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Module: Local Thresholding (Avizo)


The module provides algorithms to perform a binary segmentation of an image stack into foreground and background objects. The output of the module is a label image. The algorithms work best if multiple small objects need to be segmented before a slowly varying background.

Some of the thresholding algorithms require larger amounts of main memory for their operation (Niblack, Oberlaender, Mardia-Hainsworth). Floating point resolution buffers will be allocated based on the input image size.


Data [required]
Connect an image data set for which the threshold operation should be performed.



The choice of the algorithm will depend on the statistics of the input data. Select one of the provided algorithms based on the resulting segmentation quality and the requirements of memory and processing time.

Backward compatibility: this module had originally three additional algorithms. They are deprecated and could safely be replaced by other modules:


If the algorithm selected generates intermediate volumes they can be exported into the project view. Alternative segmentation algorithm might be based on the generated data.


This port allows the user to specify the size of the objects that are present in the image. By default, 1/5-th of the dimensions of the image are used. For the Mardia-Hainsworth algorithm instead a filter size (3x3x3) is used which does not depend on the object size.


Used as heuristic values by the Niblack and Oberlaender algorithms only. The default values for Niblack is -0.2, for Oberlaender a value of 0.75 is set. Adjust these values to influence the size and number of foreground objects segmented. The values can savely be adjusted outside the default range provided by the slider.


This value is used for the Niblack algorithm only. Its value is set to a value at half the data range. The algorithm is relatively insensity to changes in this value.