batbinevt |
- Compute mask weighted light curves or spectra from BAT event data.
batcelldetect |
- Perform source detection using the sliding cell method.
batclean |
- Read in a DPI and clean out a fit to the diffuse background.
batdetmask |
- Retrieve BAT gross detector quality map from CALDB.
batdph2dpi |
- (OBSOLETE) compress a 3-d image cube in a FITS binary table along the first (energy) dimension to create a 2-d image.
batdph2pha |
- (OBSOLETE) Read in a BAT Detector Plane Histogram and output a file containing a spectrum for each detector.
batdrmgen |
- Compute BAT detector response matrix for a known source position.
bateconvert |
- Read in an event file and apply energy conversions.
baterebin |
- Read in a survey DPH and rebin the energy spectra using quadratic corrections.
batfftimage |
- Make sky image from detector plane image by FFT deconvolution.
batglobalgti |
- Retrieve BAT global science analysis times.
batgrbproduct |
- Perform standard BAT GRB processing.
bathotpix |
- Locate and mask out hot pixels in a BAT detector image.
batid2xy |
- Convert between detector ID and x/y position in the BAT array.
batimgstatpos |
- Compute celestial coordinates for BAT image status packets.
batmasktaglc |
- Derive light curves from mask tagged rate packets.
batmaskwtevt |
- Compute mask weights for an event file.
batmaskwtimg |
- Compute mask weights for the entire detector BAT plane.
batoccultgti |
- Compute BAT good time intervals due to occultation.
batoccultmap |
- Compute BAT exposure mask due to occultation.
batphasimerr |
- Estimate statistical errors for simulated BAT spectrum.
batphasyserr |
- Apply BAT spectral systematic error vector.
batsumdph |
- (OBSOLETE) Add specified rows in a BAT_DPH table and generate a new, single-row BAT_DPH extension.
batsurvey |
- Perform processing on BAT Survey DPH data.
battblocks |
- Estimate interesting Bayesian Blocks and burst durations for time-variable data.
battsplit |
- Split a good time interval into smaller parts.
batupdatephakw |
- Update BAT ray tracing columns in spectral files.
uvot2pha |
- Create a pha file from a UVOT image and region files.
uvotapercorr |
- Aperture correction for Swift-UVOT source count rates.
uvotapplywcs |
- Perform coordinate translations as given by WCS keywords.
uvotaspcorr |
- Find aspect corrections for UVOT sky images.
uvotattcorr |
- Adjust attitude file with information from UVOT aspect corrections.
uvotbadpix |
- Create pixel quality maps for UVOT images
uvotcentroid |
- Locate the centroid of a source on a UVOT image.
uvotcoincidence |
- Perform coincidence loss correction.
uvotdetect |
- Detect sources in a UVOT image.
uvotevgrism |
- Filter a UVOT grism event list and determine wavelength
uvotevtlc |
- Make a background-subtracted light curve from UVOT event data.
uvotexpcorr |
- (OBSOLETE) Swift/UVOT exposure time correction.
uvotexpmap |
- Generate exposure maps for UVOT sky images.
uvotflatfield |
- Perform flat-fielding on UVOT images.
uvotflux |
- Convert source count rates to magnitudes and flux.
uvotgraspcorr |
- Aspect correct UVOT grism images.
uvotgrplot |
- Plot UVOT grism spectrum.
uvotimage |
- Create UVOT level 2 images.
uvotimgrism |
- Extract UVOT grism spectra.
uvotimsum |
- Sum UVOT sky images or exposure maps.
uvotinteg |
- Determine centroid/area/sum for an image region.
uvotlss |
- Calculate large scale sensitivity corrections.
uvotmag |
- (OBSOLETE) Use uvotcoincidence/uvotflux instead.
uvotmaghist |
- Make a light curve from the exposures in a UVOT image file.
uvotmodmap |
- Correct UVOT images for modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise.
uvotoptsum |
- Optimally coadd UVOT images.
uvotpict |
- Create a finding chart image.
uvotproduct |
- Create level III science products from Level II UVOT data.
uvotrmfgen |
- Create a UVOT response matrix.
uvotscreen |
- Filter a UVOT event list.
uvotsequence |
- List and visualize UVOT observing sequences.
uvotshiftpha |
- Shift a UVOT PHA in time assuming a power-law decay
uvotskycorr |
- Attempt to aspect correct UVOT sky images.
uvotskylss |
- Create and sum large scale sensitivity maps.
uvotsource |
- Instrumental source magnitude derived from UVOT image.
uvottfc |
- Swift/UVOT TDRSS finding chart processing.
uvotunicorr |
- Perform user-guided aspect correction of a sky image.
xrtcalcpi |
- Fill or update PI column in XRT event files (PC, WT and PD modes).
xrtcentroid |
- Calculate source centroid for a given area (box) using XIMAGE.
xrtevtrec |
- Reconstruct events, calculate PHA and assign grade for WT and PD modes.
xrtexpocalc |
- Generate exposure map from sky coordinates instrument map.
xrtexpocorr |
- Apply vignetting correction to sky coordinates instrument map.
xrtexpomap |
- Generate exposure maps for XRT Photon Counting mode event files.
xrtfilter |
- Run 'prefilter' and 'makefilter' to create a filter file from housekeeping data.
xrtflagpix |
- Flag events for bad pixels and calibration source location.
xrtgrblc |
- Swift XRT GRB light curve extraction task.
xrthkproc |
- Process XRT housekeeping header packets file.
xrthotpix |
- Search for hot and flickering pixels for XRT Photon Counting mode.
xrtimage |
- Subtract bias and clean bad pixels in XRT Imaging Mode data.
xrtinstrmap |
- Build the RAW intrument map.
xrtlccorr |
- Generate rate correction file and corrected PC/WT light curve.
xrtmkarf |
- Generate an ARF file for an input RMF file.
xrtpcbias |
- Correct the bias subtracted on-board for PC mode.
xrtpccorr |
- Correct on-ground PHAS values for data taken in Photon Counting mode.
xrtpcgrade |
- Calculate the PHA values and assign event grades.
xrtpdcorr |
- Subtract the bias to the event PHA values taken in Photodiode mode.
xrtphascorr |
- Re-order the pixel telemetered in the PC PHAS array.
xrtpipeline |
- Run in sequence the tasks for XRT data processing.
xrtproducts |
- Generate high level product data files from a cleaned event file.
xrtscreen |
- Generate GTIs and use them (and other criteria) to perform event screening.
xrttam |
- Perform attitude correction to detector coordinates using the TAM device.
xrttdrss |
- Process XRT TDRSS messages.
xrttdrss2 |
- Process new XRT TDRSS messages (telemetry patches f and g support).
xrttimetag |
- Assign event arrival times and fill DETX/DETY columns for Windowed Timing and Photodiode modes.
xrtversion |
- Print the version and date of the Swift-XRT subpackage.
xrtwtcorr |
- Correct on-ground the bias for data taken in Windowed Timing mode.