Editor: Molecule Editor ()



This tool can be used to change the geometry and topology of a Molecule data object. To change group attributes, you can use the Attribute Editor.

Most of the editor's functions are applied to the set if selected atoms, Atoms can be selected by using the selection browser or by directly clicking on atoms in the viewer.

The molecule editor, Figure 1, has three tabs:

Additionally several menus exists to manipulate the display, assign or change chemical properties and to create new levels or attributes.

Preparing the Molecule

Many of the editing methods of the Molecule Editor need to compute chemical properties of the moleculem which are derived from fixed properties representing the atomic configuration, namely the valency of the atoms, its atomic number and its formal charge. The atomic number is a mandatory attribute of the atom level and the valency is represented as explicit bonds in the molecular data structure and as an additional number of implicit hydrogens.

The implicit hydrogen number and the formal charge can be supplied as attributes of the atom level. When the editor starts, this information will be read from the formal_charge and implicit_hnum attributes. If no such attribute exists, they are set to 0 for each atom. Often this is incorrect. PDB files for example usually don't contain hydrogens and the number of implicit hydrogens therefore needs to be adjusted. It is not possible to generate such missing information without further guidance from the user, as the way in which this information needs to be generated depends on how the molecule was generated. The Editor, however, offers a set of tools which allow generating this information easily for most typical cases. The tools menu allows the user to assign a standard implicit hydrogen number a implicit hydrogen number and formal charges. For molecules which contain neither a formal_charge attribute nor explicit hydrogens or an implicit_hnum attribute, you need to use the first method. It will assign sufficient hydrogens to each atom to reach its most common valency. After this you may need to adjust valencies and formal charges. If the formal_charge attribute is known, you should use the second method instead. It will consider changes in the standard valencies caused by the electron transfer. If all hydrogens are known, use the third method which will adjust formal charges to reach standard valencies. You can always check these internal properties by enabling them as labels in the 'view' menu.

As mentioned earlier, this information may change during the editing process. When the editor is closed by pressing the OK button the current state will be written into the atom level attributes.

The View Menu

The view menu allows the user to adjust some visualization properties of the MolView that is used by the editor. 'Hide H' will hide or show the hydrogen atoms. Additionally labels can activated which show important atomic properties:

The Tools Menu

Transform Tab

Figure 1: Transform Tab

The transform tab is divided into four different sections. Each section can be used to adjust certain coordinates of the currently selected atoms. The different coordinate types are:

Coordinates can be set absolute or relative to their current value. In each section, the upper row (with gray background) displays the current absolute value. In the lower row (with white background) you can enter a new value. In the right part of each section are three buttons. The first button transforms the coordinate while assuming that the entered value is an absolute value. The second button simply applies the transformation with the entered value text as a relative difference. The third button will activate a dragger in the viewer for adjusting the coordinate interactively. The Molecule Measurement module can be used to display currently edited bonds or angles.

Which buttons can be used and which are disabled depends on the number of currently selected atoms.

An additional toggle button can be found in the Bond Angle section. If this toggle is activated, the interactive adjustment with the dragger will cause both bonds to be bent symmetrically, otherwise only one bond will be bent.

The position dragger can be moved on the plane determined by the face of the cubic dragger you click on. You can additionally rotate the selected groups by dragging the green knobs.

Tools Tab

Figure 2: Tools Tab

The tools tab is subdivided into two sections:

Change Topology

The cut button will cut the currently selected groups out of the molecule. The split button will do the same but will copy the groups into a new molecule which will be added in the Project View. The copy button will leave the current molecule unchanged while copying the selected groups into a new molecule which will be added to the Project View. When pressing the add button, a window will open which will let you choose another molecule in the Project View whose groups you want to add to the current molecule.


The Connection section offers different options for influencing the bonding of the currently selected atoms On the right side of the interface are buttons for adding or removing bonds between the currently selected atoms. The set of bonds which will be added or removed will depend on the connection mode that you can choose on the left side of the interface.


Adding atoms or groups is accomplished by selecting a single atom and replacing it with a new one. Usually, the selected atom would be a hydrogen, but you can replace heavy atoms as well. Hydrogens for the new parts are automatically added.

The atoms section contains buttons to add atoms of commonly used elements in organic chemistry. With the '->' button you can activate a periodic table to select less common elements. Other buttons in this section are:

The carbon chains / rings section allows the user to add carbon chains or cyclocarbons. The number of the carbon atoms can be adjusted and the hybridization can be selected, with 'sp2' creating chains of the form C=CC=C... or aromatic rings.

The bonds section contains buttons to add bonds, replace bond order or, delete bonds. You need to select two atoms. Clicking on '-' will create a single, '=' a double, '#' a triple, and '~' an aromatic bond. If the atoms were already connected the bond order will be simply changed. We advise against assigning aromatic bonds by hand. There is no clear definition of what constitutes 'aromaticity' and creating aromatic bonds outside of ring structures can result in some chemo informatics algorithms of the editor returning incorrect result. Instead, always assign Kekule structures. You can then assign aromatic bond orders by using the 'Dekekulize' tool which guarantees that the internal data-structures stay chemically consistent.

Button Group

Figure 3: Button Group of the Molecule Editor

Creating Molecules from Scratch

The editor can only be invoked when a molecule already exists. To create a molecule from scratch you can use the following Tcl command:

	newMolFromSmiles <SMILES>

which will generate a molecule from a smiles string [2]. If you want to use square brackets '[' and ']' you need to enclose the SMILES in curly brackets to avoid Tcl command substitution. This is also necessary for the bond direction identifier '\' which is usually interpreted as an escape character. Examples:

	newMolFromSmiles c1ccnc(C)c1
	newMolFromSmiles {C[O-]}
	newMolFromSmiles {F/C=C\F}

Scripting Interface

Most functions of the MoleculeEditor are scriptable. An editor associated with a molecule may be created with the command

	set <myEditor> [ <moleculeObject> createMoleculeEditor ]
where <moleculeObject> is the name of the molecule object as it appears in the Project View and myEditor is an arbitrary tcl variable that will contain the name of the created editor object and which can then be used with the following commands:

	replaceAtomAtomicNum <atomicNumber>
	replaceAtomSmiles <smilesStr>


[1] Halgren,T.A. Merck molecular force field. I. Basis, form, scope, parameterization, and performance of MMFF94. J.Comp.Chem., 17, 490-519 1996. [2] Weininger,D. 'SMILES, a chemical language and information system. 1. Introduction to methodology and encoding rules', J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 28, 31 - 36 1988.