Parallel Computing Toolbox Functions

Alphabetical List By Category
addAttachedFiles Attach files or folders to parallel pool
arrayfun Apply function to each element of array on GPU
batch Run MATLAB script or function on worker
bsxfun Binary singleton expansion function for gpuArray
cancel (FevalFuture) Cancel queued or running future
cancel Cancel job or task
changePassword Prompt user to change MJS password
classUnderlying Class of elements within gpuArray or distributed array
clear Remove objects from MATLAB workspace
codistributed Create codistributed array from replicated local data
codistributed Access elements of arrays distributed among workers in parallel pool Create codistributed array from distributed data
codistributed.cell Create codistributed cell array
codistributed.colon Distributed colon operation
codistributed.spalloc Allocate space for sparse codistributed matrix
codistributed.speye Create codistributed sparse identity matrix
codistributed.sprand Create codistributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values
codistributed.sprandn Create codistributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values
codistributor Create codistributor object for codistributed arrays
codistributor1d 1-D distribution scheme for codistributed array
codistributor2dbc 2-D block-cyclic distribution scheme for codistributed array
codistributor2dbc.defaultLabGrid Default computational grid for 2-D block-cyclic distributed arrays
Composite Create Composite object
Composite Access nondistributed variables on multiple workers from client
createCommunicatingJob Create communicating job on cluster
createJob Create independent job on cluster
createTask Create new task in job
CUDAKernel Kernel executable on GPU
delete (Pool) Shut down parallel pool
delete Remove job or task object from cluster and memory
demote Demote job in cluster queue
diary Display or save Command Window text of batch job
distributed Create distributed array from data in client workspace
distributed Access elements of distributed arrays from client
distributed.cell Create distributed cell array
distributed.spalloc Allocate space for sparse distributed matrix
distributed.speye Create distributed sparse identity matrix
distributed.sprand Create distributed sparse array of uniformly distributed pseudo-random values
distributed.sprandn Create distributed sparse array of normally distributed pseudo-random values
dload Load distributed arrays and Composite objects from disk
dsave Save workspace distributed arrays and Composite objects to disk
exist Check whether Composite is defined on workers
existsOnGPU Determine if gpuArray or CUDAKernel is available on GPU
eye Identity matrix
false Array of logical 0 (false)
fetchNext Retrieve next available unread FevalFuture outputs
fetchOutputs (FevalFuture) Retrieve all output arguments from Future
fetchOutputs Retrieve output arguments from all tasks in job
feval Evaluate kernel on GPU
findJob Find job objects stored in cluster
findTask Task objects belonging to job object
for for-loop over distributed range
gather Transfer distributed array or gpuArray to local workspace
gcat Global concatenation
gcp Get current parallel pool
getAttachedFilesFolder Folder into which AttachedFiles are written
getCodistributor Codistributor object for existing codistributed array
getCurrentCluster Cluster object that submitted current task
getCurrentJob Job object whose task is currently being evaluated
getCurrentTask Task object currently being evaluated in this worker session
getCurrentWorker Worker object currently running this session
getDebugLog Read output messages from job run in CJS cluster
getJobClusterData Get specific user data for job on generic cluster
getJobFolder Folder on client where jobs are stored
getJobFolderOnCluster Folder on cluster where jobs are stored
getLocalPart Local portion of codistributed array
getLogLocation Log location for job or task
globalIndices Global indices for local part of codistributed array
gop Global operation across all workers
gplus Global addition
gpuArray Create array on GPU
gpuArray Array stored on GPU
GPUDevice Graphics processing unit (GPU)
gpuDevice Query or select GPU device
gpuDeviceCount Number of GPU devices present
gputimeit Time required to run function on GPU
help Help for toolbox functions in Command Window
Inf Array of infinity
isaUnderlying True if distributed array's underlying elements are of specified class
iscodistributed True for codistributed array
isComplete True if codistributor object is complete
isdistributed True for distributed array
isequal (FevalFuture) True if futures have same ID
isequal True if clusters have same property values
isreplicated True for replicated array
jobStartup File for user-defined options to run when job starts
labBarrier Block execution until all workers reach this call
labBroadcast Send data to all workers or receive data sent to all workers
labindex Index of this worker
labProbe Test to see if messages are ready to be received from other worker
labReceive Receive data from another worker
labSend Send data to another worker
labSendReceive Simultaneously send data to and receive data from another worker
length Length of object array
listAutoAttachedFiles List of files automatically attached to job, task, or parallel pool
load Load workspace variables from batch job
logOut Log out of MJS cluster
mapreduce Programming technique for analyzing data sets that do not fit in memory
mapreducer Define parallel execution environment for mapreduce
methods List functions of object class
mexcuda Compile MEX-function for GPU computation
mpiLibConf Location of MPI implementation
mpiprofile Profile parallel communication and execution times
mpiSettings Configure options for MPI communication
NaN Array of Not-a-Numbers
numlabs Total number of workers operating in parallel on current job
numpartitions Number of partitions
ones Array of ones
pagefun Apply function to each page of array on GPU
parallel.Cluster Access cluster properties and behaviors
parallel.cluster.Hadoop Create Hadoop cluster object
parallel.cluster.Hadoop Hadoop cluster for mapreducer
parallel.defaultClusterProfile Examine or set default cluster profile
parallel.exportProfile Export one or more profiles to file
parallel.gpu.CUDAKernel Create GPU CUDA kernel object from PTX and CU code
parallel.importProfile Import cluster profiles from file
parallel.Job Access job properties and behaviors
parallel.Pool Access parallel pool
parallel.pool.Constant Build parallel.pool.Constant from data or function handle
parallel.Task Access task properties and behaviors
parallel.Worker Access worker that ran task
parcluster Create cluster object
parfeval Execute function asynchronously on parallel pool worker
parfevalOnAll Execute function asynchronously on all workers in parallel pool
parfor Execute loop iterations in parallel
parpool Create parallel pool on cluster
partition Partition a datastore
pause Pause MATLAB job scheduler queue
pctconfig Configure settings for Parallel Computing Toolbox client session
pctRunDeployedCleanup Clean up after deployed parallel applications
pctRunOnAll Run command on client and all workers in parallel pool
pload Load file into parallel session
pmode Interactive Parallel Command Window
poolStartup File for user-defined options to run on each worker when parallel pool starts
promote Promote job in MJS cluster queue
psave Save data from communicating job session
rand Array of rand values
randn Array of randn values
recreate Create new job from existing job
redistribute Redistribute codistributed array with another distribution scheme
reset Reset GPU device and clear its memory
resume Resume processing queue in MATLAB job scheduler
saveAsProfile Save cluster properties to specified profile
saveProfile Save modified cluster properties to its current profile
setConstantMemory Set some constant memory on GPU
setJobClusterData Set specific user data for job on generic cluster
size Size of object array
sparse Create sparse distributed or codistributed matrix
spmd Execute code in parallel on workers of parallel pool
submit Queue job in scheduler
subsasgn Subscripted assignment for Composite
subsref Subscripted reference for Composite
taskFinish User-defined options to run on worker when task finishes
taskStartup User-defined options to run on worker when task starts
true Array of logical 1 (true)
updateAttachedFiles Update attached files or folders on parallel pool
wait (FevalFuture) Wait for futures to complete
wait (GPUDevice) Wait for GPU calculation to complete
wait Wait for job to change state
zeros Array of zeros
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