Data Type: Temporal Spatial Graph ()


A temporal spatial graph is a specialization of Spatial Graph. This data type is organized as a graph with a notion of time steps and tracks. Branching or endpoints of the network are called Events, the curved lines (arcs) connecting events are called Segments. The three dimensional course of a segment is given by a sequence of Steps in 3D space. A set of segments connected by events will be termed a Track, and a Temporal Spatial Graph data object can store several tracks.

Some properties are associated to each track, segment, node and point.

Properties on track:

Properties on segment: Properties on event: Properties on step:

All properties data are displayed in the spreadsheet which is accessible using the Table port. Instead of displaying three tables like Spatial Graph, there are four tables: one for the Tracks, one for the Segments, one for the Events and one for the Steps.

In order to visualize the network of a Temporal Spatial Graph object the module Track View can be used. This data type can be saved or loaded from the file format.

A spreadsheet displaying the information which can be found in the Temporal Spatial Graph is accessible using the Show button from the Table port. Four tables are displayed, one for each graph elements: Events, Steps, Segments and tracks. Each tab contains all information concerning the elements of the temporal spatial graph. This spreadsheet can be exported in Microsoft XML SpreadSheet 2003 format, using the Export as... button.


See the documentation of Spatial Graph.