xboa | XBOA - Cross-Platform Beam Optics Analysis A multiparticle tracking postprocessor library for accelerator physicists |
algorithms | The algorithms module provides algorithms for performing common accelerator physics tasks |
closed_orbit | The closed_orbit module provides algorithms for finding closed_orbits |
_ellipse_closed_orbit_finder | |
peak_finder | Algorithms to find peaks in potentially noisy data |
_refine_peak_finder | |
_uphill_downhill_peak_finder | |
_window_peak_finder | |
smoothing | Algorithms to clean up noisy data by averaging over nearby points |
_fit_smoothing | |
_gaussian_smoothing | |
_hanning_smoothing | |
tune | The tune module provides algorithms for finding the tune |
_fft_tune | |
bunch | Implemented within this module: |
_bunch | |
weighting | The weighting module provides algorithms for performing statistical weighting of bunches |
_bounding_ellipse | |
_voronoi_weighting | |
Bunch | |
common | Common module defines common utility data and functions that are used elsewhere |
_common | |
Common | Deprecated accessor to xboa.common module |
examples | A set of examples for using the xboa package |
closed_orbit | Example code to find a closed orbit |
Example_1 | Example code to read a file and perform some data access operations |
Example_2 | Example code to read a file and make some plots |
Example_3 | Example code to read a file, make some cuts and then plot |
Example_4 | Example code to read a file, apply a transformation and plot before and after |
File_Convert | |
hit | Implemented within this module: |
_hit | |
factory | The hit factory module defines a number of factory classes used for generating hit objects |
_builtin_hit_factory | |
_hit_factory_base | |
_line_factory_base | |
_maus_json_hit_factory | |
_maus_root_hit_factory | |
_opal_hit_factory | |
_user_hit_factory | |
Hit | Deprecated accessor to xboa.hit module |
tracking | The tracking module holds classes related to tracking interfaces for various Monte Carlo codes |
_matrix_tracking | Should be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace |
_maus_tracking | Should be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace |
_tracking_base | Should be imported directly from the xboa::tracking namespace |