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Pango Reference Manual | ![]() |
enum PangoAttrType; #define PANGO_TYPE_ATTR_TYPE PangoAttrClass; PangoAttribute; PangoAttrString; PangoAttrLanguage; PangoAttrColor; PangoAttrInt; PangoAttrFloat; PangoAttrFontDesc; PangoAttrShape; PangoAttrSize; gboolean pango_parse_markup (const char *markup_text, int length, gunichar accel_marker, PangoAttrList **attr_list, char **text, gunichar *accel_char, GError **error); PangoAttrType pango_attr_type_register (const gchar *name); const char* pango_attr_type_get_name (PangoAttrType type); void pango_attribute_init (PangoAttribute *attr, const PangoAttrClass *klass); PangoAttribute* pango_attribute_copy (const PangoAttribute *attr); gboolean pango_attribute_equal (const PangoAttribute *attr1, const PangoAttribute *attr2); void pango_attribute_destroy (PangoAttribute *attr); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_language_new (PangoLanguage *language); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_family_new (const char *family); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_style_new (PangoStyle style); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_variant_new (PangoVariant variant); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_stretch_new (PangoStretch stretch); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_weight_new (PangoWeight weight); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_size_new (int size); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_size_new_absolute (int size); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_font_desc_new (const PangoFontDescription *desc); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_foreground_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_background_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_strikethrough_new (gboolean strikethrough); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_underline_new (PangoUnderline underline); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_underline_color_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue); enum PangoUnderline; #define PANGO_TYPE_UNDERLINE PangoAttribute* pango_attr_shape_new (const PangoRectangle *ink_rect, const PangoRectangle *logical_rect); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_shape_new_with_data (const PangoRectangle *ink_rect, const PangoRectangle *logical_rect, gpointer data, PangoAttrDataCopyFunc copy_func, GDestroyNotify destroy_func); gpointer (*PangoAttrDataCopyFunc) (gconstpointer data); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_scale_new (double scale_factor); #define PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL #define PANGO_SCALE_X_SMALL #define PANGO_SCALE_SMALL #define PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM #define PANGO_SCALE_LARGE #define PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE #define PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE PangoAttribute* pango_attr_rise_new (int rise); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_letter_spacing_new (int letter_spacing); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_fallback_new (gboolean enable_fallback); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_gravity_new (PangoGravity gravity); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_gravity_hint_new (PangoGravityHint hint); PangoColor; #define PANGO_TYPE_COLOR gboolean pango_color_parse (PangoColor *color, const char *spec); PangoColor* pango_color_copy (const PangoColor *src); void pango_color_free (PangoColor *color); gchar* pango_color_to_string (const PangoColor *color); PangoAttrList; #define PANGO_TYPE_ATTR_LIST PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_new (void); PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_ref (PangoAttrList *list); void pango_attr_list_unref (PangoAttrList *list); PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_copy (PangoAttrList *list); void pango_attr_list_insert (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr); void pango_attr_list_insert_before (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr); void pango_attr_list_change (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr); void pango_attr_list_splice (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttrList *other, gint pos, gint len); PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_filter (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttrFilterFunc func, gpointer data); gboolean (*PangoAttrFilterFunc) (PangoAttribute *attribute, gpointer data); PangoAttrIterator* pango_attr_list_get_iterator (PangoAttrList *list); PangoAttrIterator; PangoAttrIterator* pango_attr_iterator_copy (PangoAttrIterator *iterator); gboolean pango_attr_iterator_next (PangoAttrIterator *iterator); void pango_attr_iterator_range (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, gint *start, gint *end); PangoAttribute* pango_attr_iterator_get (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, PangoAttrType type); void pango_attr_iterator_get_font (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoLanguage **language, GSList **extra_attrs); GSList* pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs (PangoAttrIterator *iterator); void pango_attr_iterator_destroy (PangoAttrIterator *iterator);
Attributed text is used in a number of places in Pango. It is used as the input to the itemization process and also when creating a PangoLayout. The data types and functions in this section are used to represent and manipulate sets of attributes applied to a portion of text.
typedef enum { PANGO_ATTR_INVALID, /* 0 is an invalid attribute type */ PANGO_ATTR_LANGUAGE, /* PangoAttrLanguage */ PANGO_ATTR_FAMILY, /* PangoAttrString */ PANGO_ATTR_STYLE, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_WEIGHT, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_VARIANT, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_STRETCH, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_SIZE, /* PangoAttrSize */ PANGO_ATTR_FONT_DESC, /* PangoAttrFontDesc */ PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND, /* PangoAttrColor */ PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND, /* PangoAttrColor */ PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_RISE, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE, /* PangoAttrShape */ PANGO_ATTR_SCALE, /* PangoAttrFloat */ PANGO_ATTR_FALLBACK, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_LETTER_SPACING, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE_COLOR, /* PangoAttrColor */ PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR,/* PangoAttrColor */ PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE, /* PangoAttrSize */ PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY, /* PangoAttrInt */ PANGO_ATTR_GRAVITY_HINT /* PangoAttrInt */ } PangoAttrType;
The PangoAttrType
distinguishes between different types of attributes. Along with the
predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values
for custom attributes using pango_attr_type_register()
. The predefined
values are given below. The type of structure used to store the
attribute is listed in parentheses after the description.
does not happen | |
language (PangoAttrLanguage) | |
font family name list (PangoAttrString) | |
font slant style (PangoAttrInt) | |
font weight (PangoAttrInt) | |
font variant (normal or small caps) (PangoAttrInt) | |
font stretch (PangoAttrInt) | |
font size in points scaled by PANGO_SCALE (PangoAttrInt)
font description (PangoAttrFontDesc) | |
foreground color (PangoAttrColor) | |
background color (PangoAttrColor) | |
whether the text has an underline (PangoAttrInt) | |
whether the text is struck-through (PangoAttrInt) | |
baseline displacement (PangoAttrInt) | |
shape (PangoAttrShape) | |
font size scale factor (PangoAttrFloat) | |
whether fallback is enabled (PangoAttrInt) | |
letter spacing (PangoAttrInt) | |
underline color (PangoAttrColor) | |
strikethrough color (PangoAttrColor) | |
font size in pixels scaled by PANGO_SCALE (PangoAttrInt)
base text gravity (PangoAttrInt) | |
gravity hint (PangoAttrInt) |
#define PANGO_TYPE_ATTR_TYPE (pango_attr_type_get_type())
The GObject type for PangoAttrType.
typedef struct { PangoAttrType type; PangoAttribute * (*copy) (const PangoAttribute *attr); void (*destroy) (PangoAttribute *attr); gboolean (*equal) (const PangoAttribute *attr1, const PangoAttribute *attr2); } PangoAttrClass;
The PangoAttrClass structure stores the type and operations for a particular type of attribute. The functions in this structure should not be called directly. Instead, one should use the wrapper functions provided for PangoAttribute.
PangoAttrType |
the type ID for this attribute |
function to duplicate an attribute of this type (see pango_attribute_copy() )
function to free an attribute of this type (see pango_attribute_destroy() )
function to check two attributes of this type for equality (see pango_attribute_equal() )
typedef struct { const PangoAttrClass *klass; guint start_index; /* in bytes */ guint end_index; /* in bytes. The character at this index is not included */ } PangoAttribute;
The PangoAttribute structure represents the common portions of all
attributes. Particular types of attributes include this structure
as their initial portion. The common portion of the attribute holds
the range to which the value in the type-specific part of the attribute
applies and should be initialized using pango_attribute_init()
By default an attribute will have an all-inclusive range of [0,G_MAXUINT
const PangoAttrClass * |
the class structure holding information about the type of the attribute |
guint |
the start index of the range (in bytes). |
guint |
end index of the range (in bytes). The character at this index is not included in the range. |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; char *value; } PangoAttrString;
The PangoAttrString structure is used to represent attributes with a string value.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
char * |
the string which is the value of the attribute |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; PangoLanguage *value; } PangoAttrLanguage;
The PangoAttrLanguage structure is used to represent attributes that are languages.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
PangoLanguage * |
the PangoLanguage which is the value of the attribute |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; PangoColor color; } PangoAttrColor;
The PangoAttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that are colors.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
PangoColor |
the PangoColor which is the value of the attribute |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; int value; } PangoAttrInt;
The PangoAttrInt structure is used to represent attributes with an integer or enumeration value.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
int |
the value of the attribute |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; double value; } PangoAttrFloat;
The PangoAttrFloat structure is used to represent attributes with a float or double value.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
double |
the value of the attribute |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; PangoFontDescription *desc; } PangoAttrFontDesc;
The PangoAttrFontDesc structure is used to store an attribute that sets all aspects of the font description at once.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
PangoFontDescription * |
the font description which is the value of this attribute |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; PangoRectangle ink_rect; PangoRectangle logical_rect; gpointer data; PangoAttrDataCopyFunc copy_func; GDestroyNotify destroy_func; } PangoAttrShape;
The PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which impose shape restrictions.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
PangoRectangle |
the ink rectangle to restrict to |
PangoRectangle |
the logical rectangle to restrict to |
gpointer |
user data set (see pango_attr_shape_new_with_data() )
PangoAttrDataCopyFunc |
copy function for the user data |
GDestroyNotify |
destroy function for the user data |
typedef struct { PangoAttribute attr; int size; guint absolute : 1; } PangoAttrSize;
The PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which set font size.
PangoAttribute |
the common portion of the attribute |
int |
size of font, in units of 1/PANGO_SCALE of a point (for
PANGO_ATTR_SIZE ) or of a device uni (for PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE )
guint |
whether the font size is in device units or points.
This field is only present for compatibility with Pango-1.8.0
(PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_SIZE was added in 1.8.1); and always will
gboolean pango_parse_markup (const char *markup_text, int length, gunichar accel_marker, PangoAttrList **attr_list, char **text, gunichar *accel_char, GError **error);
Parses marked-up text (see markup format) to create a plain-text string and an attribute list.
If accel_marker
is nonzero, the given character will mark the
character following it as an accelerator. For example, accel_marker
might be an ampersand or underscore. All characters marked
as an accelerator will receive a PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW
and the first character so marked will be returned in accel_char
Two accel_marker
characters following each other produce a single
literal accel_marker
If any error happens, none of the output arguments are touched except
for error
markup to parse (see markup format) |
length of markup_text , or -1 if nul-terminated
character that precedes an accelerator, or 0 for none |
address of return location for a PangoAttrList, or NULL
address of return location for text with tags stripped, or NULL
address of return location for accelerator char, or NULL
address of return location for errors, or NULL
Returns : |
FALSE if error is set, otherwise TRUE
PangoAttrType pango_attr_type_register (const gchar *name);
Allocate a new attribute type ID. The attribute type name can be accessed
later by using pango_attr_type_get_name()
an identifier for the type |
Returns : |
the new type ID. |
const char* pango_attr_type_get_name (PangoAttrType type);
Fetches the attribute type name passed in when registering the type using
The returned value is an interned string (see g_intern_string()
for what
that means) that should not be modified or freed.
an attribute type ID to fetch the name for |
Returns : |
the type ID name (which may be NULL ), or NULL if type is
a built-in Pango attribute type or invalid.
Since 1.22
void pango_attribute_init (PangoAttribute *attr, const PangoAttrClass *klass);
Initializes attr
's klass to klass
, it's start_index to zero,
and end_index to G_MAXUINT
such that the attribute applies
to the entire text by default.
a PangoAttribute |
a PangoAttributeClass |
Since 1.20
PangoAttribute* pango_attribute_copy (const PangoAttribute *attr);
Make a copy of an attribute.
a PangoAttribute |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
gboolean pango_attribute_equal (const PangoAttribute *attr1, const PangoAttribute *attr2);
Compare two attributes for equality. This compares only the actual value of the two attributes and not the ranges that the attributes apply to.
a PangoAttribute |
another PangoAttribute |
Returns : |
TRUE if the two attributes have the same value.
void pango_attribute_destroy (PangoAttribute *attr);
Destroy a PangoAttribute and free all associated memory.
a PangoAttribute. |
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_language_new (PangoLanguage *language);
Create a new language tag attribute.
language tag |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_family_new (const char *family);
Create a new font family attribute.
the family or comma separated list of families |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_style_new (PangoStyle style);
Create a new font slant style attribute.
the slant style |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_variant_new (PangoVariant variant);
Create a new font variant attribute (normal or small caps)
the variant |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_stretch_new (PangoStretch stretch);
Create a new font stretch attribute
the stretch |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_weight_new (PangoWeight weight);
Create a new font weight attribute.
the weight |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_size_new (int size);
Create a new font-size attribute in fractional points.
the font size, in PANGO_SCALE ths of a point.
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_size_new_absolute (int size);
Create a new font-size attribute in device units.
the font size, in PANGO_SCALE ths of a device unit.
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.8
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_font_desc_new (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
Create a new font description attribute. This attribute allows setting family, style, weight, variant, stretch, and size simultaneously.
the font description |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_foreground_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue);
Create a new foreground color attribute.
the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535) |
the green value |
the blue value |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_background_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue);
Create a new background color attribute.
the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535) |
the green value |
the blue value |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_strikethrough_new (gboolean strikethrough);
Create a new strike-through attribute.
TRUE if the text should be struck-through.
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue);
Create a new strikethrough color attribute. This attribute modifies the color of strikethrough lines. If not set, strikethrough lines will use the foreground color.
the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535) |
the green value |
the blue value |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.8
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_underline_new (PangoUnderline underline);
Create a new underline-style attribute.
the underline style. |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_underline_color_new (guint16 red, guint16 green, guint16 blue);
Create a new underline color attribute. This attribute modifies the color of underlines. If not set, underlines will use the foreground color.
the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535) |
the green value |
the blue value |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.8
the PangoUnderline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type of underlining.
no underline should be drawn | |
a single underline should be drawn | |
a double underline should be drawn | |
a single underline should be drawn at a position
beneath the ink extents of the text being
underlined. This should be used only for underlining
single characters, such as for keyboard
accelerators. PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE should
be used for extended portions of text.
a wavy underline should be drawn below. This underline is typically used to indicate an error such as a possilble mispelling; in some cases a contrasting color may automatically be used. This type of underlining is available since Pango 1.4. |
#define PANGO_TYPE_UNDERLINE (pango_underline_get_type())
The GObject type for PangoUnderline.
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_shape_new (const PangoRectangle *ink_rect, const PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
Create a new shape attribute. A shape is used to impose a particular ink and logical rectangle on the result of shaping a particular glyph. This might be used, for instance, for embedding a picture or a widget inside a PangoLayout.
ink rectangle to assign to each character |
logical rectangle to assign to each character |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_shape_new_with_data (const PangoRectangle *ink_rect, const PangoRectangle *logical_rect, gpointer data, PangoAttrDataCopyFunc copy_func, GDestroyNotify destroy_func);
Like pango_attr_shape_new()
, but a user data pointer is also
provided; this pointer can be accessed when later
rendering the glyph.
ink rectangle to assign to each character |
logical rectangle to assign to each character |
user data pointer |
function to copy data when the attribute
is copied. If NULL , data is simply copied
as a pointer.
function to free data when the attribute
is freed, or NULL
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.8
gpointer (*PangoAttrDataCopyFunc) (gconstpointer data);
A copy function passed to attribute new functions that take user data.
the user data |
Returns : |
a new copy of data .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_scale_new (double scale_factor);
Create a new font size scale attribute. The base font for the
affected text will have its size multiplied by scale_factor
factor to scale the font |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
#define PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL ((double)0.5787037037037)
The scale factor for three shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2)).
#define PANGO_SCALE_X_SMALL ((double)0.6444444444444)
The scale factor for two shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2)).
#define PANGO_SCALE_SMALL ((double)0.8333333333333)
The scale factor for one shrinking step (1 / 1.2).
#define PANGO_SCALE_LARGE ((double)1.2)
The scale factor for one magnification step (1.2).
#define PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE ((double)1.4399999999999)
The scale factor for two magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2).
#define PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE ((double)1.728)
The scale factor for three magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2).
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_rise_new (int rise);
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
the amount that the text should be displaced vertically, in Pango units. Positive values displace the text upwards. |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_letter_spacing_new (int letter_spacing);
Create a new letter-spacing attribute.
amount of extra space to add between graphemes of the text, in Pango units. |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.6
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_fallback_new (gboolean enable_fallback);
Create a new font fallback attribute.
If fallback is disabled, characters will only be used from the closest matching font on the system. No fallback will be done to other fonts on the system that might contain the characters in the text.
TRUE if we should fall back on other fonts
for characters the active font is missing.
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.4
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_gravity_new (PangoGravity gravity);
Create a new gravity attribute.
the gravity value; should not be PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO .
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.16
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_gravity_hint_new (PangoGravityHint hint);
Create a new gravity hint attribute.
the gravity hint value. |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be
freed with pango_attribute_destroy() .
Since 1.16
typedef struct { guint16 red; guint16 green; guint16 blue; } PangoColor;
The PangoColor structure is used to represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB color-space.
guint16 |
The red component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity. |
guint16 |
The green component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity. |
guint16 |
The blue component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity. |
gboolean pango_color_parse (PangoColor *color, const char *spec);
Fill in the fields of a color from a string specification. The
string can either one of a large set of standard names. (Taken
from the X11 rgb.txt
file), or it can be a hex value in the
form '#rgb' '#rrggbb' '#rrrgggbbb' or '#rrrrggggbbbb' where
'r', 'g' and 'b' are hex digits of the red, green, and blue
components of the color, respectively. (White in the four
forms is '#fff' '#ffffff' '#fffffffff' and '#ffffffffffff')
a PangoColor structure in which to store the result, or NULL
a string specifying the new color |
Returns : |
TRUE if parsing of the specifier succeeded,
otherwise false.
PangoColor* pango_color_copy (const PangoColor *src);
Creates a copy of src
, which should be freed with
. Primarily used by language bindings,
not that useful otherwise (since colors can just be copied
by assignment in C).
color to copy, may be NULL
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoColor, which should
be freed with pango_color_free() , or NULL
if src was NULL .
void pango_color_free (PangoColor *color);
Frees a color allocated by pango_color_copy()
an allocated PangoColor, may be NULL
gchar* pango_color_to_string (const PangoColor *color);
Returns a textual specification of color
in the hexadecimal form
, where r
and b
are hex digits representing
the red, green, and blue components respectively.
a PangoColor |
Returns : |
a newly-allocated text string that must be freed with g_free() .
Since 1.16
typedef struct _PangoAttrList PangoAttrList;
The PangoAttrList structure represents a list of attributes
that apply to a section of text. The attributes are, in general,
allowed to overlap in an arbitrary fashion, however, if the
attributes are manipulated only through pango_attr_list_change()
the overlap between properties will meet stricter criteria.
Since the PangoAttrList structure is stored as a linear list, it is not suitable for storing attributes for large amounts of text. In general, you should not use a single PangoAttrList for more than one paragraph of text.
#define PANGO_TYPE_ATTR_LIST pango_attr_list_get_type ()
The GObject type for PangoAttrList.
PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_new (void);
Create a new empty attribute list with a reference count of one.
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttrList, which should
be freed with pango_attr_list_unref() .
PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_ref (PangoAttrList *list);
Increase the reference count of the given attribute list by one.
a PangoAttrList, may be NULL
Returns : |
The attribute list passed in |
Since 1.10
void pango_attr_list_unref (PangoAttrList *list);
Decrease the reference count of the given attribute list by one. If the result is zero, free the attribute list and the attributes it contains.
a PangoAttrList, may be NULL
PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_copy (PangoAttrList *list);
Copy list
and return an identical new list.
a PangoAttrList, may be NULL
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttrList, with a
reference count of one, which should
be freed with pango_attr_list_unref() .
Returns NULL if list was NULL .
void pango_attr_list_insert (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr);
Insert the given attribute into the PangoAttrList. It will
be inserted after all other attributes with a matching
a PangoAttrList |
the attribute to insert. Ownership of this value is assumed by the list. |
void pango_attr_list_insert_before (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr);
Insert the given attribute into the PangoAttrList. It will
be inserted before all other attributes with a matching
a PangoAttrList |
the attribute to insert. Ownership of this value is assumed by the list. |
void pango_attr_list_change (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr);
Insert the given attribute into the PangoAttrList. It will replace any attributes of the same type on that segment and be merged with any adjoining attributes that are identical.
This function is slower than pango_attr_list_insert()
creating a attribute list in order (potentially much slower
for large lists). However, pango_attr_list_insert()
is not
suitable for continually changing a set of attributes
since it never removes or combines existing attributes.
a PangoAttrList |
the attribute to insert. Ownership of this value is assumed by the list. |
void pango_attr_list_splice (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttrList *other, gint pos, gint len);
This function opens up a hole in list
, fills it in with attributes from
the left, and then merges other
on top of the hole.
This operation is equivalent to stretching every attribute
that applies at position pos
in list
by an amount len
and then calling pango_attr_list_change()
with a copy
of each attribute in other
in sequence (offset in position by pos
This operation proves useful for, for instance, inserting a pre-edit string in the middle of an edit buffer.
a PangoAttrList |
another PangoAttrList |
the position in list at which to insert other
the length of the spliced segment. (Note that this
must be specified since the attributes in other
may only be present at some subsection of this range)
PangoAttrList* pango_attr_list_filter (PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttrFilterFunc func, gpointer data);
Given a PangoAttrList and callback function, removes any elements
of list
for which func
returns TRUE
and inserts them into
a new list.
a PangoAttrList |
callback function; returns TRUE if an attribute
should be filtered out.
Data to be passed to func
Returns : |
the new PangoAttrList or NULL if
no attributes of the given types were found.
Since 1.2
gboolean (*PangoAttrFilterFunc) (PangoAttribute *attribute, gpointer data);
A predicate function used by pango_attr_list_filter()
to filter out a subset of attributes for a list.
a PangoAttribute |
callback data passed to pango_attr_list_filter()
Returns : |
TRUE if the attribute should be filtered out
PangoAttrIterator* pango_attr_list_get_iterator (PangoAttrList *list);
Create a iterator initialized to the beginning of the list.
must not be modified until this iterator is freed.
a PangoAttrList |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttrIterator, which should
be freed with pango_attr_iterator_destroy() .
typedef struct _PangoAttrIterator PangoAttrIterator;
The PangoAttrIterator structure is used to represent an
iterator through a PangoAttrList. A new iterator is created
with pango_attr_list_get_iterator()
. Once the iterator
is created, it can be advanced through the style changes
in the text using pango_attr_iterator_next()
. At each
style change, the range of the current style segment and the
attributes currently in effect can be queried.
PangoAttrIterator* pango_attr_iterator_copy (PangoAttrIterator *iterator);
Copy a PangoAttrIterator
a PangoAttrIterator. |
Returns : |
the newly allocated PangoAttrIterator, which should
be freed with pango_attr_iterator_destroy() .
gboolean pango_attr_iterator_next (PangoAttrIterator *iterator);
Advance the iterator until the next change of style.
a PangoAttrIterator |
Returns : |
FALSE if the iterator is at the end of the list, otherwise TRUE
void pango_attr_iterator_range (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, gint *start, gint *end);
Get the range of the current segment. Note that the
stored return values are signed, not unsigned like
the values in PangoAttribute. To deal with this API
oversight, stored return values that wouldn't fit into
a signed integer are clamped to G_MAXINT
a PangoAttrIterator |
location to store the start of the range |
location to store the end of the range |
PangoAttribute* pango_attr_iterator_get (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, PangoAttrType type);
Find the current attribute of a particular type at the iterator location. When multiple attributes of the same type overlap, the attribute whose range starts closest to the current location is used.
a PangoAttrIterator |
the type of attribute to find. |
Returns : |
the current attribute of the given type, or NULL
if no attribute of that type applies to the current
void pango_attr_iterator_get_font (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoLanguage **language, GSList **extra_attrs);
Get the font and other attributes at the current iterator position.
a PangoAttrIterator |
a PangoFontDescription to fill in with the current values.
The family name in this structure will be set using
pango_font_description_set_family_static() using values from
an attribute in the PangoAttrList associated with the iterator,
so if you plan to keep it around, you must call:
pango_font_description_set_family (desc, pango_font_description_get_family (desc)) .
if non-NULL , location to store language tag for item, or NULL
if none is found.
if non-NULL , location in which to store a list of non-font
attributes at the the current position; only the highest priority
value of each attribute will be added to this list. In order
to free this value, you must call pango_attribute_destroy() on
each member.
GSList* pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs (PangoAttrIterator *iterator);
Gets a list of all attributes at the current position of the iterator.
a PangoAttrIterator |
Returns : |
a list of all attributes for the current range.
To free this value, call pango_attribute_destroy() on
each value and g_slist_free() on the list.
Since 1.2
void pango_attr_iterator_destroy (PangoAttrIterator *iterator);
Destroy a PangoAttrIterator and free all associated memory.
a PangoAttrIterator. |