Integrating compiled MATLAB functions into a Java application
is similar to using any standard Java package. The main difference
is that the generated functions require that data be passed as MWArray
Integrate a Java Package into an Application
Example illustrating how to integrate a MATLAB generated Java package with a Java application
Display a MATLAB Plot in a Java Application
Example illustrating how to incorporate a MATLAB function that generates a graphic in a Java application
Example illustrating how to pass Java objects such as MWJavaObjectRef to a MATLAB generated Java package
Use Multiple Packages in Single Application
Discussion on using multiple MATLAB generated Java packages in a single application
Supply Run-Time Profile Information for Parallel Computing Toolbox Applications
Example illustrating how to use MATLAB Runtime User Data Interface to specify profile information for Parallel Computing Toolbox™ applications
Dynamically Specify Options to the MATLAB Runtime
Specify options such as -nojvm, -nodisplay, and -logfile to the MATLAB Runtime
MATLAB Runtime Path Settings for Development and Testing
Path settings for machines where you want to develop and test applications that contain compiled MATLAB code
MATLAB Compiler SDK and the JVM
Discussion of the interaction between the Java packages generated by MATLAB, the MATLAB Runtime, and the JVM
Data Conversion Between Java and MATLAB
Information on how data conversion between Java and MATLAB occurs
MATLAB Runtime User Data Interface
Information on accessing MATLAB Runtime data using the MATLAB Runtime User Data Interface
Pass Arguments To and From Java
Information on how to exchange argument data types between MATLAB and Java
Pass Java Objects by Reference
Information on passing Java objects by reference with MWJavaObjectRef
How to free memory used by the MWArray
conversion classes
Share MATLAB Runtime Instances
Information using a singleton MATLAB Runtime to share runtime instances
Deployable Archive Embedding and Extraction
Manage deployable archive embedding and extraction behavior using either the MWComponentOptions class or environment variables
Ensuring Multi-Platform Portability
Learn how to ensure platform independence if your compiled MATLAB code contains MEX files