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rgs packages

 badpixGenerates bad pixel extension, and appends it to input filepdf ChangeLog
 htrframesinitialize the intermediate event lists in HTR modepdf ChangeLog
 odfbrowserInteractive ODF browser; allows the procs to run on a selection of exposurespdf ChangeLog
 rgsanglesCorrect RGS event positions for spacecraft pointingpdf ChangeLog
 rgsbadpixConstructs the RGS bad pixel tablespdf ChangeLog
 rgscombineCombines multiple paired Spectrum and Response Matrix files and produce one final result file for eachpdf ChangeLog
 rgsenergyPerforms energy calibrations on RGS telemetrypdf ChangeLog
 rgsevconvertConverts an old-style RGS combined event list to the current formatpdf ChangeLog
 rgseventsConstructs an RGS event listpdf ChangeLog
 rgsfiltercreate the filtered event list and exposure mapspdf ChangeLog
 rgsfluxerCombines and fluxes RGS spectrapdf ChangeLog
 rgsframesPrepares RGS data for rgseventspdf ChangeLog
 rgslccorrrgs light curve correctionpdf ChangeLog
 rgsoffsetcalcCalculate the mean and the standard deviation of the pulse height distribution of RGS diagnostic images.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsprocInteractive version of the RGS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 rgsprodsPerl script for the RGS pipelinepdf ChangeLog
 rgsregionsConstructs RGS event selection regionspdf ChangeLog
 rgsrmfgenConstructs an RGS response matrix filepdf ChangeLog
 rgssourcesSelect/specify sources to be used in rgs pipeline processing.pdf ChangeLog
 rgsspectrumExtracts foreground and background spectrapdf ChangeLog
 specgroupGrouping of a spectrumpdf ChangeLog

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