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Module: Volume Edit (Avizo Lite)


This module provides tools for the interactive modification of 3D image volumes. This is particularly useful for removing noise or undesired objects in a 3D image before applying isosurfaces, volume rendering or other image segmentation tools.

The module takes a scalar or color field as input and produces a new data set as output which can be modified iteratively. The module does not display any geometry in the viewer. It is typically being used in conjunction with a Volume Rendering or an Isosurface Rendering module.


Data [required]
The input data set to be edited (uniform scalar or color field).



The module provides two different types of tools: a lasso or draw tool and 3D dragger tools.

The lasso or draw tool lets you encircle a specific region in the 3D viewer which then can be cleared in the output data set. Alternatively the part not encircled (exterior) can be cleared (cut away), or the original data values can be restored in the encircled region. In order to use the draw tool, first press one of the action buttons cut interior, cut exterior, or restore. Then draw a line around the specific region in the 3D viewer.

The dragger tools let you specify a region to be modified by dragging, rotating and resizing a 3D shape (box, ellipsoid, cone, cylinder or pyramid). A cut or restore operation can then be applied to the interior or exterior part of that shape.

Specifying the axis is useful to orient the shape in its local coordinate system in the case of a cylinder or a cone.


This port specifies by which data value(s) voxels in selected regions are replaced when either cut interior or cut exterior is pressed. For color fields an own value for each channel can be set.


If the button interior is pressed, voxels inside the region selected by a dragger shape are replaced with the value(s) given by the Padding Value port. If the button exterior is pressed, voxels outside this region are replaced. If the draw tool is active, you have to encircle the region to be replaced after pressing one of the buttons.


If the button interior is pressed, voxels inside the region selected by a dragger shape are replaced by the original data values. If the button exterior is pressed, voxels outside this region are replaced. If the draw tool is active, you have to encircle the region to be replaced after pressing one of the buttons.

If the button all is pressed, the entire volume is reset to its original state.


This port provides two buttons for undoing or redoing the last cut or restore operation. The create mask button creates a binary label field in which all voxel with a modified data value are set. The resulting mask doesn't handle padding value and padding color.


If a color field is attached to the module this port allows the user to select if changes should affect only the Alpha channel or All channels.