Regardless of platform, be aware of the following guidelines with regards to placing specific folders on the path:
Always avoid including arch
the path. Failure to do so may inhibit ability to run multiple MATLAB® Runtime instances.
Ideally, set the environment in a separate shell script to avoid run-time errors caused by path-related issues.
When your users run applications that contain compiled MATLAB code, you must instruct them to set the path so that the system can find the MATLAB Runtime.
When you deploy a Java® application to end users, they must set the class path on the target machine.
The system needs to find .jar
files containing
the MATLAB libraries. To tell the system how to locate the .jar
it needs, specify a classpath
either in the javac
or in your system environment variables.
The following folder should be added to the system path:
refers to the complete path
where the MATLAB Runtime library archive files are installed on
the machine where the application is to be run.
is version specific; you
must determine the path after you install the MATLAB Runtime.
If you are running the MATLAB Runtime installer on a shared folder, be aware that other users of the share may need to alter their system configuration.
Use these setenv
commands to set your MATLAB Runtime paths.
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH mcr_root/version/runtime/glnxa64: mcr_root/version/bin/glnxa64: mcr_root/version/sys/os/glnxa64: mcr_root/version/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64
Use these setenv
commands to set your MATLAB Runtime paths.
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH mcr_root/version/runtime/maci64: mcr_root/version/bin/maci64: mcr_root/version/sys/os/maci64