MATLAB Runtime Component Cache and Deployable Archive Embedding

Deployable archive data is automatically embedded directly in compiled components and extracted to a temporary folder.

Automatic embedding enables usage of MATLAB® Runtime Component Cache features through environment variables.

These variables allow you to specify the following:

  • Define the default location where you want the deployable archive to be automatically extracted

  • Add diagnostic error printing options that can be used when automatically extracting the deployable archive, for troubleshooting purposes

  • Tuning the MATLAB Runtime component cache size for performance reasons.

Use the following environment variables to change these settings.

Environment VariablePurposeNotes
MCR_CACHE_ROOTWhen set to the location of where you want the deployable archive to be extracted, this variable overrides the default per-user component cache location.Does not apply
MCR_CACHE_VERBOSEWhen set to any value, this variable prints logging details about the component cache for diagnostic reasons. This can be very helpful if problems are encountered during deployable archive extraction.Logging details are turned off by default (for example, when this variable has no value).
MCR_CACHE_SIZEWhen set, this variable overrides the default component cache size.The initial limit for this variable is 32M (megabytes). This may, however, be changed after you have set the variable the first time. Edit the file .max_size, which resides in the file designated by running the mcrcachedir command, with the desired cache size limit.

You can override this automatic embedding and extraction behavior by compiling with the Overriding Default Behavior option.


If you run mcc specifying conflicting wrapper and target types, the deployable archive will not be embedded into the generated component. For example, if you run:

mcc -W lib:myLib -T link:exe test.m test.c
the generated test.exe will not have the deployable archive embedded in it, as if you had specified a -C option to the command line.

Overriding Default Behavior

To extract the deployable archive in a manner prior to R2008b, alongside the compiled .NET assembly, compile using the mcc's -C option.

You might want to use this option to troubleshoot problems with the deployable archive, for example, as the log and diagnostic messages are much more visible.

For More Information

For more information about the deployable archive, see Deployable Archive (MATLAB Compiler).

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