addAttachedFiles | Attach files or folders to parallel pool |
arrayfun | Apply function to each element of array on GPU |
batch | Run MATLAB script or function on worker |
bsxfun | Binary singleton expansion function for gpuArray |
cancel (FevalFuture) | Cancel queued or running future |
cancel | Cancel job or task |
changePassword | Prompt user to change MJS password |
classUnderlying | Class of elements within gpuArray or distributed array |
clear | Remove objects from MATLAB workspace |
codistributed | Create codistributed array from replicated local data |
codistributed | Access elements of arrays distributed among workers in parallel pool | | Create codistributed array from distributed data |
codistributed.cell | Create codistributed cell array |
codistributed.colon | Distributed colon operation |
codistributed.spalloc | Allocate space for sparse codistributed matrix |
codistributed.speye | Create codistributed sparse identity matrix |
codistributed.sprand | Create codistributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values |
codistributed.sprandn | Create codistributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values |
codistributor | Create codistributor object for codistributed arrays |
codistributor1d | 1-D distribution scheme for codistributed array |
codistributor2dbc | 2-D block-cyclic distribution scheme for codistributed array |
codistributor2dbc.defaultLabGrid | Default computational grid for 2-D block-cyclic distributed arrays |
Composite | Create Composite object |
Composite | Access nondistributed variables on multiple workers from client |
createCommunicatingJob | Create communicating job on cluster |
createJob | Create independent job on cluster |
createTask | Create new task in job |
CUDAKernel | Kernel executable on GPU |
delete (Pool) | Shut down parallel pool |
delete | Remove job or task object from cluster and memory |
demote | Demote job in cluster queue |
diary | Display or save Command Window text of batch job |
distributed | Create distributed array from data in client workspace |
distributed | Access elements of distributed arrays from client |
distributed.cell | Create distributed cell array |
distributed.spalloc | Allocate space for sparse distributed matrix |
distributed.speye | Create distributed sparse identity matrix |
distributed.sprand | Create distributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values |
distributed.sprandn | Create distributed sparse array of normally distributed pseudo-random values |
dload | Load distributed arrays and Composite objects from disk |
dsave | Save workspace distributed arrays and Composite objects to disk |
exist | Check whether Composite is defined on workers |
existsOnGPU | Determine if gpuArray or CUDAKernel is available on GPU |
eye | Identity matrix |
false | Array of logical 0 (false) |
fetchNext | Retrieve next available unread FevalFuture outputs |
fetchOutputs (FevalFuture) | Retrieve all output arguments from Future |
fetchOutputs | Retrieve output arguments from all tasks in job |
feval | Evaluate kernel on GPU |
findJob | Find job objects stored in cluster |
findTask | Task objects belonging to job object |
for | for-loop over distributed range |
gather | Transfer distributed array or gpuArray to local workspace |
gcat | Global concatenation |
gcp | Get current parallel pool |
getAttachedFilesFolder | Folder into which AttachedFiles are written |
getCodistributor | Codistributor object for existing codistributed array |
getCurrentCluster | Cluster object that submitted current task |
getCurrentJob | Job object whose task is currently being evaluated |
getCurrentTask | Task object currently being evaluated in this worker session |
getCurrentWorker | Worker object currently running this session |
getDebugLog | Read output messages from job run in CJS cluster |
getJobClusterData | Get specific user data for job on generic cluster |
getJobFolder | Folder on client where jobs are stored |
getJobFolderOnCluster | Folder on cluster where jobs are stored |
getLocalPart | Local portion of codistributed array |
getLogLocation | Log location for job or task |
globalIndices | Global indices for local part of codistributed array |
gop | Global operation across all workers |
gplus | Global addition |
gpuArray | Create array on GPU |
gpuArray | Array stored on GPU |
GPUDevice | Graphics processing unit (GPU) |
gpuDevice | Query or select GPU device |
gpuDeviceCount | Number of GPU devices present |
gputimeit | Time required to run function on GPU |
help | Help for toolbox functions in Command Window |
Inf | Array of infinity |
isaUnderlying | True if distributed array's underlying elements are of specified class |
iscodistributed | True for codistributed array |
isComplete | True if codistributor object is complete |
isdistributed | True for distributed array |
isequal (FevalFuture) | True if futures have same ID |
isequal | True if clusters have same property values |
isreplicated | True for replicated array |
jobStartup | File for user-defined options to run when job starts |
labBarrier | Block execution until all workers reach this call |
labBroadcast | Send data to all workers or receive data sent to all workers |
labindex | Index of this worker |
labProbe | Test to see if messages are ready to be received from other worker |
labReceive | Receive data from another worker |
labSend | Send data to another worker |
labSendReceive | Simultaneously send data to and receive data from another worker |
length | Length of object array |
listAutoAttachedFiles | List of files automatically attached to job, task, or parallel pool |
load | Load workspace variables from batch job |
logOut | Log out of MJS cluster |
mapreduce | Programming technique for analyzing data sets that do not fit in memory |
mapreducer | Define parallel execution environment for mapreduce |
methods | List functions of object class |
mexcuda | Compile MEX-function for GPU computation |
mpiLibConf | Location of MPI implementation |
mpiprofile | Profile parallel communication and execution times |
mpiSettings | Configure options for MPI communication |
NaN | Array of Not-a-Numbers |
numlabs | Total number of workers operating in parallel on current job |
numpartitions | Number of partitions |
ones | Array of ones |
pagefun | Apply function to each page of array on GPU |
parallel.Cluster | Access cluster properties and behaviors |
parallel.cluster.Hadoop | Create Hadoop cluster object |
parallel.cluster.Hadoop | Hadoop cluster for mapreducer |
parallel.defaultClusterProfile | Examine or set default cluster profile |
parallel.exportProfile | Export one or more profiles to file |
parallel.gpu.CUDAKernel | Create GPU CUDA kernel object from PTX and CU code |
parallel.importProfile | Import cluster profiles from file |
parallel.Job | Access job properties and behaviors |
parallel.Pool | Access parallel pool |
parallel.pool.Constant | Build parallel.pool.Constant from data or function handle |
parallel.Task | Access task properties and behaviors |
parallel.Worker | Access worker that ran task |
parcluster | Create cluster object |
parfeval | Execute function asynchronously on parallel pool worker |
parfevalOnAll | Execute function asynchronously on all workers in parallel pool |
parfor | Execute loop iterations in parallel |
parpool | Create parallel pool on cluster |
partition | Partition a datastore |
pause | Pause MATLAB job scheduler queue |
pctconfig | Configure settings for Parallel Computing Toolbox client session |
pctRunDeployedCleanup | Clean up after deployed parallel applications |
pctRunOnAll | Run command on client and all workers in parallel pool |
pload | Load file into parallel session |
pmode | Interactive Parallel Command Window |
poolStartup | File for user-defined options to run on each worker when parallel pool starts |
promote | Promote job in MJS cluster queue |
psave | Save data from communicating job session |
rand | Array of rand values |
randn | Array of randn values |
recreate | Create new job from existing job |
redistribute | Redistribute codistributed array with another distribution scheme |
reset | Reset GPU device and clear its memory |
resume | Resume processing queue in MATLAB job scheduler |
saveAsProfile | Save cluster properties to specified profile |
saveProfile | Save modified cluster properties to its current profile |
setConstantMemory | Set some constant memory on GPU |
setJobClusterData | Set specific user data for job on generic cluster |
size | Size of object array |
sparse | Create sparse distributed or codistributed matrix |
spmd | Execute code in parallel on workers of parallel pool |
submit | Queue job in scheduler |
subsasgn | Subscripted assignment for Composite |
subsref | Subscripted reference for Composite |
taskFinish | User-defined options to run on worker when task finishes |
taskStartup | User-defined options to run on worker when task starts |
true | Array of logical 1 (true) |
updateAttachedFiles | Update attached files or folders on parallel pool |
wait (FevalFuture) | Wait for futures to complete |
wait (GPUDevice) | Wait for GPU calculation to complete |
wait | Wait for job to change state |
zeros | Array of zeros |