
Length of largest array dimension




L = length(X) returns the length of the largest array dimension in X. For vectors, the length is simply the number of elements. For arrays with more dimensions, the length is max(size(X)). The length of an empty array is zero.


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Number of Vector Elements

Find the length of a uniformly spaced vector in the interval [5,10].

v = 5:10
v =

     5     6     7     8     9    10
L = length(v)
L =


Length of Rectangular Matrix

Find the length of a 3-by-7 matrix of zeros.

X = zeros(3,7);
L = length(X)
L =


Length of Structure Fields

Create a structure with fields for Day and Month. Use the structfun function to apply length to each field.

S = struct('Day',[1 13 14 26],'Month',{{'Jan','Feb', 'Mar'}})
S = 

      Day: [1 13 14 26]
    Month: {'Jan'  'Feb'  'Mar'}
L = structfun(@(field) length(field),S)
L =


Input Arguments

collapse all

X — Input arraynumeric array | character array | logical array | structure | cell array | categorical array | datetime array | duration array | calendarDuration array

Input array, specified as a numeric array, character array, logical array, structure, cell array, categorical array, datetime array, duration array, or calendarDuration array.

length does not operate on tables. To examine the dimensions of a table, use the height, width, or size functions.

Complex Number Support: Yes

See Also

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Introduced before R2006a

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