Chapter 2. Basic command lines

Table of Contents

AimsFileConvert: Performs file format and data conversion
AimsSubVolume: Carve a subvolume in the input volume
AimsThreshold: Threshold on data
AimsGraphMesh: Performs graph storage conversion and sub-buckets meshing. This command is an improved version of AimsGraphConvert
AimsRoiFeatures: Compute scalar features (mean, volume ...) from regions of interest.

AimsFileConvert: Performs file format and data conversion

HELP: command help for AimsFileConvert

DATA: data_for_anatomist/objects/3d/gis/subject01.ima.

EXAMPLE: here is the conversion from GIS to ANALYZE format.

prompt% AimsFileConvert -i subject01.ima -o subject01.img

NOTE: if you work with dicom files, all slices of the same acquisition must be located in the same directory.