Create a datastore from the sample file, airlinesmall.csv
which contains tabular data.
Partition the datastore into three parts.
subds =
TabularTextDatastore with properties:
Files: {
' ...\matlab\toolbox\matlab\demos\airlinesmall.csv'
ReadVariableNames: true
VariableNames: {'Year', 'Month', 'DayofMonth' ... and 26 more}
Text Format Properties:
NumHeaderLines: 0
Delimiter: ','
RowDelimiter: '\r\n'
TreatAsMissing: ''
MissingValue: NaN
Advanced Text Format Properties:
TextscanFormats: {'%f', '%f', '%f' ... and 26 more}
ExponentCharacters: 'eEdD'
CommentStyle: ''
Whitespace: ' \b\t'
MultipleDelimitersAsOne: false
Properties that control the table returned by preview, read, readall:
SelectedVariableNames: {'Year', 'Month', 'DayofMonth' ... and 26 more}
SelectedFormats: {'%f', '%f', '%f' ... and 26 more}
ReadSize: 20000 rows
Create a datastore from the sample file, mapredout.mat
which is the output file of the mapreduce
Get the default number of partitions for ds
Partition the datastore into the default number of partitions
and return the datastore corresponding to the first partition.
Read the data in subds
Create a datastore that contains three image files.
ds =
ImageDatastore with properties:
Files: {
' ...\matlab\toolbox\matlab\demos\street1.jpg';
' ...\matlab\toolbox\matlab\imagesci\peppers.png';
' ...\matlab\toolbox\matlab\imagesci\corn.tif'
ReadFcn: @readDatastoreImage
Partition the datastore by files and return the part corresponding
to the second file.
subds =
ImageDatastore with properties:
Files: {
' ...\matlab\toolbox\matlab\imagesci\peppers.png'
ReadFcn: @readDatastoreImage
contains one file.
Create a datastore from the sample file, mapredout.mat
which is the output file of the mapreduce
Partition the datastore into three parts on three workers
in a parallel pool.