The MATLAB® Production Server™ .NET client API allows you to evaluate MATLAB functions on remote servers using native .NET data. You can choose to two styles of API to evaluate a MATLAB function:
static proxy — you provide an interface that models the MATLAB function signature. This enforces passing the proper data types to the function at compile time.
dynamic proxy — you pass the function name as a parameter to the proxy along with the function arguments. This defers type checking until runtime.
For an overview of how to create client programs, see Create a .NET MATLAB Production Server Client.
For a complete example of a client implementation, see Create a C# Client.
Create a .NET MATLAB Production Server Client
How to create a .NET MATLAB Production Server Client
Prepare Your Microsoft Visual Studio Environment
How to prepare Microsoft® Visual Studio® environment for the .NET application interface
Configure the Client-Server Connection
Configure the timeout and response size limits for a client
Invoke MATLAB Functions Dynamically
Invoke functions on the server without creating a proxy.
Access Secure Programs Using HTTPS
Connect to server instances over a secure connection
Code Multiple Outputs for C# .NET Client
How to allow multiple outputs in a C# function when integrating MATLAB functions with multiple outputs
Code Variable-Length Inputs and Outputs for .NET Client
How to allow variable number of input and output arguments in a .NET client application
Marshal MATLAB Structures (structs) in C#
How to integrate MATLAB code that contains structures in a C# application
.NET Client Coding Best Practices
Best practices for writing .NET client code that invokes MATLAB code
Unsupported MATLAB Data Types for Client and Server Marshaling
MATLAB data types that are not supported for client and server marshaling
Data Conversion with C# and MATLAB Types
Data type equivalents between MATLAB and C#
Conversion Between MATLAB Types and C# Types
Data type equivalents between MATLAB and C#