slices actually edited).
The Image Viewer allows you to edit the landmarks. In order to edit the landmarks, the Edit landmarks mode must be set.
A landmark can be selected by clicking inside the triangle that represents the landmark. Once selected, a landmark can be moved, removed or deselected. The landmarks can be also selected consecutively, by clicking anywhere on the slice (not on a landmark). After a so-selected landmark has been moved, the next landmark in the list can be selected in the same way.
In order to move a selected landmark, just click on the new position.
A selected landmark can be removed by choosing the Remove item of the Landmarks menu or pressing the Del key. A landmark can be removed only if the number of landmarks defined for each slice is greater than 2. The corresponding landmark will be removed from each slice so that the number of landmarks is the same for each slice.
You can create a new landmark using the Landmark/Add menu or pressing the Ins key and clicking on the desired position. A new landmark will be created for each slice.The creation of a new landmark can be canceled by pressing Esc.