Distribute Applications

Distribute applications that use compiled MATLAB® functions

Applications that include compiled MATLAB functions require the MATLAB Runtime. The MATLAB Runtime is a standalone set of shared libraries, MATLAB code, and other files that enables the execution of MATLAB files on computers without an installed version of MATLAB.


mcrinstallerDisplay version and location information for MATLAB Runtime installer corresponding to current platform
mcrversionDetermine version of installed MATLAB Runtime


About the MATLAB Runtime

Overview of MATLAB Runtime

Install and Configure the MATLAB Runtime

Procedure to install, configure, and uninstall the MATLAB Runtime

Use Parallel Computing Toolbox in Deployed Applications

Procedure to pass a cluster profile to a standalone application that uses the Parallel Computing Toolbox™

MATLAB Runtime Path Settings for Run-Time Deployment

Path settings for machines where you want to run applications that were generated with MATLAB Compiler™ or MATLAB Compiler SDK™

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