Nomenclature and graph

Load and use a nomenclature

  • Load data_for_anatomist/roi/basal_ganglia.hie.

  • Place the nomenclature into a browser .

  • Load data_for_anatomist/roi/basal_ganglia.arg.

  • Place the graph into a 3D window .

  • Select central, hemisph_left in the browser of the basal_ganglia.hie.

  • Note that you can handle the ROIs by using the selection control of the 3D window. Click on this control, and now select different parts of the graph.


If the specific colors are not displayed, see Settings => Graph parameters => Colors 2D/3D and activate/deactivate the Use nomenclature / Colors binding option.

Write a simple nomenclature (.hie)

KEYWORDS: .hie file.

Here is the syntax for a nomenclature with 2 regions: region_A and region_B.

                # tree 1.0
                *BEGIN TREE hierarchy
                graph_syntax RoiArg
                *BEGIN TREE fold_name
                name  region_A
                color 170 85 255
                *BEGIN TREE fold_name
                name  region_B
                color 255 170 0
  • Copy those lines into a new text file.

  • Save the file with the following name: my_nomenclature.hie. Under Windows, be careful with the file extension: Windows sometimes hides extensions or adds its own, so you may have to check or fix it.

  • Open an Anatomist session.

  • Open any volume.

  • Draw a ROI graph with 2 regions. The names must be exactly region_A and region_B to link with the nomenclature.

  • Load my_nomenclature.hie in your Anatomist session.

  • Update the display by selecting and de-selecting of Use Nomenclature/colors bindings in the Settings -> graph paremeters

  • You can switch to the selection mode with .