Module: Track View ()
This module visualizes tracks computed by the compute module Generate Tracks. A track is composed by one or several segments representing the path an object traveled. A track or segment is visualized as a line through 3D space. Each step along the track/segmentd represents the position of the object as a particular time point. An event (node) represents the location and time at which an object changes it's state in the track, e.g. appearance, disappearance, merge or split. Events are displayed as spheres. The module allows selecting the time step until which the tracks/segments/events are being rendered. In addition, a time range can be set to define the time period to be displayed before and after the current time step.Events, Steps and Segments can be highlighted by selecting them in the Temporal Spatial Graph inner spreadsheet or by picking in the viewer.
Spreadsheet selection
One or several items in a same tab can be selected and will be highlighted by a red drawing in the viewer. The selection of a track highlights all the segments, events and steps composing it.
Picking selection
The picked item is highlighted and selected in the spreadsheet. If the Ctrl key pressed down, several items of the same type can be selected or unselected. If the Shift key pressed down, the track corresponding to the picked item is selected.
Warning: The volume rendering avoids to perform picking successfully.
Data [required]
The tracks data object to be displayed.
Time Step
Select the current time step up to which the tracks/segmentes are displayed.
Time Range
Time Range
Enable to adjust the range of time steps to be displayed.Time Step Before
Specify the number of time steps to be dispaly before the current time step.Time Step After
Specify the number of time step to be dispaly after the current time step.
Select if events should be shown or hidden.Coloring
Set the coloring option for the events. It can either be a constant color for all events (see color) or coloring of each event by specifying one of the available data columns for events and an associated colormap (see Colormap).Color
When the coloring is set to constant, the constant color can be changed using this control.Colormap
When the coloring is set using a data column, values from this attribute are colored using a colormap that maps attribute values to colors. The type of the colormap affects this mapping as well as the range of the colormap. Range parameters can be changed graphically and advanced controls (e.g., colormap type) are available by pressing Edit button.Scale
Choose a global scale factor for the size of the event visualization.
Select if segments should be shown or hidden.Coloring
Set the coloring option for the segments. It can either be a constant color for all segments (see color) or coloring of each segment by specifying one of the available data columns for segments and an associated colormap (see Colormap).Color
When the coloring is set to constant, the constant color can be changed using this control.Colormap
When the coloring is set using a data column, values from this attribute are colored using a colormap that maps attribute values to colors. The type of the colormap affects this mapping as well as the range of the colormap. Range parameters can be changed graphically and advanced controls (e.g., colormap type) are available by pressing Edit button.Scale
Choose a global scale factor for the size of the segment visualization.
Select if steps should be shown or hidden.Coloring
Set the coloring option for the steps. It can either be a constant color for all steps (see color) or coloring of each step by specifying one of the available data columns for steps and an associated colormap (see Colormap).Color
When the coloring is set to constant, the constant color can be changed using this control.Colormap
When the coloring is set using a data column, values from this attribute are colored using a colormap that maps attribute values to colors. The type of the colormap affects this mapping as well as the range of the colormap. Range parameters can be changed graphically and advanced controls (e.g., colormap type) are available by pressing Edit button.Scale
Choose a global scale factor for the size of the step visualization.