2. Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
- Sanitizer_BatchMemopData
- Data passed into a batch memop callback function
- Sanitizer_CallbackData
- Data passed into a runtime or driver API callback function
- Sanitizer_EventData
- Data passed into an event callback function
- Sanitizer_GraphExecData
- Data passed into a graphexec creation callback function
- Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData
- Data passed into a graph node launch callback function
- Sanitizer_LaunchData
- Data passed into a launch callback function
- Sanitizer_MemcpyData
- Data passed into a memcpy callback function
- Sanitizer_MemsetData
- Data passed into a memset callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceArrayData
- Data passed into a CUDA array callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceContextData
- Data passed into a context resource callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData
- Data passed into a CUDA function callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData
- Data passed into a memory resource callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceMempoolData
- Data passed into a mempool resource callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceModuleData
- Data passed into a module resource callback function
- Sanitizer_ResourceStreamData
- Data passed into a stream resource callback function
- Sanitizer_SynchronizeData
- Data passed into a synchronization callback function
- Sanitizer_UvmData
- Data passed into a managed memory callback function
2.1. Sanitizer_BatchMemopData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a batch memop callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_BATCH_MEMOP. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- uint64_t address
- CUcontext context
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hStream
- CUstream stream
- Sanitizer_BatchMemopType type
- uint64_t value
- uint64_t Sanitizer_BatchMemopData::address [inherited]
The address to be written.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_BatchMemopData::context [inherited]
The context where the allocation is located
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_BatchMemopData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- CUstream Sanitizer_BatchMemopData::stream [inherited]
The stream where the batch memop is executed.
- Sanitizer_BatchMemopTypeSanitizer_BatchMemopData::type [inherited]
Type of batch memory operation.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_BatchMemopData::value [inherited]
The value to be written.
2.2. Sanitizer_CallbackData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a runtime or driver API callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_DRIVER_API or SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RUNTIME_API. The callback data is valid only within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make of a copy of that data. For example, if you make a shallow copy of Sanitizer_CallbackData within a callback, you cannot dereference functionParams outside of that callback to access the function parameters. functionName is an exception: the string pointed to by functionName is a global constant and so may be accessed outside of the callback.
Public Variables
- Sanitizer_ApiCallbackSite callbackSite
- CUcontext context
- const char * functionName
- const void * functionParams
- const void * functionReturnValue
- const char * symbolName
- Sanitizer_ApiCallbackSiteSanitizer_CallbackData::callbackSite [inherited]
Point in the runtime or driver function from where the callback was issued.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_CallbackData::context [inherited]
Driver context current to the thread, or null if no context is current. This value can change from the entry to exit callback of a runtime API function if the runtime initialized a context.
- const char * Sanitizer_CallbackData::functionName [inherited]
Name of the runtime or driver API function which issued the callback. This string is a global constant and so may be accessed outside of the callback.
- const void * Sanitizer_CallbackData::functionParams [inherited]
Pointer to the arguments passed to the runtime or driver API call. See generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h and generated_cuda_meta.h for structure definitions for the parameters for each runtime and driver API function.
- const void * Sanitizer_CallbackData::functionReturnValue [inherited]
Pointer to the return value of the runtime or driver API call. This field is only valid within the SANITIZER_API_EXIT callback. For a runtime API functionReturnValue points to a cudaError_t. For a driver API functionReturnValue points to a CUresult.
- const char * Sanitizer_CallbackData::symbolName [inherited]
Name of the symbol operated on by the runtime or driver API function which issued the callback. This entry is valid only for driver and runtime launch callbacks, where it returns the name of the kernel.
2.3. Sanitizer_EventData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into an event callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal tp SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_EVENTS. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext Sanitizer_EventData::context [inherited]
For SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_CREATED, SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_DESTROYED, and SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_SYNCHNONIZED, this is the context containing the event. For SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_RECORD and SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_STREAM_WAIT, this is the context containing the stream being recorded or waiting.
- CUevent Sanitizer_EventData::event [inherited]
The event recording or being waited.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_EventData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- CUstream Sanitizer_EventData::stream [inherited]
The stream being recorded or waiting. Available if cbid is SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_RECORD or SANITIZER_CBID_EVENTS_STREAM_WAIT.
2.4. Sanitizer_GraphExecData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a graphs callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_GRAPHS and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_GRAPHS_GRAPHEXEC_CREATED. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUgraph Sanitizer_GraphExecData::graph [inherited]
CUDA graph being instanciated.
- CUgraphExec Sanitizer_GraphExecData::graphExec [inherited]
Instance of the CUDA graph.
2.5. Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a graphs callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_GRAPHS and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_GRAPHS_LAUNCH_NODE_BEGIN or SANITIZER_CBID_GRAPHS_LAUNCH_NODE_END. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUgraphExec graphExec
- uint32_t isGraphUpload
- struct Sanitizer_LaunchData launchData
- uint32_t launchId
- struct Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData memAllocData
- uint64_t memFreeAddress
- CUgraphNode node
- CUgraphNodeType nodeType
- CUgraphExec Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::graphExec [inherited]
Instance of the CUDA graph being launched.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::isGraphUpload [inherited]
Boolean value indicating if the node launch callback is part of a graph upload. This field is only valid if the driver version is 510 or newer.
- struct Sanitizer_LaunchDataSanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::launchData [inherited]
This is only valid if nodeType is CU_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_KERNEL.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::launchId [inherited]
Launch ID for this CUDA graph instance
- struct Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryDataSanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::memAllocData [inherited]
This is only valid if nodeType is CU_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_MEM_ALLOC.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::memFreeAddress [inherited]
The freed device pointer This is only valid if nodeType is CU_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_MEM_FREE.
- CUgraphNode Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::node [inherited]
CUDA graphs node being launched.
- CUgraphNodeType Sanitizer_GraphNodeLaunchData::nodeType [inherited]
CUDA graphs node type.
2.6. Sanitizer_LaunchData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a launch callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_LAUNCH. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext context
- CUdevice device
- CUfunction function
- const char * functionName
- uint64_t gridId
- Sanitizer_LaunchHandle hLaunch
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hStream
- CUmodule module
- CUstream stream
- uint32_t blockDim_x
- uint32_t blockDim_y
- uint32_t blockDim_z
- uint32_t gridDim_x
- uint32_t gridDim_y
- uint32_t gridDim_z
- uint32_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::blockDim_x [inherited]
Launch properties of the grid. These values are only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_LAUNCH_BEGIN and graph node launch callbacks
- uint32_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::blockDim_y [inherited]
Launch properties of the grid. These values are only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_LAUNCH_BEGIN and graph node launch callbacks
- uint32_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::blockDim_z [inherited]
Launch properties of the grid. These values are only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_LAUNCH_BEGIN and graph node launch callbacks
- CUcontext Sanitizer_LaunchData::context [inherited]
The context where the grid is launched.
- CUdevice Sanitizer_LaunchData::device [inherited]
The device where the grid is launched
- CUfunction Sanitizer_LaunchData::function [inherited]
The function of the grid launch.
- const char * Sanitizer_LaunchData::functionName [inherited]
The name of the launched function.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::gridDim_x [inherited]
Launch properties of the grid. These values are only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_LAUNCH_BEGIN and graph node launch callbacks
- uint32_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::gridDim_y [inherited]
Launch properties of the grid. These values are only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_LAUNCH_BEGIN and graph node launch callbacks
- uint32_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::gridDim_z [inherited]
Launch properties of the grid. These values are only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_LAUNCH_BEGIN and graph node launch callbacks
- uint64_t Sanitizer_LaunchData::gridId [inherited]
Unique identifier of the grid launch. For graph node launches, this is only unique within the graphexec launch.
- Sanitizer_LaunchHandle Sanitizer_LaunchData::hLaunch [inherited]
Handle of the grid launch. This is only valid between the launch begin and end callbacks.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_LaunchData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- CUmodule Sanitizer_LaunchData::module [inherited]
The module containing the grid code.
- CUstream Sanitizer_LaunchData::stream [inherited]
The stream where the grid is launched.
2.7. Sanitizer_MemcpyData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a launch callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_MEMCPY. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- Sanitizer_MemcpyDirection direction
- uint64_t dstAddress
- CUcontext dstContext
- uint64_t dstPitch
- CUstream dstStream
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hDstStream
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hSrcStream
- uint32_t isAsync
- uint64_t size
- uint64_t srcAddress
- CUcontext srcContext
- uint64_t srcPitch
- CUstream srcStream
- uint64_t width
- Sanitizer_MemcpyDirectionSanitizer_MemcpyData::direction [inherited]
The direction of the transfer
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::dstAddress [inherited]
The destination allocation address.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_MemcpyData::dstContext [inherited]
The context where the destination allocation is located
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::dstPitch [inherited]
The destination allocation pitch.
- CUstream Sanitizer_MemcpyData::dstStream [inherited]
The stream where the memcpy is executed on the destination context
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_MemcpyData::hDstStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the destination context stream.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_MemcpyData::hSrcStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the source context stream.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::isAsync [inherited]
Boolean value indicating if the transfer is asynchronous.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::size [inherited]
Size of the transfer in bytes.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::srcAddress [inherited]
The source allocation address.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_MemcpyData::srcContext [inherited]
The context where the source allocation is located
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::srcPitch [inherited]
The source allocation pitch.
- CUstream Sanitizer_MemcpyData::srcStream [inherited]
The stream where the memcpy is executed on the source context
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemcpyData::width [inherited]
Memcpy size configuration.
2.8. Sanitizer_MemsetData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a launch callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_MEMSET. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- uint64_t address
- CUcontext context
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hStream
- uint32_t isAsync
- CUstream stream
- uint32_t value
- uint64_t width
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemsetData::address [inherited]
The address of the memset start.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_MemsetData::context [inherited]
The context where the allocation is located.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_MemsetData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_MemsetData::isAsync [inherited]
Boolean value indicating if the transfer is asynchronous.
- CUstream Sanitizer_MemsetData::stream [inherited]
The stream where the memset is executed.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_MemsetData::value [inherited]
Value to be written.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_MemsetData::width [inherited]
Memset size configuration.
2.9. Sanitizer_ResourceArrayData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a CUDA array callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal tp SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_ARRAY_CREATED or SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_ARRAY_DESTROYED. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext Sanitizer_ResourceArrayData::context [inherited]
The context containing the array being created or destroyed.
- CUarray Sanitizer_ResourceArrayData::hArray [inherited]
The CUDA array being created or destroyed.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_ResourceArrayData::width [inherited]
The CUDA array size.
2.10. Sanitizer_ResourceContextData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a context resource callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_CREATION_STARTING, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_CREATION_FINISHED, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_DESTROY_STARTING or SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_DESTROY_FINISHED. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext Sanitizer_ResourceContextData::context [inherited]
The context being created or destroyed.
- CUdevice Sanitizer_ResourceContextData::device [inherited]
The device on which the context is being created or destroyed. This field is only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_CONTEXT_CREATION_* callbacks
2.11. Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a CUDA function callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal tp SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_FUNCTION_LOADED. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext context
- CUfunction function
- const char * functionName
- uint64_t functionSize
- CUmodule module
- CUcontext Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData::context [inherited]
The context containing the function.
- CUfunction Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData::function [inherited]
The function handle.
- const char * Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData::functionName [inherited]
The function name.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData::functionSize [inherited]
The function size.
- CUmodule Sanitizer_ResourceFunctionData::module [inherited]
The module containing the function.
2.12. Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a memory resource callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_DEVICE_MEMORY_ALLOC, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_DEVICE_MEMORY_FREE, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_HOST_MEMORY_ALLOC, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_HOST_MEMORY_FREE, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMORY_ALLOC_ASYNC, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMORY_FREE_ASYNC or SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMORY_FREE_ASYNC_DONE. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- uint64_t address
- CUcontext context
- CUdevice device
- uint32_t flags
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hStream
- CUmemoryPool memoryPool
- uint32_t permissions
- uint64_t size
- CUdevice sourceDevice
- CUstream stream
- Sanitizer_MemoryVisibility visibility
- uint64_t Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::address [inherited]
Address of the allocation being created or destroyed.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::context [inherited]
Context containing the allocation being created or destroyed. Can be NULL if the allocation is not attached to a context.
- CUdevice Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::device [inherited]
Device where the allocation is being created. Available for all cbid with a driver version of 455 or newer.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::flags [inherited]
Allocation details: use Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryFlags to interpret this field.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::hStream [inherited]
Stream containing the allocation being created or destroyed. Can be NULL if the allocation is not attached to a stream.
- CUmemoryPool Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::memoryPool [inherited]
Memory pool containing the allocation being created or destroyed. Can be NULL if the allocation is not attached to a memory pool.
- uint32_t Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::permissions [inherited]
Allocation permissions: use Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryPermissions to interpret this field.
- uint64_t Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::size [inherited]
Size of the allocation being created or destroyed.
- CUdevice Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::sourceDevice [inherited]
Source device of this allocation (different from device if SANITIZER_MEMORY_FLAG_PEER is set).
- CUstream Sanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::stream [inherited]
Public handle for the stream.
- Sanitizer_MemoryVisibilitySanitizer_ResourceMemoryData::visibility [inherited]
Visibility of the allocation.
2.13. Sanitizer_ResourceMempoolData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a mempool resource callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMPOOL_CREATED, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMPOOL_DESTROYING, SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMPOOL_PEER_ACCESS_ENABLED or SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MEMPOOL_PEER_ACCESS_DISABLING. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUdevice device
- CUmemoryPool memoryPool
- CUdevice peerDevice
- CUdevice Sanitizer_ResourceMempoolData::device [inherited]
Device that owns the memory pool.
- CUmemoryPool Sanitizer_ResourceMempoolData::memoryPool [inherited]
Memory pool being created or destroyed.
- CUdevice Sanitizer_ResourceMempoolData::peerDevice [inherited]
2.14. Sanitizer_ResourceModuleData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a module resource callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MODULE_LOADED or SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_MODULE_UNLOAD_STARTING. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext Sanitizer_ResourceModuleData::context [inherited]
The context containing the module being loaded or unloaded.
- size_t Sanitizer_ResourceModuleData::cubinSize [inherited]
The size of the cubin.
- CUmodule Sanitizer_ResourceModuleData::module [inherited]
The module being loaded or unloaded.
- const char * Sanitizer_ResourceModuleData::pCubin [inherited]
Pointer to the associated cubin.
2.15. Sanitizer_ResourceStreamData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a stream resource callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_RESOURCE and cbid equal to SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_STREAM_CREATED or SANITIZER_CBID_RESOURCE_STREAM_DESTROY_STARTING. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext Sanitizer_ResourceStreamData::context [inherited]
The context containing the stream being created or destroyed.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_ResourceStreamData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- CUstream Sanitizer_ResourceStreamData::stream [inherited]
The stream being created or destroyed.
2.16. Sanitizer_SynchronizeData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a synchronization callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_SYNCHRONIZE. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- CUcontext Sanitizer_SynchronizeData::context [inherited]
For SANITIZER_CBID_SYNCHRONIZE_CONTEXT_SYNCHRONIZED, this is the context being synchronized. For SANITIZER_CBID_SYNCHRONIZE_STREAM_SYNCHRONIZED, this is the context of the stream being synchronized.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_SynchronizeData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- CUstream Sanitizer_SynchronizeData::stream [inherited]
This field is only valid for SANITIZER_CBID_SYNCHRONIZE_STREAM_SYNCHRONIZED. This is the stream being synchronized.
2.17. Sanitizer_UvmData Struct Reference
[Sanitizer Callback API]
Data passed into a managed memory callback function as the cbdata argument to Sanitizer_CallbackFunc. The cbdata will be this type for domain equal to SANITIZER_CB_DOMAIN_UVM. The callback data is only valid within the invocation of the callback function that is passed the data. If you need to retain some data for use outside of the callback, you must make a copy of it.
Public Variables
- uint64_t address
- CUcontext context
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle hStream
- CUstream stream
- Sanitizer_MemoryVisibility visibility
- uint64_t Sanitizer_UvmData::address [inherited]
The address of the allocation.
- CUcontext Sanitizer_UvmData::context [inherited]
The context where the allocation is located.
- Sanitizer_StreamHandle Sanitizer_UvmData::hStream [inherited]
Unique handle for the stream.
- CUstream Sanitizer_UvmData::stream [inherited]
The stream on which the memory is attached. This is only valid if visibility is SANITIZER_MEMORY_VISIBILITY_STREAM
- Sanitizer_MemoryVisibilitySanitizer_UvmData::visibility [inherited]
New visibility for the allocation.