Module: ROI Box Seismic ()


The seismic ROI Box module is a specialized ROI Box For Volume Rendering module provided for convenience in seismic visualizations. This module can be attached to a seismic volume data object in order to define a region-of-interest with the shape of an axis-aligned 3D box. This box can be used to restrict the output of many visualization modules e.g., CroppedVolume, Inline, Crossline, Time Slice... A special port (Coordinate system) allows the display of UTM or Crossline/Inline/Time box coordinates values.


Data [required]
Connection to a seismic volume data object which defines the maximum size of the region-of-interest. Only the bounding box of the data object but not the data itself is interpreted by this module.



Voxels within the ROI are rendered; voxels outside the ROI are not rendered. The ROI box and the subvolume box are specified in slice coordinates. The limits are included in the ROI. The region defined by the ROI box always acts upon the region defined by the subvolume, not the entire volume. For example, in exclusion mode (see the Cropping port), the visible portion of the volume is the subvolume region minus the ROI box region. You are allowed to set the ROI box region larger than (or completely outside) the subvolume region, but only the intersection of the two regions is significant.


Minimum x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the region-of-interest. These coordinates can be displayed in UTM or Crossline/Inline/Time values.


Maximum x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the region-of-interest. These coordinates can be displayed in UTM or Crossline/Inline/Time values.


If the option show dragger is enabled, a tab-box dragger is shown which allows you to interactively adjust the region-of-interest in the 3D viewer.


The crop box is defined by three sets of parallel planes that define three slabs:

Four cropping options are available: Subvolume, Exclusion, Cross, and Fence.

Subvolume Displays voxels inside the ROI.

Exclusion Displays voxels outside the ROI.

Fence Displays voxels between:

Cross Displays voxels between:

(Figures courtesy Real Time Visualization)



Size of data in the region of interest in MBytes