#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os, sys, json, subprocess
import SELSLIB2
def __insert_plotly():
html = """
return html
def __insert_css():
html = """
return html
def __insert_sortable():
html = """
return html
def __verification_graph(root):
html = """
if root.find('VERIFICATION/message') is not None:
html += """
if root.find('VERIFICATION') is not None:
cc = json.loads(root.find('VERIFICATION/CC').text)
wMPD = json.loads(root.find('VERIFICATION/wMPE').text)
incorrect = json.loads(root.find('VERIFICATION/incorrect').text)
html += """
html += "
⚠ Information is not yet available
html += """
return html
def __insert_table_borges(root):
html = """
Search and expension
fran = 1
aden_show = ""
aden_hide = ""
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/FRF") is not None:
html += """\n"""
html += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/FTF") is not None:
clustftf = json.loads(root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/FTF/allclus").text)
if key in clustftf and root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/FTF/C" + keyd) is not None:
body_table_row += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/PACK") is not None:
clustpack = json.loads(root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/PACK/allclus").text)
if key in clustpack and root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/PACK/C" + keyd) is not None:
body_table_row += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/RNP") is not None:
clustrnp = json.loads(root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/RNP/allclus").text)
if key in clustrnp and root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/RNP/C" + keyd) is not None:
body_table_row += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/INITCC") is not None:
clustinitcc = json.loads(
root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/INITCC/allclus").text)
if key in clustinitcc and root.find("ens1_frag" + str(
fran) + "/INITCC/BEFORE/C" + keyd) is not None:
body_table_row += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/FTF") is not None:
clustftf = json.loads(root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/FTF/allclus").text)
if key in clustftf:
body_table_row += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/PACK") is not None:
clustpack = json.loads(root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/PACK/allclus").text)
if key in clustpack:
body_table_row += """
if root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/RNP") is not None:
clustrnp = json.loads(root.find("ens1_frag" + str(fran) + "/RNP/allclus").text)
if key in clustrnp:
body_table_row += """
return html
def __insert_aside_lite(coiled_coil):
html = """
return html
def __insert_aside_borges():
html = """
return html
def __insert_aside_shredder():
html = """
return html
def __insert_header():
html = """
html += __insert_plotly()
html += __insert_css()
html += __insert_sortable()
html += """"""
return html
def __insert_summary(root, nameOutput, coiled_coil=False):
html = """
if root.find('LINKS') is not None:
numblinks = int(root.find('LINKS/number').text)
# print "===============NUBER OF LINKS=============",numblinks
for qds in range(numblinks):
# print root.find('LINKS/N'+str(qds))
if root.find('LINKS/N' + str(qds)) is not None:
text_link = root.find('LINKS/N' + str(qds) + '/text').text
text_link = text_link.strip('Click here')
text_link = text_link.strip(':')
url_link = root.find('LINKS/N' + str(qds) + '/url').text
#html += """
html += """
Click here """+text_link
if root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc') is not None:
if float(root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) >= 30:
if not coiled_coil:
html += """
It seems you have a good solution! Here you can find the best solution and map for further refinement.
html += """
Here you can find the best solution and map for further refinement.
html += """
return html
def __backtracking_lite(root):
html = """
if root.find('backtracing') is not None:
html += "
The current best solution is: " + str(
root.find('backtracing/model').text) + " with FINALCC: " + str(
root.find('backtracing/finalcc').text) + " and n. residues traced " + str(
root.find('backtracing/restraced').text) + " file is: " + str(
root.find('backtracing/file').text) + "
if root.find('backtracing/FRF') is not None:
html += """
if root.find('backtracing/INITCC') is not None:
html += """\n
html += """
html += """
After Refinement: Pos. in Rank: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/posRank').text) + """ INITCC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/initcc').text) + """ Top INITCC in Cluster """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/cluster').text) + """: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/top_initcc').text) + """
html += """
html += """\n
html += """
# Cycle n:
if root.find('backtracing/EXP') is not None:
html += """
Cycle """ + str(root.find('backtracing/EXP/cycle').text) + """:\n"""
if float(root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) < 30.0:
html += """
Final CC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) + """% N. Residues Traced: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/restraced').text) + """
html += """
Final CC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) + """% N. Residues Traced: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/restraced').text) + """
html += """
html += """
if root.find('backtracing/EXP') is not None:
if float(root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) >= 30:
if root.find('VERIFICATION/solved') is None or bool(root.find('VERIFICATION/solved').text):
if float(root.find('data/resolution').text) < 2.1:
html += """
It seems you have a good solution! Here you can find the best solution and map for further refinement.
html += """
Here you can find the best solution and map for further refinement.
html += "
⚠ Information is not yet available
html += """
return html
def __rotation_clustering(root):
aden_show = ""
aden_hide = ""
html = """
Rotation clustering
if root.find('rot_clustering') is not None:
full = json.loads(root.find('rot_clustering/full').text)
reduced = json.loads(root.find('rot_clustering/reduced').text)
full_graph = json.loads(root.find('rot_clustering/graphfull').text)
reduced_graph = json.loads(root.find('rot_clustering/graphreduced').text)
aden_show = ""
aden_hide = ""
for ldr in full:
nclu, way = ldr
aden_show += """ document.getElementById('FRF-""" + str(nclu) + """').style.display=""" + way + """;\n """
for ldr in reduced:
nclu, way = ldr
aden_hide += """ document.getElementById('FRF-""" + str(nclu) + """').style.display=""" + way + """;\n """
aden_show += """ document.getElementById('clusters_full').style.display = "";\n """
aden_show += """ document.getElementById('clusters_reduced').style.display = "none";\n """
aden_hide += """ document.getElementById('clusters_full').style.display = "none";\n """
aden_hide += """ document.getElementById('clusters_reduced').style.display = "";\n """
x_full = [i[0] for i in full_graph]
bar_full = [i[1] for i in full_graph]
line1_full = [i[3] for i in full_graph]
line2_full = [i[2] for i in full_graph]
x_reduced = [i[0] for i in reduced_graph]
bar_reduced = [i[1] for i in reduced_graph]
line1_reduced = [i[3] for i in reduced_graph]
line2_reduced = [i[2] for i in reduced_graph]
html += """
#Distinct Pdb
LLG Mean
Top Zscore
Zscore Mean
brins = 0
green = json.loads(root.find('rot_clustering/green').text)
while 1:
berd = root.find('rot_clustering/FRF-' + str(brins))
if berd == None:
html += """
if brins in green:
html += """
html += """
html += """
""" + berd.find('cluster').text + """
""" + berd.find('rotations').text + """
""" + berd.find('distinct').text + """
""" + berd.find('top_llg').text + """
""" + berd.find('mean_llg').text + """
""" + berd.find('top_zscore').text + """
""" + berd.find('mean_zscore').text + """
brins += 1
html += """
html += "
⚠ Information is not yet available
return html
def __backtracking_borges(root):
html = """
html += ""
if root.find('backtracing') is not None:
html += "
The current best solution is: " + str(
root.find('backtracing/model').text) + " with FINALCC: " + str(
root.find('backtracing/finalcc').text) + " and n. residues traced " + str(
root.find('backtracing/restraced').text) + " file is: " + str(
root.find('backtracing/file').text) + "
if root.find('backtracing/FRF') is not None:
html += """
if root.find('backtracing/INITCC') is not None:
html += """\n
html += """
if root.find('backtracing/INITCC/BEFORE') is not None:
html += """
Before Refinement: Pos. in Rank: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/BEFORE/posRank').text) + """ INITCC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/BEFORE/initcc').text) + """ Top INITCC in Cluster """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/BEFORE/cluster').text) + """: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/BEFORE/top_initcc').text) + """
if root.find('backtracing/INITCC/AFTER') is not None:
html += """
After Refinement: Pos. in Rank: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/AFTER/posRank').text) + """ INITCC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/AFTER/initcc').text) + """ Top INITCC in Cluster """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/AFTER/cluster').text) + """: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/INITCC/AFTER/top_initcc').text) + """
html += """
if root.find('backtracing/EXP') is not None:
html += """\n
html += """
# Cycle n:
html += """
Cycle """ + str(root.find('backtracing/EXP/cycle').text) + """:\n"""
if float(root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) < 30.0:
html += """
Final CC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) + """% N. Residues Traced: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/restraced').text) + """
html += """
Final CC: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) + """% N. Residues Traced: """ + str(
root.find('backtracing/EXP/restraced').text) + """
html += """
html += """
if root.find('backtracing/EXP') is not None:
if float(root.find('backtracing/EXP/finalcc').text) >= 30:
html += """
It seems you have a good solution! Here you can find the best solution and map for further refinement.
html += "
⚠ Information is not yet available
html += "
return html
def __insert_setup_log(root):
setup_name = root.find('configuration/bor_name').text
setup_path = root.find('configuration/bor_text').text
working_dir = os.path.dirname(setup_name)
html = """
Instruction file
if os.path.isfile(setup_name):
html +="""
Input file at """+setup_name+""". Click here to download it
html += """
log_path = setup_name.replace(os.path.basename(setup_name), "log.out")
if not os.path.isfile(log_path):
log_path = os.path.dirname(setup_name) + ".log"
html += """
Log file
log_content = ""
if os.path.isfile(log_path):
html += """
Log file at """+log_path+""". Click here to download it
with open(log_path, 'r') as infile:
log_content = [line for line in infile][:100]
f = subprocess.Popen(['tail','-100',log_path],\
log_content += f.stdout.readlines()
log_content = ''.join(map(str, log_content)).decode('ascii', 'ignore').replace("<","<")
log_content = "Log file has not been found."
timestamp = ""
listatime = root.find('TIME')
if listatime is not None:
timestamp += "Timestamp information\n"
timestamp += "\n"
listatime = json.loads(listatime.text)
for tim in listatime:
mode, step, ti = tim
timestamp += """Time MODE: """ + str(mode) + """ STEP: """ + str(step) + """ """ + str(ti) + """\n"""
timestamp += """\n"""
timestamp = ''.join(map(str, timestamp))
timestamp += "Timestamp information has not been found."
html +="""
return html
def __insert_citation_lite():
html = """
Phaser crystallographic software.
McCoy, A. J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Adams, P. D., Winn, M. D., Storoni, L. C. & Read, R. J.
(2007) J Appl Cryst. 40, 658-674.
return html
def __insert_citation_coil():
html = """
Phaser crystallographic software.
McCoy, A. J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Adams, P. D., Winn, M. D., Storoni, L. C. & Read, R. J.
(2007) J Appl Cryst. 40, 658-674.
ARCIMBOLDO on coiled coils.
Caballero, I., Sammito, M., Millan, C., Lebedev, A., Soler, N., & Uson, I.
(2018) Acta Cryst. D74, 194-204.
return html
def __insert_citation_borges():
html = """
Phaser crystallographic software.
McCoy, A. J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Adams, P. D., Winn, M. D., Storoni, L. C. & Read, R. J.
(2007) J Appl Cryst. 40, 658-674.
return html
def __insert_citation_shredder():
html = """
Phaser crystallographic software.
McCoy, A. J., Grosse-Kunstleve, R. W., Adams, P. D., Winn, M. D., Storoni, L. C. & Read, R. J.
(2007) J Appl Cryst. 40, 658-674.
Exploiting distant homologues for phasing through the generation of compact fragments, local fold refinement and partial solution combination.
Millan, C., Sammito, M., McCoy, A. J., Nascimento, A.F.Z., Petrillo, G., Oeffner, R., Dominguez-Gil, Teresa., Hermoso, A., Read, R. J. & Uson I.
return html
def generateHTML(lock, current_directory, nameOutput, coiled_coil=False):
#def generateHTML(current_directory, nameOutput, coiled_coil=False):
htmlfile = os.path.join(current_directory, nameOutput + ".html")
html = ""
if os.path.exists(htmlfile):
print "Generation HTML....."
xmlfile = os.path.join(current_directory, nameOutput + ".xml")
htmlfile = os.path.join(current_directory, nameOutput + ".html")
if not os.path.exists(xmlfile):
tree = ET.parse(xmlfile)
root = tree.getroot()
coiled_coil = coiled_coil or root.find('VERIFICATION') is not None
html += __insert_header()
html += """"""
if root.tag == "arcimboldo" and root.find('LINKS') is None:
html += """
html += """"""
html += __insert_aside_lite(coiled_coil)
html += """"""
html += """
ARCIMBOLDO-LITE: Fragment search with PHASER and density modification and map interpretation with SHELXE
html += __insert_summary(root, nameOutput, coiled_coil)
html += __insert_table_lite(root)
html += __backtracking_lite(root)
if coiled_coil is not False:
html += __verification_graph(root)
html += __insert_setup_log(root)
if coiled_coil is not False:
html += __insert_citation_coil()
html += __insert_citation_lite()
elif root.tag == "borges-arcimboldo":
html += """
html += """"""
html += __insert_aside_borges()
html += """"""
html += """
ARCIMBOLDO-BORGES: Library search with PHASER and density modification and map interpretation with SHELXE
html += __insert_summary(root, nameOutput, coiled_coil)
html += __rotation_clustering(root)
html += __insert_table_borges(root)
html += __backtracking_borges(root)
html += __insert_setup_log(root)
html += __insert_citation_borges()
html += """
html += """"""
html += __insert_aside_shredder()
html += """"""
html += __insert_summary(root, nameOutput, coiled_coil)
html += __insert_setup_log(root)
html += __insert_citation_shredder()
html += __insert_support()
html +="""
f = open(htmlfile, "w")
print "release the lock HTML!!!"
#if __name__ == "__main__":
# generateHTML("/cri4/pep/Documents/output_test","shredder")