epic packages | |||||
arfgen | Generates an ancillary response file | ChangeLog | |||
attcalc | Calculates sky coordinates on an event-by-event basis | ChangeLog | |||
backcorr | Makes a background spectrum appropriate to the accumulation region of a source spectrum | ChangeLog | |||
backscale | Calculation and setting of the BACKSCAL keyword | ChangeLog | |||
badpix | Generates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input file | ChangeLog | |||
badpixfind | Creates file identifying type and location of bad pixels | ChangeLog | |||
bkgfit | This task makes a background map for EPIC cameras. | ChangeLog | |||
ebadpixupdate | Update event list with new bad pixels from the CCF or external files | ChangeLog | |||
echeckregion | Check whether a source region is centred on an exposed area | ChangeLog | |||
ecoordconv | Converts a position between coordinate systems | ChangeLog | |||
eexpmap | Creates EPIC exposure maps required by source detection tasks | ChangeLog | |||
efftplot | Computes and plots power density spectra of EPIC source time series | ChangeLog | |||
efluxer | Creation of a fluxed spectrum | ChangeLog | |||
elcbuild | Combines EPIC MOS/PN light curves into a single light curve file readable by e.g. efftplot | ChangeLog | |||
eootepileupmask | This task calculates in rudimentary fashion the pileup probability for each pixel and outputs a mask image indicating those pixels where this probability exceeds a set limit. | ChangeLog | |||
eoptloadmask | This task outputs a mask file, which masks the areas that are likely to be affected with the optical loading caused by bright optical sources. | ChangeLog | |||
epatplot | Plot EPIC pn/mos event pattern statistics | ChangeLog | |||
epiclccorr | The aim of this task is to correct EPIC source time series. | ChangeLog | |||
epileupmask | This task calculates the count/frame for each pixel and outputs a mask indicating those pixels where this probability exceeds a set limit. | ChangeLog | |||
epsplitter | Splitting of a long EPIC pn event file into smaller parts | ChangeLog | |||
epxrlcorr | Correction for X-ray loading in an EPIC-pn ODF | ChangeLog | |||
eradial | Extraction of radial profile and comparison with PSF | ChangeLog | |||
eregionanalyse | Optimisation of point source extraction circle | ChangeLog | |||
especget | Creation of source and background spectra and associated ARF/RMF | ChangeLog | |||
especplot | Produces plots of the net source and background spectra for EPIC MOS/PN | ChangeLog | |||
espfilt | Creates cosmic background-filtered event lists, images, lightcurves and a qdp plot from EPIC MOS or PN pipeline-processed event lists | ChangeLog | |||
etimeget | Creation of source and background time series | ChangeLog | |||
evigweight | Weight EPIC event lists with inverse effective area | ChangeLog | |||
lcplot | Plots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical tests | ChangeLog | |||
merge | Merges two event (attitude, orbit) files together, reprojecting sky coordinates | ChangeLog | |||
movecalc | Create additional X/Y columns centered on attitude of moving object (comet or planet) | ChangeLog | |||
omgrismplot | Plots EPIC or OM net source and background time series and performs statistical tests | ChangeLog | |||
omthlcplot | Plots all the lightcurves contained any one file | ChangeLog | |||
poscorr3xmm | Correction for the offset of the centre of the ELLLBETA PSF | ChangeLog | |||
psfgen | Generate PSF from ccf | ChangeLog | |||
rmfgen | Generates an OGIP-compliant RMF file | ChangeLog | |||
specgroup | Grouping of a spectrum | ChangeLog |