Package for reading and analyzing MINC2 files

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Documentation for package ‘RMINC’ version 0.5.1

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minc.apply Apply an arbitrary function to all voxels of a list of MINC files
minc.dimensions.sizes Return dimension sizes of MINC2 volume
minc.get.hyperslab Get a hyperslab from a MINC2 file
minc.model Statistical model at Every Voxel
minc.ray.trace Call ray_trace to get a bitmap of a slice
minc.write.volume Write a buffer to a MINC2 file
mincFDR Compute the False Discovery Rate for a mincLm object
mincGetVolume Read a MINC volume into a 1D array
mincLm Linear model at Every Voxel
mincMean Create descriptive statistics across a series of MINC volumes
mincRayTraceStats Create an image of a statistical peak.
mincSd Create descriptive statistics across a series of MINC volumes
mincSum Create descriptive statistics across a series of MINC volumes
mincVar Create descriptive statistics across a series of MINC volumes
mincWriteVolume Write a MINC volume to file.