X Window System Interaction

X Window System Interaction — Internal X-related functions


#include <gdk/x11/gdkglx.h>

gboolean    gdk_x11_gl_query_glx_extension  (GdkGLConfig *glconfig,
                                             const char *extension);
GdkGLConfig* gdk_x11_gl_config_new_from_visualid
                                            (VisualID xvisualid);
GdkGLConfig* gdk_x11_gl_config_new_from_visualid_for_screen
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             VisualID xvisualid);
Display*    gdk_x11_gl_config_get_xdisplay  (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);
int         gdk_x11_gl_config_get_screen_number
                                            (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);
XVisualInfo* gdk_x11_gl_config_get_xvinfo   (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);
gboolean    gdk_x11_gl_config_is_mesa_glx   (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);
GdkGLContext* gdk_x11_gl_context_foreign_new
                                            (GdkGLConfig *glconfig,
                                             GdkGLContext *share_list,
                                             GLXContext glxcontext);
GLXContext  gdk_x11_gl_context_get_glxcontext
                                            (GdkGLContext *glcontext);
GLXPixmap   gdk_x11_gl_pixmap_get_glxpixmap (GdkGLPixmap *glpixmap);
Window      gdk_x11_gl_window_get_glxwindow (GdkGLWindow *glwindow);
#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_XDISPLAY          (glconfig)
#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_SCREEN_XNUMBER    (glconfig)
#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_XVINFO            (glconfig)
#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_XCOLORMAP         (glconfig)
#define     GDK_GL_CONTEXT_GLXCONTEXT       (glcontext)
#define     GDK_GL_PIXMAP_GLXPIXMAP         (glpixmap)
#define     GDK_GL_WINDOW_GLXWINDOW         (glwindow)



gdk_x11_gl_query_glx_extension ()

gboolean    gdk_x11_gl_query_glx_extension  (GdkGLConfig *glconfig,
                                             const char *extension);

Determines whether a given GLX extension is supported.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
extension : name of GLX extension.
Returns : TRUE if the GLX extension is supported, FALSE if not supported.

gdk_x11_gl_config_new_from_visualid ()

GdkGLConfig* gdk_x11_gl_config_new_from_visualid
                                            (VisualID xvisualid);

Creates GdkGLConfig from given visual ID that specifies the OpenGL-capable visual.

xvisualid : visual ID.
Returns : the new GdkGLConfig.

gdk_x11_gl_config_new_from_visualid_for_screen ()

GdkGLConfig* gdk_x11_gl_config_new_from_visualid_for_screen
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             VisualID xvisualid);

Creates GdkGLConfig from given visual ID that specifies the OpenGL-capable visual.

screen : target screen.
xvisualid : visual ID.
Returns : the new GdkGLConfig.

gdk_x11_gl_config_get_xdisplay ()

Display*    gdk_x11_gl_config_get_xdisplay  (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);

Gets X Display.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : pointer to the Display.

gdk_x11_gl_config_get_screen_number ()

int         gdk_x11_gl_config_get_screen_number
                                            (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);

Gets X screen number.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : the screen number.

gdk_x11_gl_config_get_xvinfo ()

XVisualInfo* gdk_x11_gl_config_get_xvinfo   (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);

Gets XVisualInfo data.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : pointer to the XVisualInfo data.

gdk_x11_gl_config_is_mesa_glx ()

gboolean    gdk_x11_gl_config_is_mesa_glx   (GdkGLConfig *glconfig);

Returns whether the server's GLX entension is Mesa.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : TRUE if Mesa GLX, FALSE otherwise.

gdk_x11_gl_context_foreign_new ()

GdkGLContext* gdk_x11_gl_context_foreign_new
                                            (GdkGLConfig *glconfig,
                                             GdkGLContext *share_list,
                                             GLXContext glxcontext);

Creates GdkGLContext from existing GLXContext.

glconfig : GdkGLConfig that represents the visual the GLXContext uses.
share_list : the GdkGLContext which shares display lists with the GLXContext, or NULL.
glxcontext : exsisting GLXContext.
Returns : the newly-created GdkGLContext wrapper.

gdk_x11_gl_context_get_glxcontext ()

GLXContext  gdk_x11_gl_context_get_glxcontext
                                            (GdkGLContext *glcontext);

Gets GLXContext.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
Returns : the GLXContext.

gdk_x11_gl_pixmap_get_glxpixmap ()

GLXPixmap   gdk_x11_gl_pixmap_get_glxpixmap (GdkGLPixmap *glpixmap);

Gets GLXPixmap.

glpixmap : a GdkGLPixmap.
Returns : the GLXPixmap.

gdk_x11_gl_window_get_glxwindow ()

Window      gdk_x11_gl_window_get_glxwindow (GdkGLWindow *glwindow);

Gets X Window.

glwindow : a GdkGLWindow.
Returns : the Window.


#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_XDISPLAY(glconfig)

Gets X Display.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : pointer to the Display.


#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_SCREEN_XNUMBER(glconfig)

Gets X screen number.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : the screen number.


#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_XVINFO(glconfig)

Gets XVisualInfo data.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : pointer to the XVisualInfo data.


#define     GDK_GL_CONFIG_XCOLORMAP(glconfig)

Gets X Colormap.

glconfig : a GdkGLConfig.
Returns : the Colormap.


#define     GDK_GL_CONTEXT_GLXCONTEXT(glcontext)

Gets GLXContext.

glcontext : a GdkGLContext.
Returns : the GLXContext.


#define     GDK_GL_PIXMAP_GLXPIXMAP(glpixmap)

Gets GLXPixmap.

glpixmap : a GdkGLPixmap.
Returns : the GLXPixmap.


#define     GDK_GL_WINDOW_GLXWINDOW(glwindow)

Gets X Window.

glwindow : a GdkGLWindow.
Returns : the Window.