Before you begin writing the .NET application interface, complete the following steps to prepare your development environment.
Open Microsoft® Visual Studio®.
Click File > New > Project.
In the New Project dialog box, select the project type and template you want to use. For example, if you want to create a C# Console Application, select Windows in the Visual C# branch of the Project Type pane. Select the C# Console Application template from the Templates pane.
Type the name of the project in the Name field
, for example).
Click OK. Your MainApp
shell is created.
Create a reference in your MainApp
code to
Production Server™ client run-time library. In Microsoft Visual
Studio®, perform the following steps:
In the Solution Explorer pane within Microsoft Visual
Studio (usually on the right side), select the name of
your project, MainApp
, highlighting it.
Right-click MainApp
and select Add
In the Add Reference dialog box, select the Browse tab.
Browse to the MATLAB
Production Server client runtime, installed
Click OK. Mathworks.MATLAB.ProductionServer.Client.dll
now referenced by your Microsoft
Visual Studio project.