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FixMateInformation (Picard)

Verify mate-pair information between mates and fix if needed.This tool ensures that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and its mate pair. If no OUTPUT file is supplied then the output is written to a temporary file and then copied over the INPUT file (with the original placed in a .old file.) Reads marked with the secondary alignment flag are written to the output file unchanged. However supplementary reads are corrected so that they point to the primary, non-supplemental mate record.

Usage example

java -jar picard.jar FixMateInformation \ I=input.bam \ O=fixed_mate.bam \ ADD_MATE_CIGAR=true


The program should run with fairly limited memory unless there are many mate pairs that are missing or far apart from each other in the file, as it keeps track of the unmatched mates.

Category Read Data Manipulation



This tool ensures that all mate-pair information is in sync between each read and its mate pair. If no #OUTPUT file is supplied then the output is written to a temporary file and then copied over the #INPUT file (with the original placed in a .old file.) Reads marked with the secondary alignment flag are written to the output file unchanged. However, supplementary reads are corrected so that they point to the primary, non-supplemental mate record.

Usage example:

 java -jar picard.jar FixMateInformation \
       I=input.bam \
       O=fixed_mate.bam \


The program should run with fairly limited memory unless there are many mate pairs that are missing or far apart from each other in the file, as it keeps track of the unmatched mates

FixMateInformation (Picard) specific arguments

This table summarizes the command-line arguments that are specific to this tool. For more details on each argument, see the list further down below the table or click on an argument name to jump directly to that entry in the list.

Argument name(s) Default value Summary
Required Arguments
[] The input files to check and fix. Multiple files will be merged and sorted.
Optional Tool Arguments
true Adds the mate CIGAR tag (MC) if true, does not if false.
[] read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line
false If true, assume that the input file is queryname sorted, even if the header says otherwise.
false display the help message
true If true, ignore missing mates, otherwise will throw an exception when missing mates are found.
null The output file to write to. If no output file is supplied, the input file is overwritten (only available with single input file).
null Optional sort order if the OUTPUT file should be sorted differently than the INPUT file.
false display the version number for this tool
Optional Common Arguments
5 Compression level for all compressed files created (e.g. BAM and VCF).
false Whether to create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file.
false Whether to create an MD5 digest for any BAM or FASTQ files created.
client_secrets.json Google Genomics API client_secrets.json file path.
500000 When writing files that need to be sorted, this will specify the number of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number reduces the number of file handles needed to sort the file, and increases the amount of RAM needed.
false Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err.
null Reference sequence file.
[] One or more directories with space available to be used by this program for temporary storage of working files
false Use the JDK Deflater instead of the Intel Deflater for writing compressed output
false Use the JDK Inflater instead of the Intel Inflater for reading compressed input
STRICT Validation stringency for all SAM files read by this program. Setting stringency to SILENT can improve performance when processing a BAM file in which variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not otherwise need to be decoded.
INFO Control verbosity of logging.
Advanced Arguments
false display hidden arguments

Argument details

Arguments in this list are specific to this tool. Keep in mind that other arguments are available that are shared with other tools (e.g. command-line GATK arguments); see Inherited arguments above.


Adds the mate CIGAR tag (MC) if true, does not if false.

Boolean  true

--arguments_file / NA

read one or more arguments files and add them to the command line

List[File]  []


If true, assume that the input file is queryname sorted, even if the header says otherwise.

boolean  false


Compression level for all compressed files created (e.g. BAM and VCF).

int  5  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]


Whether to create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file.

Boolean  false


Whether to create an MD5 digest for any BAM or FASTQ files created.

boolean  false


Google Genomics API client_secrets.json file path.

String  client_secrets.json

--help / -h

display the help message

boolean  false


If true, ignore missing mates, otherwise will throw an exception when missing mates are found.

Boolean  true

--INPUT / -I

The input files to check and fix. Multiple files will be merged and sorted.

R List[File]  []


When writing files that need to be sorted, this will specify the number of records stored in RAM before spilling to disk. Increasing this number reduces the number of file handles needed to sort the file, and increases the amount of RAM needed.

Integer  500000  [ [ -∞  ∞ ] ]


The output file to write to. If no output file is supplied, the input file is overwritten (only available with single input file).

File  null


Whether to suppress job-summary info on System.err.

Boolean  false


Reference sequence file.

File  null

--showHidden / -showHidden

display hidden arguments

boolean  false


Optional sort order if the OUTPUT file should be sorted differently than the INPUT file.

The --SORT_ORDER argument is an enumerated type (SortOrder), which can have one of the following values:


SortOrder  null


One or more directories with space available to be used by this program for temporary storage of working files

List[File]  []

--USE_JDK_DEFLATER / -use_jdk_deflater

Use the JDK Deflater instead of the Intel Deflater for writing compressed output

Boolean  false

--USE_JDK_INFLATER / -use_jdk_inflater

Use the JDK Inflater instead of the Intel Inflater for reading compressed input

Boolean  false


Validation stringency for all SAM files read by this program. Setting stringency to SILENT can improve performance when processing a BAM file in which variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not otherwise need to be decoded.

The --VALIDATION_STRINGENCY argument is an enumerated type (ValidationStringency), which can have one of the following values:


ValidationStringency  STRICT


Control verbosity of logging.

The --VERBOSITY argument is an enumerated type (LogLevel), which can have one of the following values:


LogLevel  INFO

--version / NA

display the version number for this tool

boolean  false

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GATK version built at 23-11-2018 02:11:49.