Anatomist Show Fold Graph

Visualisation of cortical fold graphs, with or without names


Ce traitement chargera également le maillage de l'hémisphère associé, et si vous le souhaitez l'IRM corrigée du biais.


graph: Cortical folds graph ( input )
nomenclature: Nomenclature ( optional, input )
The hierarchy of names providing the color code
white_mesh: Hemisphere White Mesh ( optional, input )
hemi_mesh: Hemisphere Mesh ( optional, input )
load_MRI: Choice ( input )
two_windows: Choice ( input )
mri_corrected: T1 MRI Bias Corrected ( optional, input )

Technical information

Toolbox : Morphologist

User level : 0

Identifier : AnatomistShowFoldGraph

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/morphologist/processes/viewers/Sulci/

Supported file formats :

graph :
Graph and data
nomenclature :
white_mesh :
TRI mesh, Z compressed TRI mesh, PLY mesh, gz compressed TRI mesh, MESH mesh, Z compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed PLY mesh, Z compressed PLY mesh, GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed MNI OBJ mesh
hemi_mesh :
TRI mesh, Z compressed TRI mesh, PLY mesh, gz compressed TRI mesh, MESH mesh, Z compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed PLY mesh, Z compressed PLY mesh, GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed MNI OBJ mesh
mri_corrected :
GIS image, Z compressed GIS image, gz compressed GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed ECAT i image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, gz compressed VIDA image, Z compressed VIDA image, Z compressed ECAT i image, gz compressed ECAT v image, ECAT i image, Z compressed ECAT v image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, Z compressed SPM image, SPM image, gz compressed SPM image, ECAT v image