Rendering Context

Rendering Context — OpenGL rendering context object


#include <gdk/gdkgl.h>

GdkGLContext* gdk_gl_context_new            (GdkGLDrawable *gldrawable,
                                             GdkGLContext *share_list,
                                             gboolean direct,
                                             int render_type);
void        gdk_gl_context_destroy          (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
gboolean    gdk_gl_context_copy             (GdkGLContext *glcontext,
                                             GdkGLContext *src,
                                             unsigned long  mask);
GdkGLDrawable* gdk_gl_context_get_gl_drawable
                                            (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
GdkGLConfig* gdk_gl_context_get_gl_config   (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
GdkGLContext* gdk_gl_context_get_share_list (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
gboolean    gdk_gl_context_is_direct        (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
int         gdk_gl_context_get_render_type  (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
GdkGLContext* gdk_gl_context_get_current    (void);

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _GdkGLContext GdkGLContext;

gdk_gl_context_new ()

GdkGLContext* gdk_gl_context_new            (GdkGLDrawable *gldrawable,
                                             GdkGLContext *share_list,
                                             gboolean direct,
                                             int render_type);

Creates a new OpenGL rendering context.

gldrawable : a GdkGLDrawable.
share_list : the GdkGLContext with which to share display lists and texture objects. NULL indicates that no sharing is to take place.
direct : whether rendering is to be done with a direct connection to the graphics system.
render_type : GDK_GL_RGBA_TYPE or GDK_GL_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE (currently not used).
Returns : the new GdkGLContext.

gdk_gl_context_destroy ()

void        gdk_gl_context_destroy          (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Destroys the OpenGL resources associated with glcontext and decrements glcontext's reference count.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.

gdk_gl_context_copy ()

gboolean    gdk_gl_context_copy             (GdkGLContext *glcontext,
                                             GdkGLContext *src,
                                             unsigned long  mask);

Copy state from src rendering context to glcontext.

mask contains the bitwise-OR of the same symbolic names that are passed to the glPushAttrib() function. You can use GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS to copy all the rendering state information.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
src : the source context.
Param3 :
Returns : FALSE if it fails, TRUE otherwise.

gdk_gl_context_get_gl_drawable ()

GdkGLDrawable* gdk_gl_context_get_gl_drawable
                                            (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Gets GdkGLDrawable to which the glcontext is bound.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
Returns : the GdkGLDrawable or NULL if no GdkGLDrawable is bound.

gdk_gl_context_get_gl_config ()

GdkGLConfig* gdk_gl_context_get_gl_config   (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Gets GdkGLConfig with which the glcontext is configured.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
Returns : the GdkGLConfig.

gdk_gl_context_get_share_list ()

GdkGLContext* gdk_gl_context_get_share_list (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Gets GdkGLContext with which the glcontext shares the display lists and texture objects.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
Returns : the GdkGLContext.

gdk_gl_context_is_direct ()

gboolean    gdk_gl_context_is_direct        (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Returns whether the glcontext is a direct rendering context.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
Returns : TRUE if the glcontext is a direct rendering contest.

gdk_gl_context_get_render_type ()

int         gdk_gl_context_get_render_type  (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Gets render_type of the glcontext.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.

gdk_gl_context_get_current ()

GdkGLContext* gdk_gl_context_get_current    (void);

Returns the current GdkGLContext.

Returns : the current GdkGLContext or NULL if there is no current context.