MATLAB Runtime

Use the MATLAB® Runtime to run compiled MATLAB applications on computers that do not have MATLAB installed

MATLAB Runtime is a collection of shared libraries and code that enables the execution of compiled and packaged MATLAB applications on systems without an installed version of MATLAB.

End-users who want to run compiled and packaged MATLAB applications but do not have access to MATLAB must install the MATLAB Runtime on their computers or know the location of a network-installed MATLAB Runtime.

The installers generated by the compiler apps may include the MATLAB Runtime installer. If you compiled your artifact using mcc, you should direct your end-users to download the MATLAB Runtime installer from the website


mcrinstallerDisplay version and location information for MATLAB Runtime installer corresponding to current platform
mcrversionDetermine version of installed MATLAB Runtime


Install and Configure the MATLAB Runtime

Procedure to install, configure, and uninstall the MATLAB Runtime

Runtime Customization

MATLAB Runtime Startup Options

Set MATLAB Runtime options, such as -nojvm, -nodisplay, or -logfile

Using the MATLAB Runtime User Data Interface

Information on how to access MATLAB Runtime data

Display the MATLAB Runtime Initialization Messages

Procedure to create console messages for end users

MATLAB Runtime Path Settings for Run-Time Deployment

Path settings for machines where you want to run applications that were generated with MATLAB Compiler™ or MATLAB Compiler SDK™


Differences Between MATLAB and MATLAB Runtime

The MATLAB Runtime differs from MATLAB in several important ways:

Performance Considerations and the MATLAB Runtime

MATLAB Compiler SDK was designed to work with a large range of applications that use the MATLAB programming language.


Investigate Deployed Application Failures

Process to determine application failure at the end-user

Problems Setting MATLAB Runtime Paths

Issues related to setting the MATLAB Runtime path

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