Module: Component Field ()


This module is a special data object which helps you to analyze uniform complex scalar fields. The class itself is a uniform real scalar field. However, it can be attached to a complex scalar field like an ordinary display module. The component field provides an option menu allowing you to select which real quantity should be computed from the complex input values. These real quantities may be visualized using standard modules like Ortho Slice, Isosurface, or Volume Rendering.


ComplexField [required]
Complex scalar field for which a real quantity should be computed. Only float and double are supported as primitive types. Consider using Convert Image Type to convert your data first.


Component Field

Specifies the real quantity to be computed. Possible choices are Real Part, Imaginary Part, Magnitude, and Phase. The phase is defined in radians ranging from to .

Shared colormap

In case a colormap is connected to the scalar field, this colormap will be shown here. If no colormap is connected, only the Edit menu is visible. To connect, disconnect or change the colormap, use the Edit menu or, equivalently, the popup menu under the right mouse button. See also Colormap and PortSharedColormap.