
Fonts — Structures representing abstract fonts


enum                PangoStyle;
#define             PANGO_TYPE_STYLE
enum                PangoWeight;
#define             PANGO_TYPE_WEIGHT
enum                PangoVariant;
#define             PANGO_TYPE_VARIANT
enum                PangoStretch;
#define             PANGO_TYPE_STRETCH
enum                PangoFontMask;
#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MASK
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_new        (void);
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_copy       (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_copy_static
                                                        (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
guint               pango_font_description_hash         (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
gboolean            pango_font_description_equal        (const PangoFontDescription *desc1,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc2);
void                pango_font_description_free         (PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_descriptions_free        (PangoFontDescription **descs,
                                                         int n_descs);
void                pango_font_description_set_family   (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const char *family);
void                pango_font_description_set_family_static
                                                        (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const char *family);
const char*         pango_font_description_get_family   (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_style    (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoStyle style);
PangoStyle          pango_font_description_get_style    (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_variant  (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoVariant variant);
PangoVariant        pango_font_description_get_variant  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_weight   (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoWeight weight);
PangoWeight         pango_font_description_get_weight   (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_stretch  (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoStretch stretch);
PangoStretch        pango_font_description_get_stretch  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_size     (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         gint size);
gint                pango_font_description_get_size     (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_absolute_size
                                                        (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         double size);
gboolean            pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute
                                                        (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_set_gravity  (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoGravity gravity);
PangoGravity        pango_font_description_get_gravity  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
PangoFontMask       pango_font_description_get_set_fields
                                                        (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void                pango_font_description_unset_fields (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoFontMask to_unset);
void                pango_font_description_merge        (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc_to_merge,
                                                         gboolean replace_existing);
void                pango_font_description_merge_static (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc_to_merge,
                                                         gboolean replace_existing);
gboolean            pango_font_description_better_match (const PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *old_match,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *new_match);
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_from_string
                                                        (const char *str);
char*               pango_font_description_to_string    (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
char*               pango_font_description_to_filename  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONT_METRICS
PangoFontMetrics*   pango_font_metrics_ref              (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
void                pango_font_metrics_unref            (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_ascent       (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_descent      (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_thickness
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int                 pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_position
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONT
#define             PANGO_FONT                          (object)
#define             PANGO_IS_FONT                       (object)
PangoEngineShape*   pango_font_find_shaper              (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language,
                                                         guint32 ch);
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_describe               (PangoFont *font);
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size
                                                        (PangoFont *font);
PangoCoverage*      pango_font_get_coverage             (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language);
void                pango_font_get_glyph_extents        (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyph glyph,
                                                         PangoRectangle *ink_rect,
                                                         PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
PangoFontMetrics*   pango_font_get_metrics              (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language);
PangoFontMap*       pango_font_get_font_map             (PangoFont *font);

#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FAMILY
#define             PANGO_FONT_FAMILY                   (object)
#define             PANGO_IS_FONT_FAMILY                (object)
const char*         pango_font_family_get_name          (PangoFontFamily *family);
gboolean            pango_font_family_is_monospace      (PangoFontFamily *family);
void                pango_font_family_list_faces        (PangoFontFamily *family,
                                                         PangoFontFace ***faces,
                                                         int *n_faces);

#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FACE
#define             PANGO_FONT_FACE                     (object)
#define             PANGO_IS_FONT_FACE                  (object)
const char*         pango_font_face_get_face_name       (PangoFontFace *face);
void                pango_font_face_list_sizes          (PangoFontFace *face,
                                                         int **sizes,
                                                         int *n_sizes);
PangoFontDescription* pango_font_face_describe          (PangoFontFace *face);
gboolean            pango_font_face_is_synthesized      (PangoFontFace *face);

#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MAP
#define             PANGO_FONT_MAP                      (object)
#define             PANGO_IS_FONT_MAP                   (object)
#define             PANGO_FONT_MAP_CLASS                (klass)
#define             PANGO_IS_FONT_MAP_CLASS             (klass)
#define             PANGO_FONT_MAP_GET_CLASS            (obj)
PangoContext*       pango_font_map_create_context       (PangoFontMap *fontmap);
PangoFont*          pango_font_map_load_font            (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
                                                         PangoContext *context,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc);
PangoFontset*       pango_font_map_load_fontset         (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
                                                         PangoContext *context,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language);
void                pango_font_map_list_families        (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
                                                         PangoFontFamily ***families,
                                                         int *n_families);
const char*         pango_font_map_get_shape_engine_type
                                                        (PangoFontMap *fontmap);

#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONTSET
PangoFont*          pango_fontset_get_font              (PangoFontset *fontset,
                                                         guint wc);
PangoFontMetrics*   pango_fontset_get_metrics           (PangoFontset *fontset);
gboolean            (*PangoFontsetForeachFunc)          (PangoFontset *fontset,
                                                         PangoFont *font,
                                                         gpointer data);
void                pango_fontset_foreach               (PangoFontset *fontset,
                                                         PangoFontsetForeachFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);
#define             PANGO_TYPE_FONTSET_SIMPLE
PangoFontsetSimple* pango_fontset_simple_new            (PangoLanguage *language);
void                pango_fontset_simple_append         (PangoFontsetSimple *fontset,
                                                         PangoFont *font);
int                 pango_fontset_simple_size           (PangoFontsetSimple *fontset);

Object Hierarchy


Known Derived Interfaces

PangoFontMap is required by PangoCairoFontMap.


Pango supports a flexible architecture where a particular rendering architecture can supply an implementation of fonts. The PangoFont structure represents an abstract rendering-system-independent font. Pango provides routines to list available fonts, and to load a font of a given description.



typedef struct _PangoFontDescription PangoFontDescription;

The PangoFontDescription structure represents the description of an ideal font. These structures are used both to list what fonts are available on the system and also for specifying the characteristics of a font to load.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT_DESCRIPTION (pango_font_description_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontDescription.

enum PangoStyle

typedef enum {
} PangoStyle;

An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font.


the font is upright.


the font is slanted, but in a roman style.


the font is slanted in an italic style.


#define PANGO_TYPE_STYLE (pango_style_get_type())

The GObject type for PangoStyle.

enum PangoWeight

typedef enum {
} PangoWeight;

An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. This is a numerical value ranging from 100 to 900, but there are some predefined values:


the ultralight weight (= 200)


the light weight (=300)


the default weight (= 400)


a weight intermediate between normal and bold (=600)


the bold weight (= 700)


the ultrabold weight (= 800)


the heavy weight (= 900)


#define PANGO_TYPE_WEIGHT (pango_weight_get_type())

The GObject type for PangoWeight.

enum PangoVariant

typedef enum {
} PangoVariant;

An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font.


A normal font.


A font with the lower case characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters.


#define PANGO_TYPE_VARIANT (pango_variant_get_type())

The GObject type for PangoVariant.

enum PangoStretch

typedef enum {
} PangoStretch;

An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs within a family.


ultra condensed width


extra condensed width


condensed width


semi condensed width


the normal width


semi expanded width


expanded width


extra expanded width


ultra expanded width


#define PANGO_TYPE_STRETCH (pango_stretch_get_type())

The GObject type for PangoStretch.

enum PangoFontMask

typedef enum {
  PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE    = 1 << 5,
} PangoFontMask;

The bits in a PangoFontMask correspond to fields in a PangoFontDescription that have been set.


the font family is specified.


the font style is specified.


the font variant is specified.


the font weight is specified.


the font stretch is specified.


the font size is specified.


the font gravity is specified (Since: 1.16.)


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MASK (pango_font_mask_get_type())

The GObject type for PangoFontMask.

pango_font_description_new ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_new        (void);

Creates a new font description structure with all fields unset.

Returns :

the newly allocated PangoFontDescription, which should be freed using pango_font_description_free().

pango_font_description_copy ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_copy       (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Make a copy of a PangoFontDescription.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription, may be NULL

Returns :

the newly allocated PangoFontDescription, which should be freed with pango_font_description_free(), or NULL if desc was NULL.

pango_font_description_copy_static ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_copy_static
                                                        (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Like pango_font_description_copy(), but only a shallow copy is made of the family name and other allocated fields. The result can only be used until desc is modified or freed. This is meant to be used when the copy is only needed temporarily.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription, may be NULL

Returns :

the newly allocated PangoFontDescription, which should be freed with pango_font_description_free(), or NULL if desc was NULL.

pango_font_description_hash ()

guint               pango_font_description_hash         (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Computes a hash of a PangoFontDescription structure suitable to be used, for example, as an argument to g_hash_table_new(). The hash value is independent of desc->mask.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

the hash value.

pango_font_description_equal ()

gboolean            pango_font_description_equal        (const PangoFontDescription *desc1,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc2);

Compares two font descriptions for equality. Two font descriptions are considered equal if the fonts they describe are provably identical. This means that their masks do not have to match, as long as other fields are all the same. (Two font descriptions may result in identical fonts being loaded, but still compare FALSE.)

desc1 :

a PangoFontDescription

desc2 :

another PangoFontDescription

Returns :

TRUE if the two font descriptions are identical, FALSE otherwise.

pango_font_description_free ()

void                pango_font_description_free         (PangoFontDescription *desc);

Frees a font description.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription, may be NULL

pango_font_descriptions_free ()

void                pango_font_descriptions_free        (PangoFontDescription **descs,
                                                         int n_descs);

Frees a list of font descriptions from pango_font_map_list_fonts()

descs :

a pointer to an array of PangoFontDescription, may be NULL

n_descs :

number of font descriptions in descs

pango_font_description_set_family ()

void                pango_font_description_set_family   (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const char *family);

Sets the family name field of a font description. The family name represents a family of related font styles, and will resolve to a particular PangoFontFamily. In some uses of PangoFontDescription, it is also possible to use a comma separated list of family names for this field.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription.

family :

a string representing the family name.

pango_font_description_set_family_static ()

void                pango_font_description_set_family_static
                                                        (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const char *family);

Like pango_font_description_set_family(), except that no copy of family is made. The caller must make sure that the string passed in stays around until desc has been freed or the name is set again. This function can be used if family is a static string such as a C string literal, or if desc is only needed temporarily.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

family :

a string representing the family name.

pango_font_description_get_family ()

const char*         pango_font_description_get_family   (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the family name field of a font description. See pango_font_description_set_family().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription.

Returns :

the family name field for the font description, or NULL if not previously set. This has the same life-time as the font description itself and should not be freed.

pango_font_description_set_style ()

void                pango_font_description_set_style    (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoStyle style);

Sets the style field of a PangoFontDescription. The PangoStyle enumeration describes whether the font is slanted and the manner in which it is slanted; it can be either PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL, PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC, or PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE. Most fonts will either have a italic style or an oblique style, but not both, and font matching in Pango will match italic specifications with oblique fonts and vice-versa if an exact match is not found.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

style :

the style for the font description

pango_font_description_get_style ()

PangoStyle          pango_font_description_get_style    (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the style field of a PangoFontDescription. See pango_font_description_set_style().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

the style field for the font description. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

pango_font_description_set_variant ()

void                pango_font_description_set_variant  (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoVariant variant);

Sets the variant field of a font description. The PangoVariant can either be PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL or PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

variant :

the variant type for the font description.

pango_font_description_get_variant ()

PangoVariant        pango_font_description_get_variant  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the variant field of a PangoFontDescription. See pango_font_description_set_variant().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription.

Returns :

the variant field for the font description. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

pango_font_description_set_weight ()

void                pango_font_description_set_weight   (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoWeight weight);

Sets the weight field of a font description. The weight field specifies how bold or light the font should be. In addition to the values of the PangoWeight enumeration, other intermediate numeric values are possible.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

weight :

the weight for the font description.

pango_font_description_get_weight ()

PangoWeight         pango_font_description_get_weight   (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the weight field of a font description. See pango_font_description_set_weight().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

the weight field for the font description. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

pango_font_description_set_stretch ()

void                pango_font_description_set_stretch  (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoStretch stretch);

Sets the stretch field of a font description. The stretch field specifies how narrow or wide the font should be.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

stretch :

the stretch for the font description

pango_font_description_get_stretch ()

PangoStretch        pango_font_description_get_stretch  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the stretch field of a font description. See pango_font_description_set_stretch().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription.

Returns :

the stretch field for the font description. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

pango_font_description_set_size ()

void                pango_font_description_set_size     (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         gint size);

Sets the size field of a font description in fractional points. This is mutually exclusive with pango_font_description_set_absolute_size().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

size :

the size of the font in points, scaled by PANGO_SCALE. (That is, a size value of 10 * PANGO_SCALE is a 10 point font. The conversion factor between points and device units depends on system configuration and the output device. For screen display, a logical DPI of 96 is common, in which case a 10 point font corresponds to a 10 * (96 / 72) = 13.3 pixel font. Use pango_font_description_set_absolute_size() if you need a particular size in device units.

pango_font_description_get_size ()

gint                pango_font_description_get_size     (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the size field of a font description. See pango_font_description_set_size().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

the size field for the font description in points or device units. You must call pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute() to find out which is the case. Returns 0 if the size field has not previously been set or it has been set to 0 explicitly. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

pango_font_description_set_absolute_size ()

void                pango_font_description_set_absolute_size
                                                        (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         double size);

Sets the size field of a font description, in device units. This is mutually exclusive with pango_font_description_set_size() which sets the font size in points.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

size :

the new size, in Pango units. There are PANGO_SCALE Pango units in one device unit. For an output backend where a device unit is a pixel, a size value of 10 * PANGO_SCALE gives a 10 pixel font.

Since 1.8

pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute ()

gboolean            pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute
                                                        (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Determines whether the size of the font is in points (not absolute) or device units (absolute). See pango_font_description_set_size() and pango_font_description_set_absolute_size().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

whether the size for the font description is in points or device units. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the size field of the font description was explicitly set or not.

Since 1.8

pango_font_description_set_gravity ()

void                pango_font_description_set_gravity  (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoGravity gravity);

Sets the gravity field of a font description. The gravity field specifies how the glyphs should be rotated. If gravity is PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO, this actually unsets the gravity mask on the font description.

This function is seldom useful to the user. Gravity should normally be set on a PangoContext.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

gravity :

the gravity for the font description.

Since 1.16

pango_font_description_get_gravity ()

PangoGravity        pango_font_description_get_gravity  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Gets the gravity field of a font description. See pango_font_description_set_gravity().

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

the gravity field for the font description. Use pango_font_description_get_set_fields() to find out if the field was explicitly set or not.

Since 1.16

pango_font_description_get_set_fields ()

PangoFontMask       pango_font_description_get_set_fields
                                                        (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Determines which fields in a font description have been set.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

a bitmask with bits set corresponding to the fields in desc that have been set.

pango_font_description_unset_fields ()

void                pango_font_description_unset_fields (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoFontMask to_unset);

Unsets some of the fields in a PangoFontDescription. The unset fields will get back to their default values.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

to_unset :

bitmask of fields in the desc to unset.

pango_font_description_merge ()

void                pango_font_description_merge        (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc_to_merge,
                                                         gboolean replace_existing);

Merges the fields that are set in desc_to_merge into the fields in desc. If replace_existing is FALSE, only fields in desc that are not already set are affected. If TRUE, then fields that are already set will be replaced as well.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

desc_to_merge :

the PangoFontDescription to merge from

replace_existing :

if TRUE, replace fields in desc with the corresponding values from desc_to_merge, even if they are already exist.

pango_font_description_merge_static ()

void                pango_font_description_merge_static (PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc_to_merge,
                                                         gboolean replace_existing);

Like pango_font_description_merge(), but only a shallow copy is made of the family name and other allocated fields. desc can only be used until desc_to_merge is modified or freed. This is meant to be used when the merged font description is only needed temporarily.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

desc_to_merge :

the PangoFontDescription to merge from

replace_existing :

if TRUE, replace fields in desc with the corresponding values from desc_to_merge, even if they are already exist.

pango_font_description_better_match ()

gboolean            pango_font_description_better_match (const PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *old_match,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *new_match);

Determines if the style attributes of new_match are a closer match for desc than those of old_match are, or if old_match is NULL, determines if new_match is a match at all. Approximate matching is done for weight and style; other style attributes must match exactly. Style attributes are all attributes other than family and size-related attributes. Approximate matching for style considers PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE and PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC as matches, but not as good a match as when the styles are equal.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

old_match :

a PangoFontDescription, or NULL

new_match :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

TRUE if new_match is a better match

pango_font_description_from_string ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_description_from_string
                                                        (const char *str);

Creates a new font description from a string representation in the form "[FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]", where FAMILY-LIST is a comma separated list of families optionally terminated by a comma, STYLE_OPTIONS is a whitespace separated list of words where each WORD describes one of style, variant, weight, stretch, or gravity, and SIZE is a decimal number (size in points) or optionally followed by the unit modifier "px" for absolute size. Any one of the options may be absent. If FAMILY-LIST is absent, then the family_name field of the resulting font description will be initialized to NULL. If STYLE-OPTIONS is missing, then all style options will be set to the default values. If SIZE is missing, the size in the resulting font description will be set to 0.

str :

string representation of a font description.

Returns :

a new PangoFontDescription.

pango_font_description_to_string ()

char*               pango_font_description_to_string    (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Creates a string representation of a font description. See pango_font_description_from_string() for a description of the format of the string representation. The family list in the string description will only have a terminating comma if the last word of the list is a valid style option.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

a new string that must be freed with g_free().

pango_font_description_to_filename ()

char*               pango_font_description_to_filename  (const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Creates a filename representation of a font description. The filename is identical to the result from calling pango_font_description_to_string(), but with underscores instead of characters that are untypical in filenames, and in lower case only.

desc :

a PangoFontDescription

Returns :

a new string that must be freed with g_free().


typedef struct {
  guint ref_count;

  int ascent;
  int descent;
  int approximate_char_width;
  int approximate_digit_width;
  int underline_position;
  int underline_thickness;
  int strikethrough_position;
  int strikethrough_thickness;
} PangoFontMetrics;

A PangoFontMetrics structure holds the overall metric information for a font (possibly restricted to a script). The fields of this structure are private to implementations of a font backend. See the documentation of the corresponding getters for documentation of their meaning.

guint ref_count;

reference count. Used internally. See pango_font_metrics_ref() and pango_font_metrics_unref().

int ascent;

the distance from the baseline to the highest point of the glyphs of the font. This is positive in practically all fonts.

int descent;

the distance from the baseline to the lowest point of the glyphs of the font. This is positive in practically all fonts.

int approximate_char_width;

approximate average width of the regular glyphs of the font. Note that for this calculation, East Asian characters (those passing g_unichar_iswide()) are counted as double-width. This produces a more uniform value for this measure across languages and results in more uniform and more expected UI sizes.

int approximate_digit_width;

approximate average width of the glyphs for digits of the font.

int underline_position;

position of the underline. This is normally negative.

int underline_thickness;

thickness of the underline.

int strikethrough_position;

position of the strikethrough line. This is normally positive.

int strikethrough_thickness;

thickness of the strikethrough line.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT_METRICS  (pango_font_metrics_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontMetrics.

pango_font_metrics_ref ()

PangoFontMetrics*   pango_font_metrics_ref              (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Increase the reference count of a font metrics structure by one.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure, may be NULL

Returns :


pango_font_metrics_unref ()

void                pango_font_metrics_unref            (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Decrease the reference count of a font metrics structure by one. If the result is zero, frees the structure and any associated memory.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure, may be NULL

pango_font_metrics_get_ascent ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_ascent       (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the ascent from a font metrics structure. The ascent is the distance from the baseline to the logical top of a line of text. (The logical top may be above or below the top of the actual drawn ink. It is necessary to lay out the text to figure where the ink will be.)

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the ascent, in Pango units. (1 point == PANGO_SCALE Pango units.)

pango_font_metrics_get_descent ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_descent      (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the descent from a font metrics structure. The descent is the distance from the baseline to the logical bottom of a line of text. (The logical bottom may be above or below the bottom of the actual drawn ink. It is necessary to lay out the text to figure where the ink will be.)

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the descent, in Pango units. (1 point == PANGO_SCALE Pango units.)

pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the approximate character width for a font metrics structure. This is merely a representative value useful, for example, for determining the initial size for a window. Actual characters in text will be wider and narrower than this.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the character width, in Pango units. (1 point == PANGO_SCALE Pango units.)

pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the approximate digit width for a font metrics structure. This is merely a representative value useful, for example, for determining the initial size for a window. Actual digits in text can be wider or narrower than this, though this value is generally somewhat more accurate than the result of pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width() for digits.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the digit width, in Pango units. (1 point == PANGO_SCALE Pango units.)

pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the suggested thickness to draw for the underline.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the suggested underline thickness, in Pango units.

Since 1.6

pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the suggested position to draw the underline. The value returned is the distance above the baseline of the top of the underline. Since most fonts have underline positions beneath the baseline, this value is typically negative.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the suggested underline position, in Pango units.

Since 1.6

pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_thickness ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_thickness
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the suggested thickness to draw for the strikethrough.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the suggested strikethrough thickness, in Pango units.

Since 1.6

pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_position ()

int                 pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_position
                                                        (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);

Gets the suggested position to draw the strikethrough. The value returned is the distance above the baseline of the top of the strikethrough.

metrics :

a PangoFontMetrics structure

Returns :

the suggested strikethrough position, in Pango units.

Since 1.6


typedef struct _PangoFont PangoFont;

The PangoFont structure is used to represent a font in a rendering-system-independent matter. To create an implementation of a PangoFont, the rendering-system specific code should allocate a larger structure that contains a nested PangoFont, fill in the klass member of the nested PangoFont with a pointer to a appropriate PangoFontClass, then call pango_font_init() on the structure.

The PangoFont structure contains one member which the implementation fills in.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT              (pango_font_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFont.


#define PANGO_FONT(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT, PangoFont))

Casts a GObject to a PangoFont.

object :

a GObject.


#define PANGO_IS_FONT(object)        (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT))

Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFont.

object :

a GObject.

pango_font_find_shaper ()

PangoEngineShape*   pango_font_find_shaper              (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language,
                                                         guint32 ch);

Finds the best matching shaper for a font for a particular language tag and character point.

font :

a PangoFont

language :

the language tag

ch :

a Unicode character.

Returns :

the best matching shaper.

pango_font_describe ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_describe               (PangoFont *font);

Returns a description of the font, with font size set in points. Use pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size() if you want the font size in device units.

font :

a PangoFont

Returns :

a newly-allocated PangoFontDescription object.

pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size
                                                        (PangoFont *font);

Returns a description of the font, with absolute font size set (in device units). Use pango_font_describe() if you want the font size in points.

font :

a PangoFont

Returns :

a newly-allocated PangoFontDescription object.

Since 1.14

pango_font_get_coverage ()

PangoCoverage*      pango_font_get_coverage             (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language);

Computes the coverage map for a given font and language tag.

font :

a PangoFont

language :

the language tag

Returns :

a newly-allocated PangoCoverage object.

pango_font_get_glyph_extents ()

void                pango_font_get_glyph_extents        (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoGlyph glyph,
                                                         PangoRectangle *ink_rect,
                                                         PangoRectangle *logical_rect);

Gets the logical and ink extents of a glyph within a font. The coordinate system for each rectangle has its origin at the base line and horizontal origin of the character with increasing coordinates extending to the right and down. The macros PANGO_ASCENT(), PANGO_DESCENT(), PANGO_LBEARING(), and PANGO_RBEARING() can be used to convert from the extents rectangle to more traditional font metrics. The units of the rectangles are in 1/PANGO_SCALE of a device unit.

If font is NULL, this function gracefully sets some sane values in the output variables and returns.

font :

a PangoFont

glyph :

the glyph index

ink_rect :

rectangle used to store the extents of the glyph as drawn or NULL to indicate that the result is not needed.

logical_rect :

rectangle used to store the logical extents of the glyph or NULL to indicate that the result is not needed.

pango_font_get_metrics ()

PangoFontMetrics*   pango_font_get_metrics              (PangoFont *font,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language);

Gets overall metric information for a font. Since the metrics may be substantially different for different scripts, a language tag can be provided to indicate that the metrics should be retrieved that correspond to the script(s) used by that language.

If font is NULL, this function gracefully sets some sane values in the output variables and returns.

font :

a PangoFont

language :

language tag used to determine which script to get the metrics for, or NULL to indicate to get the metrics for the entire font.

Returns :

a PangoFontMetrics object. The caller must call pango_font_metrics_unref() when finished using the object.

pango_font_get_font_map ()

PangoFontMap*       pango_font_get_font_map             (PangoFont *font);

Gets the font map for which the font was created.

Note that the font maintains a weak reference to the font map, so if all references to font map are dropped, the font map will be finalized even if there are fonts created with the font map that are still alive. In that case this function will return NULL. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the font map is kept alive. In most uses this is not an issue as a PangoContext holds a reference to the font map.

font :

a PangoFont, or NULL

Returns :

the PangoFontMap for the font, or NULL if font is NULL.

Since 1.10


typedef struct _PangoFontFamily PangoFontFamily;

The PangoFontFamily structure is used to represent a family of related font faces. The faces in a family share a common design, but differ in slant, weight, width and other aspects.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FAMILY              (pango_font_family_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontFamily.


#define PANGO_FONT_FAMILY(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FAMILY, PangoFontFamily))

Casts a GObject to a PangoFontFamily.

object :

a GObject.



Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFontFamily.

object :

a GObject.

pango_font_family_get_name ()

const char*         pango_font_family_get_name          (PangoFontFamily *family);

Gets the name of the family. The name is unique among all fonts for the font backend and can be used in a PangoFontDescription to specify that a face from this family is desired.

family :

a PangoFontFamily

Returns :

the name of the family. This string is owned by the family object and must not be modified or freed.

pango_font_family_is_monospace ()

gboolean            pango_font_family_is_monospace      (PangoFontFamily *family);

A monospace font is a font designed for text display where the the characters form a regular grid. For Western languages this would mean that the advance width of all characters are the same, but this categorization also includes Asian fonts which include double-width characters: characters that occupy two grid cells. g_unichar_iswide() returns a result that indicates whether a character is typically double-width in a monospace font.

The best way to find out the grid-cell size is to call pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width(), since the results of pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width() may be affected by double-width characters.

family :

a PangoFontFamily

Returns :

TRUE if the family is monospace.

Since 1.4

pango_font_family_list_faces ()

void                pango_font_family_list_faces        (PangoFontFamily *family,
                                                         PangoFontFace ***faces,
                                                         int *n_faces);

Lists the different font faces that make up family. The faces in a family share a common design, but differ in slant, weight, width and other aspects.

family :

a PangoFontFamily

faces :

location to store an array of pointers to PangoFontFace objects, or NULL. This array should be freed with g_free() when it is no longer needed.

n_faces :

location to store number of elements in faces.


typedef struct _PangoFontFace PangoFontFace;

The PangoFontFace structure is used to represent a group of fonts with the same family, slant, weight, width, but varying sizes.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FACE              (pango_font_face_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontFace.


#define PANGO_FONT_FACE(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FACE, PangoFontFace))

Casts a GObject to a PangoFontFace.

object :

a GObject.



Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFontFace.

object :

a GObject.

pango_font_face_get_face_name ()

const char*         pango_font_face_get_face_name       (PangoFontFace *face);

Gets a name representing the style of this face among the different faces in the PangoFontFamily for the face. This name is unique among all faces in the family and is suitable for displaying to users.

face :

a PangoFontFace.

Returns :

the face name for the face. This string is owned by the face object and must not be modified or freed.

pango_font_face_list_sizes ()

void                pango_font_face_list_sizes          (PangoFontFace *face,
                                                         int **sizes,
                                                         int *n_sizes);

List the available sizes for a font. This is only applicable to bitmap fonts. For scalable fonts, stores NULL at the location pointed to by sizes and 0 at the location pointed to by n_sizes. The sizes returned are in Pango units and are sorted in ascending order.

face :

a PangoFontFace.

sizes :

location to store a pointer to an array of int. This array should be freed with g_free().

n_sizes :

location to store the number of elements in sizes

Since 1.4

pango_font_face_describe ()

PangoFontDescription* pango_font_face_describe          (PangoFontFace *face);

Returns the family, style, variant, weight and stretch of a PangoFontFace. The size field of the resulting font description will be unset.

face :

a PangoFontFace

Returns :

a newly-created PangoFontDescription structure holding the description of the face. Use pango_font_description_free() to free the result.

pango_font_face_is_synthesized ()

gboolean            pango_font_face_is_synthesized      (PangoFontFace *face);

Returns whether a PangoFontFace is synthesized by the underlying font rendering engine from another face, perhaps by shearing, emboldening, or lightening it.

face :

a PangoFontFace

Returns :

whether face is synthesized.

Since 1.18


typedef struct _PangoFontMap PangoFontMap;

The PangoFontMap represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system. This is a virtual object with implementations being specific to particular rendering systems. To create an implementation of a PangoFontMap, the rendering-system specific code should allocate a larger structure that contains a nested PangoFontMap, fill in the klass member of the nested PangoFontMap with a pointer to a appropriate PangoFontMapClass, then call pango_font_map_init() on the structure.

The PangoFontMap structure contains one member which the implementation fills in.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MAP              (pango_font_map_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontMap.


#define PANGO_FONT_MAP(object)           (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MAP, PangoFontMap))

Casts a GObject to a PangoFontMap.

object :

a GObject.



Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFontMap.

object :

a GObject.


typedef struct {
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  PangoFont *   (*load_font)     (PangoFontMap               *fontmap,
				  PangoContext               *context,
				  const PangoFontDescription *desc);
  void          (*list_families) (PangoFontMap               *fontmap,
				  PangoFontFamily          ***families,
				  int                        *n_families);
  PangoFontset *(*load_fontset)  (PangoFontMap               *fontmap,
				  PangoContext               *context,
				  const PangoFontDescription *desc,
				  PangoLanguage              *language);

  const char *shape_engine_type;
} PangoFontMapClass;

The PangoFontMapClass structure holds the virtual functions for a particular PangoFontMap implementation.

GObjectClass parent_class;

parent GObjectClass.

load_font ()

a function to load a font with a given description. See pango_font_map_load_font().

list_families ()

A function to list available font families. See pango_font_map_list_families().

load_fontset ()

a function to load a fontset with a given given description suitable for a particular language. See pango_font_map_load_fontset().

const char *shape_engine_type;

the type of rendering-system-dependent engines that can handle fonts of this fonts loaded with this fontmap.


#define PANGO_FONT_MAP_CLASS(klass)      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MAP, PangoFontMapClass))

Casts a GObject to a PangoFontMapClass.

klass :

a GObject.



Returns TRUE if klass is a subtype of PangoFontMapClass.

klass :

a GObject.



Returns the type of a PangoFontMap.

obj :

a PangoFontMap.

pango_font_map_create_context ()

PangoContext*       pango_font_map_create_context       (PangoFontMap *fontmap);

Creates a PangoContext connected to fontmap. This is equivalent to pango_context_new() followed by pango_context_set_font_map().

If you are using Pango as part of a higher-level system, that system may have it's own way of create a PangoContext. For instance, the GTK+ toolkit has, among others, gdk_pango_context_get_for_screen(), and gtk_widget_get_pango_context(). Use those instead.

fontmap :

a PangoFontMap

Returns :

the newly allocated PangoContext, which should be freed with g_object_unref().

Since 1.22

pango_font_map_load_font ()

PangoFont*          pango_font_map_load_font            (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
                                                         PangoContext *context,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc);

Load the font in the fontmap that is the closest match for desc.

fontmap :

a PangoFontMap

context :

the PangoContext the font will be used with

desc :

a PangoFontDescription describing the font to load

Returns :

the font loaded, or NULL if no font matched.

pango_font_map_load_fontset ()

PangoFontset*       pango_font_map_load_fontset         (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
                                                         PangoContext *context,
                                                         const PangoFontDescription *desc,
                                                         PangoLanguage *language);

Load a set of fonts in the fontmap that can be used to render a font matching desc.

fontmap :

a PangoFontMap

context :

the PangoContext the font will be used with

desc :

a PangoFontDescription describing the font to load

language :

a PangoLanguage the fonts will be used for

Returns :

the fontset, or NULL if no font matched.

pango_font_map_list_families ()

void                pango_font_map_list_families        (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
                                                         PangoFontFamily ***families,
                                                         int *n_families);

List all families for a fontmap.

fontmap :

a PangoFontMap

families :

location to store a pointer to an array of PangoFontFamily *. This array should be freed with g_free().

n_families :

location to store the number of elements in families

pango_font_map_get_shape_engine_type ()

const char*         pango_font_map_get_shape_engine_type
                                                        (PangoFontMap *fontmap);

Returns the render ID for shape engines for this fontmap. See the render_type field of PangoEngineInfo.

fontmap :

a PangoFontMap

Returns :

the ID string for shape engines for this fontmap. Owned by Pango, should not be modified or freed.

Since 1.4


typedef struct _PangoFontset PangoFontset;

A PangoFontset represents a set of PangoFont to use when rendering text. It is the result of resolving a PangoFontDescription against a particular PangoContext. It has operations for finding the component font for a particular Unicode character, and for finding a composite set of metrics for the entire fontset.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONTSET              (pango_fontset_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontset.


typedef struct {
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  PangoFont *       (*get_font)     (PangoFontset     *fontset,
				     guint             wc);

  PangoFontMetrics *(*get_metrics)  (PangoFontset     *fontset);
  PangoLanguage *   (*get_language) (PangoFontset     *fontset);
  void              (*foreach)      (PangoFontset           *fontset,
				     PangoFontsetForeachFunc func,
				     gpointer                data);
} PangoFontsetClass;

The PangoFontsetClass structure holds the virtual functions for a particular PangoFontset implementation.

GObjectClass parent_class;

parent GObjectClass.

get_font ()

a function to get the font in the fontset that contains the best glyph for the given Unicode character; see pango_fontset_get_font().

get_metrics ()

a function to get overall metric information for the fonts in the fontset; see pango_fontset_get_metrics().

get_language ()

a function to get the language of the fontset.

foreach ()

a function to loop over the fonts in the fontset. See pango_fontset_foreach().

pango_fontset_get_font ()

PangoFont*          pango_fontset_get_font              (PangoFontset *fontset,
                                                         guint wc);

Returns the font in the fontset that contains the best glyph for the Unicode character wc.

fontset :

a PangoFontset

wc :

a Unicode character

Returns :

a PangoFont. The caller must call g_object_unref when finished with the font.

pango_fontset_get_metrics ()

PangoFontMetrics*   pango_fontset_get_metrics           (PangoFontset *fontset);

Get overall metric information for the fonts in the fontset.

fontset :

a PangoFontset

Returns :

a PangoFontMetrics object. The caller must call pango_font_metrics_unref() when finished using the object.

PangoFontsetForeachFunc ()

gboolean            (*PangoFontsetForeachFunc)          (PangoFontset *fontset,
                                                         PangoFont *font,
                                                         gpointer data);

A callback function used by pango_fontset_foreach() when enumerating the fonts in a fontset.

fontset :

a PangoFontset

font :

a font from fontset

data :

callback data

Returns :

if TRUE, stop iteration and return immediately.

Since 1.4

pango_fontset_foreach ()

void                pango_fontset_foreach               (PangoFontset *fontset,
                                                         PangoFontsetForeachFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);

Iterates through all the fonts in a fontset, calling func for each one. If func returns TRUE, that stops the iteration.

fontset :

a PangoFontset

func :

Callback function

data :

data to pass to the callback function

Since 1.4


typedef struct _PangoFontsetSimple PangoFontsetSimple;

PangoFontsetSimple is a implementation of the abstract PangoFontset base class in terms of an array of fonts, which the creator provides when constructing the PangoFontsetSimple.


#define PANGO_TYPE_FONTSET_SIMPLE       (pango_fontset_simple_get_type ())

The GObject type for PangoFontsetSimple.

pango_fontset_simple_new ()

PangoFontsetSimple* pango_fontset_simple_new            (PangoLanguage *language);

Creates a new PangoFontsetSimple for the given language.

language :

a PangoLanguage tag

Returns :

the newly allocated PangoFontsetSimple, which should be freed with g_object_unref().

pango_fontset_simple_append ()

void                pango_fontset_simple_append         (PangoFontsetSimple *fontset,
                                                         PangoFont *font);

Adds a font to the fontset.

fontset :

a PangoFontsetSimple.

font :

a PangoFont.

pango_fontset_simple_size ()

int                 pango_fontset_simple_size           (PangoFontsetSimple *fontset);

Returns the number of fonts in the fontset.

fontset :

a PangoFontsetSimple.

Returns :

the size of fontset.