mincSummaries {RMINC}R Documentation

Create descriptive statistics across a series of MINC volumes


means <- mincMean(filenames)
means.by.factor <- mincMean(filenames, Group)
stdevs <- mincSd(filenames)
stdevs.by.factor <- mincSd(filenames, Group)
sums <- mincSum(filenames)
sums.by.factor <- mincSum(filenames, Group)
variances <- mincVar(filenames)
variances.by.factor <- mincVar(filenames, Group)



Filenames of the MINC volumes across which to create the descriptive statistic.


Optional grouping - contains same number of elements as filenames; the results will then have the descriptive statistic computed separately for each group.


This function is used to compute the mean, standard deviation, sum, or variance of every voxel in a set of MINC volumes. An optional grouping variable will split the computation by group rather than performing it across all volumes as is the default.



The output will be a single vector containing as many elements as there are voxels in the input files. If a grouping factor was specified then the output will be a matrix consisiting of as many rows as there were voxels in the files, and as many columns as there were groups.

See Also



## Not run: 
# read the text file describing the dataset
gf <- read.csv("control-file.csv")
# compute the mean at every voxel of all files.
means <- mincMean(gf$filenames)
# write the results to file.
mincWriteVolume(means, "means.mnc")
# compute the mean separtely for each group
means <- mincMean(gf$filenames, gf$Group)

## End(Not run)

[Package RMINC version 0.5.1 Index]